Meeting Student Council

Two days had passed since the the first class, Amden took. 

Today as usual after taking his class with Emilio, he was walking towards his dormitory. 

Luna and Lucas had went to the training chambers of the academy. They strived every moment to get stronger.

He wasn't much far from his dorm when a student probably few years older than him stood in his path.

His face showed clear arrogance and contempt for everybody.

He asked in his arrogant tone, "Are you Amden?"

Amden nodded.

The student's tone grew more rude, "Why haven't you reported to the student council till now? Come with me the vice president has asked for you?"

The 5th year representative was the president of the council and the 4th year representative was the vice president. And Amden knew the 4th year representative was Delerio Batrick from the Maple Chamber of Commerce.