
As the Snowstorm became worse as time passed, Scott had nothing to do but look outside. 

Bored and done with his homework, Scott tried to talk to his mother.

"Hey Mom. Do you wonder why many people aren't here sometimes? As if we never seen our neighbors or anyone in our area."

"Oh don't worry sweetie. We have a neighbor right next to us and I'm planning to see her again!"

"Really and who might that be?"

"That's a surprise. If she comes back to our house again, then maybe I might show you who she is!"

"Sure Mom." Scott looking at the snowstorm.

"I wonder what John is up to." Scott looking in the clouds of the snowstorm.

Meanwhile, Laura in her room, did nothing but also looked outside of the window as she looked at every snowflake falling from the clouds. 

Holding her stuffed animal, she still questions herself, "This snow. Why does it feel so cold, but in a very good way?"

"Why is it that this snow… giving me some sort of memory that I am conscious of. But I can't find that consciousness."


Suddenly, John started knocking on the door. "Hey babe. I'm cooking some dinner tonight. What do you want?"

"Anything you want sweetie!" Laura's voice is high pitched.

"Sigh. Stupid bitch." John headed downstairs to the kitchen.

As he put on his apron, John went to the cookbook to see what to cook. Suddenly, he saw that there was a dish that he might cook.

"Pot Roast. Never heard of that dish in a long time. I guess those processed fast foods and pizzas had alternated my taste buds." John headed towards the refrigerator getting the ingredients needed.

As John was cutting up the vegetables as well as slowly cooking up the beef in the broth, John had some sort of nostalgia as he was looking at the dinner table across from him.

He would then see images of his young self as well as his older brother Jonathan. 

"Hey Johnathan." Young John looked at the table with eaten food.

"Yeah little bro?" Jonathan getting up from his nap.

"What happened to all the food? I was in my room doing some homework and I saw that the table was empty."

Jonathan looked at the clock. "Ah shoot. It's 10:30 PM. The family must've ate already."

"But big brother, what can I eat? I'm starving."

"Don't worry little bro. I'll cook us some pot roast. Will you like that?"

"Sure." Younger John smiled.

As the vision went away, John went back to cutting the potatoes and the carrots to put in the pot roast.

"Just some sort of vision I'm having." John focuses on cutting the vegetables.

"Cooking pot roast?" A mysterious voice spoke behind John.

"What the hell?" John put down the knife.

"I knew it was your favorite, ever since I cooked you it." 

As John looked behind, it was Jonathan.

"Big brother! How is this possible? I buried your body under our household."

"Little bro, when I smell that beef slowly cooking in the pot, I had to see where that smell was coming from and saw that you were cooking something delicious."

"You aren't answering my question. How…."

"When are you going to finish cooking that? I'm so starving. Sadly, I can't physically eat this."

John didn't talk as he saw Jonathan slowly taking a seat at the dinner table.

"You know little brother. I wish you can become the person you truly were. The person who worked hard in school, is resilient, and keeps trying in life."

"What are you talking about Jonathan? I am the true me! I'm the King of High School, have a girlfriend, Varsity Baseball Player, and the most popular kid in school!"

"But John, do you really want this life? Something that you live in a fantasy of?"

"Please, big brother. Stop!"

"I mean look at yourself. You murdered many people for a long time because they hurt your soft heart. And with this ridiculous title you put on yourself, you named yourself that because it wasn't something you achieve but something you try to shield your insecurities over."

"Please! Stop!" John headed to the sink pouring cold water on his face.

As he turned off the sink, he looked at the dinner table again and his vision of Jonathan was gone.

"What was that?" John looked down.

"Whatever. Got to get back to cooking dinner." John continued to cut the potatoes and carrots.

Meanwhile, Laura, still looking outside, kept seeing the snowstorm not as a natural disaster, but more of a scenery. The sounds of the rapid winds in her ears as well as the beautiful pure white snow has made her constantly put her focus on every snowflake falling down.

"I don't know why I feel like this. It just feels so good and.... warm."

The door then started knocking. "Laura. Dinner's ready. Don't give a shit if you don't come down." John knocked on the door.

"Okay!" Laura went downstairs to have dinner.

Coming downstairs, Laura was approached with pot roast ready for both her and John on the dinner table.

"Oh my God! This food looks so delicious!" Laura holding her hands to her cheek.

"Shut up and come eat." John sat down.

Laura joined him as she took the spoon and ate the pot roast very quickly.

"That was delicious! Can I have some more?!" Laura pointing her bowl towards John.

"Sure." John continued eating.

As Laura got a second round from the pot, she wanted to ask John something.

"John sweetie! What do you think about the snow?! For some reason, it feels wonderful."

"Don't care."

"But sweetie! It is so beautiful! How every flake falls from the clouds and the cool breeze that I always feel in my pale cheeks. I just can't stop thinking about the snow!"

"Babe, snow is snow. I've lived in this town for a very long time and seen snow for a long time. Can I eat now?"

"But John. Maybe we can play in the snow, you know! It would be nice to make snowmen, or even sled on that toppest hill in this town!"

"I said let me eat you stupid women!" John yelled as he got off his seat.

Laura, still smiling, John just felt upset that he yelled at her.

"Look babe, I'm just stressed out. I'm sorry for yelling at you. But can you please let me eat?"

"Okay! Sorry for annoying you!" Laura giggled.

As John sat down again, Laura questioned something.

"John sweetie! What happened to your face!" Laura pointing on John's right cheek. 

"What?" John touching his right cheek.

When he touched his cheek, a little part of his skin felt as if he had a wrinkle. It felt a bit weird for John but he tried to ignore it.

"It's nothing babe." John continued to eat.

The next day as the snowstorm was over, Scott approached Laura in the cafeteria. She was with her cheerleading squad having lunch together. 

"So girls. I don't know why but doesn't the snowstorm yesterday seem so beautiful to you?" Laura questions her friends.

"Not really. Was focused on my homework." A cheerleader replied.

"I just ignored it." Another cheerleader replied.

"I see. But to me it was-"

"Laura!" Scott yelled as he approached her.

"What does he want?" Laura gave Scott a frowning look.

"Okay ladies! Let's get in contact later alright!"

The other cheerleaders left their table as Scott walked closer.

As Scott approached Laura, he put his hands on her table.

"What do you want?" Laura sipped on her juice box.

"Really Laura? Is that your plan? To terrorize me and my friends just so you can make me confess."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Laura kept sipping on her juice box.

Suddenly, Scott slapped the juice box out of Laura's hand. "Don't play stupid with me! I knew you sent Drake and his team against me!"

"You better watch your tone Scott! Don't forget my boyfriend is the King of High School! He will kick your ass if he sees you doing that!"

"Really Laura! John coming to save your ass? I bet he doesn't even care about you! If he did, he would've come here already and probably snapped my neck! But guess what, he ain't coming!"

"Shut up! John does care for me!"

"Oh yeah! Then why are you so desperate of wanting me to confess that you brought the whole basketball team on me and my friends! Is it to get John's attention. Or is it because you lack the affection you want from him?"

Laura, with nothing to speak back, threw her cup of chocolate pudding at Scott's face. "He does care for me and I hired Drake and his team just...…BECAUSE!" 

Laura then stomped away as many people in the cafeteria were looking at both Laura and Scott.

Wiping off the pudding in his face, Scott watches Laura walk away. "Why do you care for him even if he doesn't for you?"

Laura walking into the bathroom started to get upset as she sat on the toilet and tears slowly came down from her chin.

"That's not true. He. Does. Love. Me."