Father vs Son

Standing across from each other, Big Boss smiled at his son with a cold and eerie smile.

"Look at you, David. Covered in your own blood, fresh off a kill and ready to embrace it all!" proudly said Big Boss,

"Fox is still alive…" Snake replied, Big Boss chuckled and just clapped happily for him,

"I knew it, I knew you would make the right choice. Unfortunately the world couldn't see you defect from your nation but now you see what they do to you. I raised you and taught you everything that you need to know to-"

"You're psychotic, I'm not siding with you. You tried making me just like you, you tortured me, made me kill people I thought were my friends and pushed me to a point where I'm horrified and disgusted with myself. I didn't want to kill Frank but I'm gonna kill you." declared Solid Snake,

"You think killing me will take the nightmares away? Do you think everyone you killed today will forgive you if you killed me? You'll still be the same scared little boy trying to run away from their past." Big Boss replied,

"Shut up and let's end this…once and for all." Snake demanded as he assumed his stance,

"Heh…you still have much to learn." Big Boss arrogantly replied as he drew a customized gun with an infinity shaped drum, he began firing which made Solid Snake run to cover.

"You can't hide from me forever, especially in your condition!" called out Big Boss, Snake wasn't sure what to do, he needed to try and catch Big Boss off guard but that was going to be easier said than done. Big Boss looked down on the floor at the blood trail and was about to turn the corner but Snake kicked the gun out his hand and threw a punch but the commander then elbowed his jaw and tossed him aside. Snake was in pain and didn't know how much more punishment his body could handle,

"You should just give up right now, there's no possible way you have the strength to keep going after that fight with Gray Fox. One way or another, this will not end well for you." Big Boss explained,

"I'd rather…die fighting than live siding with you…" Snake answered back, Big Boss then threw a kick but Snake punched his leg then got himself up. Big Boss charged at his son and struck him in the ribs then reached in an attempt to throw him but Snake was quick enough to grab, twist his arm then strike him with a roundhouse kick to the back of his head. Snake then attempted to kick his ribs but Big Boss caught the leg then slammed him onto his back. Before Snake could even get up Big Boss booted him in the face, the commander then slammed his fist down into Snake's face,

"You think facing my doppelgänger means you know what I'm capable of?! You're out of your league here, boy!" Big Boss taunted but Snake managed to free his leg and pushed him off, Snake quickly stood up and struck his thigh with a kick then socked his face with a right hook but then Big Boss parried his punch, elbowed him in the face then pushed him against the wall, stunning Solid Snake. Big Boss then grabbed Snake's hair then slammed his face into the wall, then did it once more with extra force,

"You should be ashamed to wear her headband, especially with this display you are showing!" said Big Boss, he wrapped his arms around Snake's head then lifted and slammed Snake onto the ground. Solid tried getting up but Big Boss pressed his boot against his head,

"Stop fighting me, you know in your heart I am right! You know no one out there will understand you the way I do, this pain, this fear, this anger and sorrow. I know what it's like so why don't you get it?! Why do you keep fighting back when it's pointless?!" Big Boss kept stomping on Solid Snake's head multiple times,

" Can't…can't get up…no! David, get up, fight back! Pain is nothing, get the fuck up David! Get up, Solid Snake! " thought Solid Snake, his heart was pumping adrenaline once more and his knuckles were clenched tighter than before. Solid Snake elbowed Big Boss's knee then socked him right in the jaw, the mad commander stumbled back and saw that look in his son's eyes, that look he wanted to see.

"Good! Let's get-" Snake lunged and shut Big Boss up with an uppercut, launching him back. The max commander flipped backwards and landed on his feet, Big Boss knew the exact words to rile up the leviathan inside Solid Snake, this is what he wanted and this is what made him crack a cold smile right before they could begin their bout.