Leader of the New World

Midnight of New Year's Eve in Washington DC, a crowd of people were outside the White House, in front of a constructed stage which had a podium in the middle. Behind the stage was a tall man with brown hair and gray sides wearing a simple blue suit. He was crouching as he talked with a 11 year old whitish blonde haired boy also dressed in a suit.

"Ok, promise me you'll still be here when I get back. It'll just be a quick speech then we'll get started on our ice cream monster movie marathon." The man said to the boy,

"You promise you won't do work stuff, dad?" He asked,

"I promise, I'll even have my secretary hold my calls and give everyone the night off." He happily reassured him,

"Ok, do your thing dad!" The boy said with a toothy grin,

"I will, love you, Jack." He said to the boy as he gave him a warm hug,

"Love you too, dad!" Jack replied as his father stood up and walked onto the stage, embracing the deafening cheers of his name. He raised his arms happily, embracing the people fully as he walked to his podium. Cameras flashing and recording him as he prepared to speak to the nation,

"My fellow Americans, we have dealt with much tragedy last week after the heinous and devastating attacks committed by Big Boss's terrorist group known as Outer Heaven. While many ran away, I went into the city streets of New York with my son on my back, fighting off these cowardly men who believe they can just attack us and get away with it. This beautiful glorious nation, we were all born and raised here and anyone who comes into this nation either legally or illegally are an American citizen who are willing to fight and die for this beautiful land of opportunity. When those cowards attacked us, we all united and fought back. Whether you are a man, woman, transgender, non binary, gay, straight, black, white, all kinds of people picked up an arm and helped everyone during this tragic invasion. Rest assured my fellow Americans, I will make sure our beautiful country flourish like a phoenix and welcome this new millennium under a new age of enlightenment and prosperity. For I, your 42nd president, George Sears will make America a place where everyone is welcomed and everyone will be given the same liberties and opportunities as each citizen in this crowd. Goodnight and may you all be blessed on this wonderful New Year's Night!" He spoke which made the crowd erupt more louder as they praised their President, George loved every second of this. He didn't know what the future would bring but he knew he would carry out his duty and bring a better world than the one that was left behind.