Chapter 6

Ace only took a day to fully heal from his injuries. Keeping the promise to Luffy, the three of them decided to spend two months earning money so that they can splurge on the big day. The day they'll eat ramen.

Ace and Sabo spent those two months teaching Luffy their techniques. However, Luffy wanted to focus more on his Devil Fruit powers after Ace teased him that his Devil Fruit power is useless in a fight.

Ace knew it wasn't true, but he kept it to himself. Still, he and Sabo helped Luffy develop his Devil Fruit power along with training his body so that he can perform the techniques they know.

Luffy was a rather slow learner. Even after two months, he couldn't do a proper technique with his Devil Fruit. Much less the Six Powers. But, neither Ace nor Sabo gave up on Luffy.

Throughout the past two months, they got to know Luffy more. He had a personality that would undoubtedly make him become strong. He just needed time and practice. Luffy will have plenty with both.

Ace and Sabo took turns training Luffy and collecting money by either stealing or salvaging materials. Two months quickly passed by.

Then, the day came. The three of them headed for the Goa Kingdom. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy stood at a derelict part of the wall surrounding the kingdom. They were looking around, trying to see if there was anyone who could see them.

"Coast is clear. Let's be quick," Ace said. Him and Sabo then took Luffy by his hands before using Air Jump to fly and get on top of the wall.

"We're flying! Amazing! Shishishi!"

Luffy wasn't afraid at all despite how high up he was. He already trusted Ace and Sabo with his life. Besides, even if he fell, he'd still survive. He's 'rubber', after all. He just enjoyed the feeling of flying. He saw Ace and Sabo use the Air Jump technique, but experiencing it was much different.

'Maybe this was what Luffy needed? Getting a grasp on what the technique feels like?'

The three of them stopped to look at the sight first when they got on top of the wall. The entirety of Goa Kingdom as well as almost all of Dawn Island can be seen as it stretched out right in front of their eyes.

Ace and Sabo didn't take as much time to look at the sight. They've seen it countless times, after all. Ace tapped Luffy on the shoulder to get his attention before pointing at where they would go to eat ramen.

"See that Luffy? That's where the best ramen in the kingdom is made. The folks running it are pretty kind too. Unlike the first one Sabo and I went to."

"What're we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Hold up! Not before we wear these."

Ace handed a plain black hoodless cloak to Luffy. Him and Sabo already had their own. They wore it over their clothes.

"This is cool!" Luffy said as he looked at his cloak. "I'll definitely wear one like this when I become a pirate!"

'Oh, you definitely will.'

"Let's go!" Sabo took the lead this time. He jumped off the wall, followed by Ace and then Luffy. The three of them grinned widely as they enjoyed the sensation of falling from a great height.

"WAHOO!" Luffy cheered as he fell. One hand was on his straw hat to prevent it from flying away.

Ace and Sabo used Air Jump to maneuver themselves midair. The two of them were beside Luffy. When they got low enough, Ace and Sabo took Luffy by his hands to carry him with their Air Jump. They landed safely in a dark corner of Edge Town where some of the more fortunate marginalized people of the kingdom live.

"Shishishi! Let's do that again!"

"That's how Ace and I entered the kingdom ever since we learned Air Jump, Luffy. You'll be able to enter like that soon."

"Can't wait!"

The three of them then headed to their destination with Ace leading the way. Despite it being a dangerous area for normal children, the three of them walked as if they were strolling around in a park. Seeing them so happy made the others who were watching them mad.

They were the dumb ones who didn't know the infamous Ace and Sabo of Gray Terminal.

"Hey kids! You think this is a park or something?" A dozen hoodlums surrounded the trio. Ace, Sabo, and even Luffy didn't look scared.

"I'm gonna make you regret leaving your mommy!"

"Wanna cry? Wanna cry?"

The dumb hoodlums thought the three boys were silent because they were scared. Seeing the perfect example of cannon fodder in front of him, Ace tried practicing his Conqueror's Haki. He wasn't afraid of affecting Sabo and Luffy. He knew they were strong enough to withstand it if he somehow used it. Ace wasn't sure it would work, but he tried anyway.

"Out of our way, extras," Ace said as he tried using his Conqueror's Haki. It didn't work. It just pissed off the dumb hoodlums.

"Fuck'd you say?"

"I'll cut your tongue, kid!"

The hoodlums circled closer. Ace and Sabo paid them no mind. The two of them turned to Luffy.

"Hey, Luffy?"

"What is it, Ace?"

"You said you were strong, right?"

"Yeah! I'm strong!"

Ace and Sabo grinned before jumping at the hoodlums. In what seemed to be just an instant, Ace and Sabo each took out four hoodlums. Eight were down, four were remaining.

"You handle those four!" Sabo said to Luffy after giving him the metal pipe he used. They still haven't looked for one that Luffy could use.

"Leave them to me!" Luffy said as he did practice swings with the metal pipe.

Luffy jumped at the four remaining hoodlums who were still flabbergasted at seeing eight of them go down instantly to two little kids. Luffy took much longer than Ace and Sabo to deal with the four hoodlums, but the important thing was that he won.

"Ohh? Not bad, Luffy!"

"Shishishi! Told you I'm strong!" Luffy said as he handed the metal pipe back to Sabo.

"Just stick with us and you'll get stronger."

"I know," Luffy said with a nod.

The three of them then walked away as if they didn't just beat a dozen mean thrice their size. The others watching who knew what Ace and Sabo were capable of only sighed.

"Great. Now there's three of them."

"Hey, let's get out of here. That's Ace and Sabo of Gray Terminal!"

"Who's the dumb looking kid with them, though?"

"Who cares? I bet it's another little monster!"

Ace learned to enjoy the attention on him and Sabo whenever they walked around in the kingdom. At first, it was rather annoying. Then he learned to ignore it. Finally, he learned to enjoy it. Sabo just didn't care. He never felt like this kingdom was his home, anyway. He felt more welcome at the Gray Terminal and with the Dadan Bandits.

The two of them watched Luffy look around with childish wonder. He gaped at every sight he saw. It was his first time being in such a place where there were a lot of people and a lot of buildings.

"Hey, you three vermin! Get out of our kingdom!" a 'concerned citizen' shouted at the trio before throwing a rock aimed at Luffy.

Ace and Sabo wordlessly went to action. Sabo caught the rock and Ace held the man by the collar. It was a rather funny sight, a grown man bending down because a kid tightly held his collar.

"We're in a good mood today. Go away."

Ace smelled something funny and looked down. The man pissed himself before running away. Ace didn't use Conqueror's Haki at all. It was just the old man being spineless.

"Anyone else wanna interrupt us?" Ace said after he decided that he should try practicing Conqueror's Haki again. This time, he felt something in him that tried to get out. But it didn't. The people watching just went on their way and tried to ignore the trio.

"Damn. It didn't work," Ace whispered to himself.

"Thanks for looking out for me, Ace."

"Don't mind it."

"Shishishi! If this is what it feels like to have friends, I can't wait to meet my crew," Luffy said as he daydreamed what his crew could be.

Ace and Sabo grinned in return before going back on their path. This time, they had no interruptions. Ten minutes later, the three of them stood outside a small restaurant. The sign outside says 'Nijiraku Ramen', a place Ace and Sabo frequently go to. Ace opened the sliding door and greeted the owner and chef of the small restaurant with Sabo who impatiently tried going inside first.

"Owner Teuchi! Good morning!"

"Ohh? Ace-kun! Sabo-kun! Good morning!" Owner Teuchi greeted in return. He was a kind old man who looks exactly the same as the one Ace knew existed within that anime about ninjas.

Ace looked around at the restaurant. He was delighted to see that it was rather full. Only a few empty seats remained.

"I'm glad to see business is booming for you, Owner!"

"Thank you, Ace-kun. Come in! There's still a few seats."

Ace and Sabo entered, followed by Luffy. Teuchi was surprised to see an unfamiliar face with Ace and Sabo.

"You have a new friend?"

"Yeah! We met him recently," Sabo answered. He was about to introduce Luffy, but Luffy did it first.

"I'm Luffy. The man who'll be King of the Pirates! Nice to meet you, Owner Teuchi!" Luffy introduced himself with a wide grin.

Ace paid attention to the people in the restaurant. He was glad they didn't outright laugh at Luffy. They weren't pirates, after all. Normal citizens hearing a child say he wants to be the leader of ruthless criminals would just pass it off as a silly dream.

"King of the Pirates? Well then, that means you need to grow strong! Food is important! Sit down you three, I'll give each of you a serving of my best ramen!" Teuchi said, gesturing at the three seats in front of the cooking area.

The trio sat down in front of Teuchi. They eagerly watched him cook. The smell only made them hungrier. Teuchi chuckled when he saw the three of them, so he intentionally made more servings for them. He knew they wouldn't be satisfied by just one each.

Ace gulped in anticipation. Owner Teuchi's ramen was simply divine. He wasn't like Sabo who treated ramen like a religion, but he's close to it. The moment Teuchi placed their bowls in front of them, the trio wasted no time.

"Thanks for the food!" The three of them then wolfed down their ramen bowls. They finished almost at the same time. "Seconds please!"

Teuchi chuckled as he took their bowls. He quickly refilled it with ramen. Ace noticed that Teuchi had the foresight to not give a new bowl. Even at their first meeting, Teuchi instinctively knew that Ace and Sabo were big eaters. He just refilled their bowl to save water and soap. Teuchi still had the habit of cutting his cost as much as he could without his business suffering.

The three big eaters continued eating. They were done with their fourth bowls when Ace felt guilty.

"We'll pay this time, Owner."

"No, no, no! Don't worry about it, Ace-kun. This restaurant wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and Sabo."

What Teuchi said caught Luffy's attention.

"What did you guys do?" he asked. It was Teuchi who answered.

"I didn't have this place back when I first met Ace-kun and Sabo-kun. I only had a small stall back then. I could only accommodate two customers at a time."

"Which was a real bummer, I tell you!" Sabo interrupted. "Your ramen is way too good for just a stall, Owner Teuchi! It's still too good for a small restaurant!"

Teuchi chuckled in joy at Sabo's compliment. He looked really happy to see someone love his cooking.

"Thank you, Sabo-kun."

"Then, how did your stall become a restaurant?" Luffy asked, guiding the conversation back to the topic.

"Well, that's because of your two friends. They got me this place"

"What? You guys are rich?" Luffy asked, which made Ace and Sabo laugh.

"Hell no. We just convinced the previous owner of this place to sell it to Owner Teuchi for free. In return, he would get a cut of Nijiraku Ramen's monthly profit for ten years until he gets the return on his investment plus an interest we agreed on," Ace explained to Luffy.

Luffy was silent for a few moments. Ace could swear he heard the gears in Luffy's brain grind as he tried to understand the explanation.

"Ahh. So you beat him up and forced him to give up this place?"


Sabo laughed at Ace and Luffy's interaction before supporting Ace.

"No, Luffy. It was a business agreement. Ace thought of it and I dealt with the numbers part."

"Ahh. That's what it was! You're really smart, Sabo!" Luffy said before looking at Ace strangely. "I didn't know you were smart, Ace. You don't look like it."


Sabo laughed again as Ace and Luffy bickered. At that moment, their refilled bowls came. They instantly stopped what they were doing and went back to eating. They each ate twelve more refills before feeling full.

"Ahh! That was so delicious! You guys were right!" Luffy declared as he patted his bulging belly. "Meat is still better though."

"What? How dare you put ramen below meat! Is your tongue broken, Luffy?" Sabo asked, clearly offended that Luffy didn't respect his beloved ramen.

"Shut up! I said it was delicious! Meat is just better!"

"Your tongue really is broken!"

"STOP ARGUING ABOUT FOOD!" Ace watched Sabo and Luffy argue before pinching their ears to stop them.

Teuchi was just smiling the whole time the three of them were here. He took their bowls to be cleaned.

"I'm glad you found my ramen to be delicious. Feel free to come back anytime, Luffy-kun. Your ramen will also be free."

"Really?" Luffy had stars in his eyes as he drooled at the thought of free food. His daydreaming was interrupted by Ace knocking on his head.

"No it won't!" Ace then tried handing Teuchi a big stack of Berry that would cover their whole meal. "Just take it, Owner Teuchi."

"No, Ace-kun. I said it was free."

"Then, at least take the amount needed to cover Luffy's orders?"



"Owner-san! Refill, please!" another customer in the restaurant called out to Teuchi. He went to take the bowl.

Ace watched the stubborn chef go. Then, he felt the stack of Berry in his hand disappear. He turned his head to see it was in Luffy's hand as he tried to discreetly leave it close to the cash register.

After leaving it where Teuchi would easily find it, Luffy grabbed Ace and Sabo by their wrists before pulling them to run away from the restaurant. Once they were out, Luffy just laughed.

"He's a really kind guy. Let's go back here again!"

"Of course we will!" Ace and Sabo were happy at what Luffy did. The three of them ran side by side. After eating a big meal, they were filled with energy. It was time to go back home.

But they were interrupted by someone. A man called out to Sabo.

"Sabo? Is that you, Sabo?"

The three of them stopped at the same time after hearing someone call out to Sabo with such a familiarity. Ace recognized him as Outlook III. Sabo's biological father.

"It's you, Sabo! I finally found you!" Outlook III said before approaching Sabo. "It's time to go home."

Ace and Luffy watched him casually grab Sabo by the wrist. He tried pulling Sabo away, but he couldn't. Sabo stood still. He tried using more force to pull Sabo, but Sabo still didn't even budge a little. Outlook III eventually used both hands to pull Sabo, but it was still the same result.

"Let go of me, you geezer. You look pathetic. Stop embarrassing yourself," Sabo coldly said to his father. Ace influenced him a lot. Sabo became more strong-minded and free.

"Sabo! Come back home where you belong!" Outlook III said before glaring at Ace and Luffy who looked at him in a similar way Sabo did. "You don't belong with these… filth!"

Sabo snapped. With his other hand, he grabbed his father's wrist. He pulled down. When Outlook III was on his knees, Sabo strengthened his grip. There was an audible snap.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Outlook III screamed pathetically in a high-pitched voice. Sabo still had that cold and wrathful look on his face.

"If Ace and Luffy are filth, then I'm filth too," Sabo let go of Outlook III's broken wrist. The man clutched his wrist in pain, still on his knees. "I belong with them more than I ever did with you and that ugly hag, you geezer."

Sabo then turned around and led Ace and Luffy on their run back home.

"Who was that guy?" Luffy asked.

"We'll talk later, Luffy," Ace said. He felt Sabo wasn't really in the mood to talk. Ace suspected Sabo would go to the spot he shared with him a few years ago. The cliff overlooking the ocean.

Luffy listened to Ace. The three of them ran in silence. They just followed Sabo. Ace was right. The path Sabo was taking was the one that would lead them to that cliff overlooking the ocean. When they got there, Sabo stood over the edge and shouted.


Ace and Luffy let Sabo scream whatever he bottled up. After that, Luffy asked what he wanted to know.

"Who was that guy, Sabo?"

"Ahh, him?" Sabo scratched his head and took a leap of faith. He didn't know how Luffy would react. "He's my father. I'm the son of a noble."

Luffy just stared at Sabo. He picked his nose before speaking.

"Okay then. That's it?"

Ace laughed while Sabo was confused. Normally, there would be more shock if someone came to know that he's a noble.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Really? I thought it was a big deal."

"You're not… disappointed or something?"

"Why would I be?"

"I'm a noble! I could live a lavish life without any worries! Not everyone has that luxury. You don't think I made a stupid choice? Running away from that life?"

Luffy flicked the booger he picked from his nose at Ace before speaking. It hit Ace on the cheek.

"Hey! Don't throw your boogers at me!" Ace shouted after flicking the booger off his cheek.

"It's your life, Sabo. Not mine. You can do whatever you want," Luffy said, ignoring Ace. "But, I'm glad you ran away. I wouldn't have met you if you didn't! Shishishi!"

Ace watched Sabo's strained face relax and go back to normal. As if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Sabo already told Ace about his parents. Ace accepted him. The thought that maybe Luffy won't do the same bothered him.

"Well, now that Sabo shared his secret with you, it's time I shared mine. There shouldn't be any secrets between us," Ace said as he faced Luffy. "My father is Roger. The King of the Pirates."

Luffy blinked twice. And then he screamed.



"That's so cool! Your dad is amazing! What was he like?"

"How should I know? I never met him."

"Shishishi! Maybe you'll get to know him more when you become a pirate, Ace! He must have a lot of friends out there!"

"Yeah. I probably will."

'I already know a lot about him, though. Still, I'm sure he's so much more.'

"How nice, you guys have dads. I don't have one," Luffy was bummed he didn't have a dad. At least, he thought he didn't. But Ace and Sabo already knew.

"Luffy, you don't know who your dad is?" Sabo asked.

"Nope. I have a dad?"

"Everyone has a dad, Luffy," Ace sighed.

"Ehh? Then, how come you guys know him?"

"Gramps told us. Your dad's name is Monkey D. Dragon. Gramps said he's a criminal."

"So, my dad is a pirate?"

"Something like that."

In the past five years Ace and Sabo got close to Garp. In a way, they were genuinely his grandsons in all but blood. One night when Garp was drunk and more talkative than usual, he told them about having a son. A man who became a marine only to betray the Navy later on. Since Luffy was his grandson, Ace and Sabo just connected the dots.

"Shishishi! Being a pirate is in my blood, huh?"

"Ace! Luffy!" Sabo called out to his two best friends. "I'm really, REALLY, serious about being a pirate! Someday, I'll get out of this island and live freely! Then, I'll write a book about all my adventures!"

Sabo shouted his dream at the ocean stretching out in front of him. "Are you guys with me?"

"Of course!" Ace scoffed. "I'm gonna become one. You don't have to tell me to!"

Ace joined Sabo and shouted his dream at the ocean once again, this time with his two best friends. No, his soon to be two brothers.

"I'll go out there and beat all the other pirates! I'll surpass every last one of them and become even more notorious than my father! I'll be the Emperor of the Seas!"

At that moment, Ace felt it. The final phase of the fusion of his two souls. He felt his grasp on the power deep inside him. That could only mean one thing, and Ace was dying to test it out.

Luffy laughed in glee at his two brothers' declaration. He joined them soon after.

"I got it! In that case! I'm gonna…!"

Ace felt shivers go down his spine the moment Luffy declared his true dream to the world. The ocean, Ace, and Sabo were his witnesses. He already knew what Luffy's dream was since he finished One Piece. Of course, he won't spoil what it is to the readers. When the author wrote this, the manga was still at Wano.

Still, Luffy's dream was one Ace admired. It was so childish. So optimistic. Yet, he had full confidence that Luffy could do it.

Luffy laughed out loud after he declared his dream. Sabo joined him while Ace just grinned wide.

"You're funny, Luffy! I can't wait to see how you turn out in the future!" Sabo said before realizing something. "Wait. We can all be pirates, but isn't it a problem that we all wanna be captains?"

"That's not a problem. You guys can come aboard my ship!" Luffy said.

"No thanks!" Ace and Sabo immediately rejected Luffy's offer.

"Huh? Come on! Come aboard! I already said it, so you gotta do it!"

"That will never happen!"

"What'd you say!" Luffy snapped. "But that's okay."

The three of them laughed and set that worry aside for the future.

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy gathered around a chopped down trunk of a tree that they used as a makeshift table. Three sake cups were placed on the table.

"Oh! You stole that from Dadan!" Luffy said when he saw the bottle of sake in Ace's hand.

"Did you guys know?" Ace said as he opened the bottle. "We can become brothers if we exchange this cup of sake!"

"Brothers? Really?"

"When we become pirates, we might not be on the same ship but our brotherhood will always be with us! We'll always be together!"

The three of them each took a cup of sake and raised it.

"So from now on, we're brothers!" They cheered, clanking their cups together. "Yeah!"

They drank the sake in their cup. At this moment, they were brothers!

"I don't like it," Luffy said with a sour face after he was done drinking. Ace and Sabo laughed with him.