Chapter 22

Ace was currently sailing on Striker to catch up to the Ashen Dragon. Going by his raft was much faster than sailing on a ship. He told Newt what he last told Kuro. He ordered them to sail to Loguetown.

With the Newt Pirates leading the way, the Spade Fleet was sailing to Loguetown. The fleet currently has 15 ships, including the recently subdued Black Cat Pirates. It would have been 17 if the Black Cats didn't sink the two ships, but there's no use crying over spilt milk.

'The fleet's East Blue Division is growing. Now, let's hope it doesn't die while we're on the Grand Line. Ahh, whatever. If it does, I can just try again.'

It took Ace only an hour to go from the Ashen Dragon to the Little Drake. He was expecting to come back close to the previous time frame. He was hoping they weren't at Loguetown yet.

It was a little more than an hour later when Ace saw the Ashen Dragon. They haven't reached Loguetown yet. Ace sailed over to the stern side of the ship and returned Striker back to its lift.

Ace used Observation Haki to feel where everyone was. They were all in their own separate rooms, each of them busy with their own tasks. Ace went over to Doppol and his Second first. They were still on the helm.

"Welcome back, Ace!" Second greeted Ace. "How's the Striker?"

"Perfect! We sailed so smoothly! I think I'm gonna use it more often. It's a great way to train my stamina, too."

Ace realized ever since Baratie that his Devil Fruit powers seem to be using his physical stamina as a fuel. Meaning, as long as Ace was strong enough, he could keep conjuring flames of high intensity for a prolonged period of time.

"I'm g-g-glad to h-h-hear that," Doppol croaked out before barfing in his bucket.

"Hey, you said a full sentence!" Ace grinned at Doppol. "You're getting better! HAHAHAHA!"

Doppol was only able to speak for himself without using his Doubles when it was night time. It was very strange. Ace talked about it with Vash at some point. Their doctor guessed it wasn't really seasickness, but some kind of psychosomatic disorder. Nevertheless, Ace hoped Doppol got better.

"We can see it now, Ace," Second said as he stared off to the horizon.

Ace followed Second's gaze and saw Polestar Island in the distance. Loguetown is a city built on the island right there.

"We're here! I made it in time!" Ace shouted loud enough for the whole ship to hear. "Everyone! Quick meeting on the deck!"

The Royal Pirates went out from their separate rooms for a quick meeting on the deck. They were surprised to see Ace back so soon.

"That must've been an easy errand," Hepha commented.

"It was. Anyway! Let's focus on something more important. Who's up to causing a little chaos with me?" Ace asked with a devilish grin.

"Ahh, here we go," Vash said, knowing that this was coming.

"What're you planning?" Soma asked.

"Ohh, nothing much. Just thought I'd destroy the marine base at Loguetown over there and let our names be known!" Ace announced.

"We'll just follow your lead then, Ace," Terzo sighed. They knew they couldn't convince Ace otherwise.

"By the way, Hepha. While we're here, you sure about going to the Grand Line? We can help you find that Shimotsuki guy, you know?" Ace asked Hepha.

"It's fine," Hepha said. "I'd much rather go with you guys."

"It's settled then! Let's go and get imprisoned!"

"...huh?" Everyone was incredulous at Ace's ridiculous plan.

"I'll just stay and guard the ship, then," Second said.

"I'll go and shop for ingredients," Soma added.

"I broke some tools at the forge. Need to replace them." Hepha scratched the back of her neck.

"Ehh? Come on, guys! It'll be fun!" Ace started explaining the plan to his crew before they docked at Loguetown.

"Land! Oh, sweet and solid land!" Doppol said as he literally kissed the ground of Loguetown's port the moment they got off the Ashen Dragon after docking it.

"Don't puncture a hole in that ground." Ace grinned at his inside joke.

"Why would I do that?"

"Ohh, nothing," Ace waved off the topic. "Anyway, do you know what would happen if you get cuffed in seastone, Doppol?"

"All my Doubles would disintegrate without me retaining their experience. Plus, I can't make Doubles," Doppol answered.

"I see. Then, don't let the marines know you're a Devil Fruit user yet." Ace led most of the group.

Hepha separated from the group along with four Doubles. They were going to restock the ship and buy other necessities in their travel to the Grand Line. She wasn't going to join in the stunt that Ace and the rest were about to pull because she already had a bounty of her own.

Ace used Observation Haki to spread out his senses. He didn't have to reach far. He instantly felt marine squads stealthily encircle a pirate crew that looked to be heading back to their ship after buying supplies.

"Found them. Let's go and join them!" Ace said to Vash, Terzo, Doppol, and Soma.

The five of them ran in the direction Ace sensed. When they got there, a battle was already happening. Ace, Vash, Terzo, and Doppol used Air Jump to go on top of a rooftop. Doppol's strength was enough to be able to use Air Jump, so he learned it very quickly.

"What the-? How'd you guys do that?" Soma gaped at the sight of his crewmates flying.

"You'll need to learn this soon, Soma!" Ace shouted to Soma.

The battle between the pirates and the marines was noisy. None of them noticed the Royal Aces sneak up on the roof to have a bird's eye view of the battle. Soma got up there by climbing up the wall of the building like an assassin.

"Y'know, I feel dumb for never asking. Can you fight, Soma?" Ace asked. He never saw Soma fight, so he didn't know.

"I can. Well, I'm probably not as strong as you guys. But, I definitely won't drag you down. I can handle normal marines easily," Soma answered.

"Well, that's good! Show me what you got later!" Ace patted Soma on the back. "For now, let's wait for the marines to beat those pirates."

The Royal Aces watched the marines slowly but surely achieve victory. They had all the advantages. Quality of weapons, training, teamwork, and the element of surprise. The marines soon defeated the whole pirate crew with minimal casualties.

The one leading them was a woman. She was an Ensign, if Ace heard the marines correctly. She somehow seemed… familiar.

"Ensign Isuka! Thank you for your assistance!" one of the marines saluted the Ensign.

'Isn't she that marine girl in the novel? Shit, I never read that… and I call myself a One Piece fan.'

"Don't mind it. It's a good thing I took a vacation here. I can still do something good," Isuka sighed in relief seeing that the battle was over.

The Royal Aces took that chance to jump down from the rooftop, much to the surprise of the marines. They were strong enough to not be injured from jumping down from that height. The marines instantly reacted by pointing their weapons at the Royal Aces.

"Who are you?" Isuka said as she raised her rapier at Ace's face. He was at the front of the group, so it was common sense to make him out as the leader.

"Woah! No need to point weapons at us! We surrender!" Ace raised his hands, followed by the rest of his crew.

The marines looked at them strangely. Pirates rarely gave up without a fight.

"You think we're idiots? How insulting!" Isuka attacked Ace, nailing him on the shoulder. Ace grinned under the shadow of his hat.


Vash, Terzo, Doppol, and Soma shouted after seeing Ace get stabbed in the shoulder. Red blood flowed down from his wound. Isuka's rapier pierced straight through his shoulder.

"Ahh! Man, that hurts! What was that for?" Ace screamed, pretending to be hurt.

"Wh-? Why didn't you dodge?" Isuka questioned Ace.

"I told you! We surrender! Are you marines so shameless and honorless that you attack surrendering pirates?" Ace screamed, making sure the attention of the returning civilians was on them.

Isuka looked around to see the civilians start whispering while giving her glares. The glares were weak, but they were definitely there. Ace saw her face slightly twist in grief.

"I apologize," Isuka removed the rapier from Ace's shoulder. "Medic! Treat this man's wound, please."

One of the marines immediately went forward and applied medicine and bandage on Ace's shoulder to stop the bleeding. He did it hurriedly, as if he didn't want to be so defenseless while being so close to a pirate.

"Thank you," Ace bowed slightly to the marine. "Now then, let me repeat. We surrender."

The Royal Aces put their hands in front of them as if waiting to be cuffed. The marines looked at each other in disbelief.

"Cuff them," Isuka ordered.

After hearing the order of the highest ranking marine in the group, marines went forward to cuff the Royal Aces with normal iron handcuffs. Ace and the rest of his crew didn't fight back and let themselves be cuffed.

"Where are your weapons?" Isuka said after noticing how not one of the Royal Aces had weapons on them.

"We threw them away after seeing how we're no match for you," Vash said.

In a way, he wasn't lying. All their weapons were back on the Ashen Dragon, safe in their own quarters. Doppol's Doubles stayed behind to guard the ship.

"I see. Well, I don't recognize any of you. Do they have bounties on their heads?" Isuka asked the marine beside her.

"No, Ensign Isuka. I don't think they have. They must be lackeys of the pirates we defeated just now."

"I see. Well then, I believe the five of you would get off easy. No bounties on your heads and you surrendered willingly. I'll make sure you only serve time for a few months at most," Isuka said to the Royal Aces with a comforting smile.

Ace almost felt guilty at fooling the poor marine girl… almost.

"All right, marines! Let's escort the prisoners back to the base!"

"Yes, Ensign!"

The Royal Aces along with the pirates the marines captured before them were escorted to the prison in Loguetown's Marine Base. They were able to see the Marine Captain acting as Base Commander. Ace was disappointed to see that it was not Smoker, just a normal cannon fodder East Blue Marine Captain.

Currently, Ace and the rest of his crew was sitting inside a group cell holding most of those who were recently captured. They were waiting for the verdict on their fates.

At that moment, the unconscious pirates started waking up. They were pretty badly beaten by the marines.

"Wh-where?" The one who looked like their captain uttered. He looked like a conventional pirate with his black cloak and bicorn hat.

"You're in prison. What a bummer, right?" Ace said to the captain. He watched them slowly come to and lean on the gray unpainted walls of the cells they were in.

"We were defeated, huh… so?" The captain turned to Ace. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Me? Your soon to be Commodore!" Ace declared with a proud grin that shouldn't belong to someone who is in prison.

"Pfft! HAHAHAHA!" The pirates laughed at Ace.

"You expect me to work for you? Kid, you're in the same cell as me! Tell me why I shouldn't tear your throat out with my teeth!" the captain threatened Ace.

"A lot of reasons, actually."

Ace snapped the chains of his iron handcuffs with his brute strength. The rest of his crew did the same. The other pirates just widened their eyes as their jaws fell after seeing what Ace and his crew did.

"First, you'll lose your chance to escape."

Ace used his fingers to tear away the cuffs on his wrist. His crew did the same. They were strong enough to easily break iron with their brute strength. It was much weaker than metals like steel, but it was still metal. Ace found good members for his crew.

"Second, you really don't wanna play with fire," Ace said before spontaneously combusting into flames, his figure shrouded by hot fire.

The pirates retreated after seeing Ace just catch fire out of nowhere. They huddled in one corner of the cell as Ace stepped closer to them.

"Demon! Don't come closer!"

"I'd rather rot in jail than be burned!"


Ace watched in amusement how the pirates started freaking out just by seeing him turn into a fire human. Deciding to mess with them further, Ace spoke his last point without turning off the fire covering his whole body.

"Third, as I already said, I'm your future Commodore." The flames covering Ace went out as soon as he uttered his last point.

The pirates started calming down soon after. They were kneeling in a corner as Ace stood over them with a devilish grin. Their captain was the first one to regain his composure.

"W-well then! I'd be glad to be under your banner, Commodore…?"

"Ace! My name is Gol D. Ace!" Ace extended his hand for a handshake. "Welcome to my Spade Fleet!"

The captain shook hands with Ace. The other pirates cheered, no doubt feeling confident at being under the banner of an abnormal man like Ace.

"Pipe down over there! What's with all the noise!"

Ace saw marines who were standing guard converge on the cell they were in. He immediately went to action. By turning himself into fire, Ace slipped through the iron cage of the cell. The moment he got out, he was greeted by marines on both sides as they were in a hallway.

"What was that?"

"Devil Fruit?"

Ace raised both hands to his sides, making a pistol gesture with his fingers.

"Fire Lord's Gun!"

Unlike the canon's Fire Gun, Ace's was a little different. The flames from his fingers were much more compressed, making it much hotter despite being so small. A small beam of fire shot out from Ace's fingers, easily piercing through multiple targets.

If the marines were lined up perfectly, Ace only needed to shoot once to deal with them all. But they weren't. Ace shot a few more short beams of fire to deal with the marines. The beams were so hot that they burned through their target like mini versions of Akainu's donut-making technique.

Ace could've used a more destructive technique that could annihilate the marines in one go, but he didn't want to accidentally hurt his potential fleet members. After dealing with the marines, a loud blaring alarm resounded all over the base. Ace quickly got to work.

There were many cells along the dungeon hallway that held their own prisoners. Ace shouted his invitation instead of going to each cell one by one.

"I am Commodore Ace! Join my fleet! Serve or die?" Ace's voice was heard by all the prisoners.

"Take us, Commodore!"

"Free us and we'll serve you for life!"

"All hail Commodore Ace!"


Ace heard every prisoner acknowledge him as Commodore. He grinned at the number he managed to recruit to serve him under Newt. There were around a hundred pirates, most of them having to fit inside a small cell.

At that moment, a cell broke. It was the one that held Ace and his crew. His friends were more than strong enough to easily break out of such a cell.

"Take their weapons," Ace said to his friends while pointing at the weapons of the fallen marines. "It'll make do."

Vash and Terzo took a rifle and a sword respectively. Doppol and Soma didn't take anything. They used their own bodies to fight.

"Doppol, can you break our poor subordinates out of their cells?" Ace asked.

"With pleasure, Captain!"

Doppol used his Devil Fruit to create multiple Doubles, one for each cell in the hallway. The Doubles stood in front of the cages before breaking the lock with a punch or a kick.

The pirates gratefully gave a small bow to the Doubles before picking up the weapons of the marines Ace dealt with. There were only twenty of them, so not all the pirates managed to get themselves a weapon they could use.

"Now, follow me!"

"Yes, Commodore!"