
Good day, reader! This is Ehnvy, the author of this story.

Before anything else, thank you for checking out this fanfic! Before you start reading, there are a few important notes I need you to be aware of.

First, this fanfic is an AU. Don't expect everything to be the same as canon. When this fanfic formed in my mind, Luffy had just beaten Kaido in the manga. Everything that came after that chapter will probably not be here.

Second, this is a fanfic with Ace having eaten the Flare-Flare Fruit or the Mera-Mera no Mi. I love fire powers. I think they're cool. I'd take the fruit Ace ate in the canon over any other fruit in the story if I was in One Piece. Yes, even Mythical Zoans. I have my preference, you have yours. Don't bother writing comments saying you wanted the Ace in this fanfic to eat a Mythical Zoan. Go find another fanfic if you really hate fruits that aren't Mythical Zoan.

Third, there is no harem. Fuck harems.

Fourth, expect many OCs. I'll tell you now, Ace's crew in this fanfic consists mostly of OCs. They'll be from different anime, but I put effort into writing them as if they're a part of One Piece. Other than that, there won't be many OC antagonists. If that's not your cup of tea, I understand. But I do implore you to try to give it a chance. Maybe you'll like it. If not, please feel free to remove my fanfic from your library. No harm done.

Fifth, Yamato is the love interest of Ace in this fanfic I'm writing. I am a proud Ace x Yamato shipper. Oda even hinted to it… kinda… who knows? Oda loves trolling.

Sixth, the title of this fanfic is 'Emperor of the Seas'. That means, the Ace in this fanfic is much closer to a conventional pirate like Kaido and Blackbeard. Although he can be playful, lighthearted, and kind to people at times, there will still be many instances where he is a ruthless conqueror. The target of his atrocities will mostly be marines and royalty. Remember this, he set out to be an emperor and not a savior. If you expect a 'good guy' in this fanfic, you'll be disappointed.

That concludes the important points I hoped to make sure you're aware of before getting started with reading. If you still want to check out my story even after those points I enumerated, welcome!

Go and witness the rise of the Emperor of the Seas!