Chapter 50

"Birka Library?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, this is the last trace of Birkan culture you'll ever see," Haredan said with a sigh.

"Why is that?" Terzo asked. He already had his pen and journal out.

"Birka is no more, you see," Haredan answered. "Destroyed by the new God of Skypiea."

"God?" Augur raised a brow.

"Oh, no. Not the kind of god you're thinking of, I'm sure. God is just a title given to the ruler of Skypiea," Haredan said before gesturing to the couches. "Please, feel free to sit. Would you like coffee or tea?"

"Coffee, please!" Ace said. The Royal Aces, except Eri and Kotatsu, agreed. The rich smell of coffee permeating all around the room made them crave for it.

"I'll help you brew it," Soma said to Haredan as he stood up.

"Ohh, there's no need for that!"

"I insist." Soma grinned, which made Haredan feel a slight chill crawl behind him.

"Well… in that case, follow me," Haredan said before turning to the Royal Aces who were still seated. "Also, please try to keep quiet. There's an exam upstairs, you see."

"We will," Ace said. Haredan could only nod and trust his word before leading Soma to the kitchen to brew coffee.

"This place is something else," Mihar said as he looked around to read the titles on the spine of the thick books all around them.

"I don't like this place." Eri pouted.

"Don't worry, Eri. These books are way too advanced for you," Mihar said before standing up to stand in front of a bookshelf. He took out a book that caught his attention. "This place is a treasure trove! These books are old and rare!"

"I'm sure Haredan won't mind if we have our Professor check their books out," Ace said. Professor was the nickname he gave Mihar.

"You think he'll mind if I explore the whole building?" Terzo asked Ace.

"Not sure. Let's just wait for him to return."

Terzo and Augur accompanied Mihar and took a book to read. Eri was just sitting patiently, her legs dangling on the edge of the couch since she wasn't tall enough yet. Kotatsu was stretching on the floor.

"What is it, Eri?" Ace asked after feeling Eri stare at him.

"I can do ten push-ups now!" Eri said with a proud grin on her face which Ace reflected.

"Really now? And here I thought you still can't do three." Ace teased Eri, which made her pout.

"Don't forget your promise, okay?"

"I won't."

At that moment, Soma and Haredan returned with a tray filled with cups and a coffee pot. Soma also had a tray of biscuits to accompany the drink.

Seeing that there was no space on top of the table, Ace quickly moved the weapons to the shelf under the table.

Haredan looked like he appreciated the gesture. They set down the trays on the table, and everyone sat back down on the couch. Mihar brought the book he was checking out with him.

"Ahh, that is an informative read," Haredan said, commenting on the book that Mihar chose. "It's a great and timeless book. 'Grand Line Weather and Phenomena' by Sir Weza is a must read for navigators."

The Royal Aces were intrigued. They sipped on their coffee and ate the biscuits as they listened to Haredan. It was obvious that the man in front of them must be knowledgeable.

"Really?" Terzo was the most curious. His official position in the ship was Navigator, after all. "I guess it's more about the weather?"

"Yes. The farther into the Grand Line you go, the more intense the weather phenomenon," Haredan said. "What island did you go to before arriving at Jackstalk?"

"We were at Bounty Plains before getting here," Ace answered.

"Ahh, so you're on that route," Haredan said. "Jackstalk is your second island. Well, most likely, you haven't experienced the strange weather of the Grand Line yet."

"You're right. Sailing in the Grand Line feels… normal, so far," Terzo said.

"Worry not, you'll experience it soon." Haredan chuckled. "Being knowledgeable about the weather, or at least being capable enough to respond to it, will prove to be very valuable."

"I guess I should study, huh?" Terzo sighed. "Good thing I like reading books."

"I'll study with you, Terzo. To split the work, of course," Mihar said.

"Thanks, Professor."

"Delicious!" Eri looked delighted. She was eating the biscuits and cookies that Soma and Haredan brought.

"She's right," Ace said after taking a bite on his third cookie. "You bake pretty well, Haredan!"

"Ahh, no. I didn't bake those," Haredan said.

"Then you baked these, Soma?" Ace turned to their cook.

"You bake fast," Augur said. He was already eating his fifth cookie. Unexpectedly, their stoic scout had a sweet tooth.

"Oh, no. I didn't bake those." Soma confessed. "We've only been gone for a few minutes, you guys. Baking that fast is impossible."


"I'm glad you like them, but I hope you saved some for me," a voice said from above.

Ace felt a shiver crawl down his spine. He didn't notice the one that spoke just now. His occasional flare of Observation Haki brushed past through the stranger as if there was no one there.

Haredan and the Royal Aces looked up at the opening that gave them a view of the upper floor. There on the balcony was… a little girl. She was barely taller than Eri.

"Ahh, Tanya!" Haredan lit up in glee at seeing the little girl. "How did your exam with Bora go?"

"Perfect score!" Tanya made an ok sign at Haredan. "I was looking forward to eating the cookies I baked after the exam was over."

"Ahh, so that's what you baked them for. Sorry, Tanya," Haredan said. "But don't worry. We didn't take them all."

"Ahh, thank goodness." Tanya sighed in relief. Then, she jumped down from the railing on the second floor.


Terzo rushed forward to catch Tanya. She fell from a dangerous height for a girl her size, after all. But, he didn't need to worry.

To the Royal Aces' amazement, they watched how wind surged around Tanya. Her fall slowed down and she landed safely. The wind that slowed her down dissipated.

"You gave our visitors quite a fright, Tanya." Haredan chuckled.

"Force of habit." Tanya shrugged. "Nice to meet you all! My name is Tanya."

"Ahh, where are my manners?" Haredan looked disturbed when Tanya introduced herself. "Everyone, this is Tanya. An apprentice studying to be a Weather Master."

"No, I'm not," Tanya said, interrupting Haredan. "Perfect exam, remember?"

"Ahh, you're right. You're a Weather Master now, Tanya! Congratulations!" Haredan then extended a hand to the Royal Aces. "These are Captain Ace and his crew."

"Crew?" Tanya raised a brow.

"Nice to meet you, Weather Master Tanya," Ace said. "I am Gol D. Ace, Captain of the Royal Ace Pirates!"



"Ahh, so you're an actual pirate? I thought you were wearing a costume," Tanya said, much to the amusement of Terzo and Soma.

"Hmmm, really?" Ace scratched the back of his head. "What do actual pirates look like for you, then?"

Tanya put a hand on her chin as she pondered on Ace's question. She gave her answer a few moments later.

"Fat, smelly, and dirty?"

Ace bursted out laughing at Tanya's description of what a pirate looks like in her mind.

"You're a funny kid!"

"I'm not a kid." Tanya scoffed. "I'm already ten!"

"...yeah, you're still a kid." Ace ate another cookie. "Still, you're good at baking!"

"Thanks. It's a hobby."

"By the way, did you eat a Devil Fruit?" Terzo asked with his journal and pen ready.

"I did," Tanya answered. "I ate the Wind-Wind Fruit. I'm a wind human."

Tanya raised her hand and they watched how a wind visibly circled around her whole arm. Ace was the most intrigued.

"Cool!" Eri said. She then walked up to Tanya. "Nice to meet you, Tanya! I'm Eri!"

Eri extended a hand to Tanya, wanting to shake hands with a similarly aged girl. Ace was happy for Eri. She must be craving for a friend. The Royal Aces were more like… cool uncles and aunt in for the little girl.

"Nice to meet you too."

Tanya hesitated at first, but eventually relented. She shook hands with Eri, which made the younger girl gleam in joy.

"You ate a Devil Fruit too!" Eri said. "Let's be friends!"

"Huh?" Tanya looked confused.

"Then, you can join us and be a pirate!"

The Royal Aces, along with Haredan, almost spat their coffee and choked on their food upon hearing Eri's invitation.

"You're basically trying to kidnap me, you know that?" Tanya asked.

"Really? I can't tell." Eri was honest. "Well, who cares? I'm a pirate! Kidnapping is part of the job!"


The Royal Aces, except Augur and Mihar, bursted out in laughter. Eri looked totally desperate to have a fellow child on board the ship.

"Apologies for my student, Weather Master Tanya. She just craves the companion of someone close to her age."

Mihar regarded Tanya with respect befitting her title. The Royal Aces knew that despite being only ten years old, Tanya should be much older mentally.

"No need to apologize," Tanya said. "I was just surprised, that's all."

"So, can we be friends?" Eri asked, and Tanya looked rather somber.

"I'm sorry, Eri. I don't think you'd want to be friends with someone you'll only see once."

"Ohh. Uhmm… okay."

Eri looked heartbroken at Tanya's rejection. She went back to her seat and ate another cookie, which made her slightly less sad.

"So, the Wind-Wind Fruit! I guess it's a Logia?" Ace asked, attempting to steer the conversation and recover the mood.

"Yes, it is."

"Seems fitting for a weather master, don't you think?" Haredan said. "Her ability has allowed her to have more grasp with how the air feels than normally possible. She has much potential in the field of meteorology!"

Ace smiled at hearing Haredan. The old man was emitting the vibe of a proud and caring grandpa.

"To think you graduated at such a young age. You must be really smart, Tanya!" Ace said.

"Well, my teachers are very accomplished in the field they chose to master," Tanya said before turning to Haredan. "Now, I'm finally a Weather Master as well. Thank you, Haredan-sensei!"

Tanya bowed deeply to Haredan, much to the old man's equal delight and embarrassment.

"It wasn't my effort alone, Tanya. We old codgers were only there to assist you in your studies and experiments. I have no doubt you'd still become a Weather Master without our help."

Tanya looked teary eyed at hearing her teacher's compliment. Then, she gave a small smile.

"But, you helped me achieve it faster."

"You got me there." Haredan chuckled before turning to the Royal Aces. "Now, I must say that it's getting late."

"Ahh, you're right!" Ace said. "We should be going now."

"Oh, no! Please, you misunderstand," Haredan said, stopping the Royal Aces from getting up and leaving. "I was about to invite you for dinner!"

"Really?" Ace was excited at the prospect of eating free food.

"Yes. Take it as an apology from me. I was rather rude with your crew earlier."

"Don't mind it," Ace said. "It's the normal response to pirates. We're not really bothered."

"I can help with preparing the meals," Soma said. "I'm Cauldrons D. Soma, the cook of the crew."

"Ahh, thank you. But, that won't be necessary."

"Why not?" Soma looked annoyed that he wasn't allowed in the kitchen.

"Well, our cook doesn't really like anyone else entering his kitchen," Haredan said, looking almost scared.

Ace noticed Haredan's strange behavior. Whoever their cook is must be a great, but harsh one. At that moment, he felt a presence approach them.

"I'm no amateur," Soma said. "Let me talk to your cook. I'm sure I can convince him."

"Really now?" a voice said. It came from the presence Ace noticed.

Everyone turned to see who it was that spoke. Upon seeing the man, Ace, Terzo, and Soma had their eyes shoot wide open in surprise at seeing a familiar face.

"Old man Zeff?" Soma was the most shocked.

"You know me, boy?" Zeff asked, looking just as confused as they were.

"That's impossible you'd never leave Bara-"

Then, they noticed something different about the Zeff in front of them. Besides wearing similar clothes as Haredan that made him look like a wizard, he had wings on his back.

"HAHAHAHAHA! This is great! What a coincidence!" Ace bursted out laughing after realizing that the Zeff in front of them was just a close look-alike to the Zeff they know.