Chapter 52

Meeting Tanya and knowing she has Conqueror's Haki made Ace reevaluate the rarity of the ability.

'Still, I guess it makes sense. If only one in ten million people have the ability, there will still be a hundred of them if the whole population is a billion.'

Ace shook himself out of his thoughts and went back to his conversation with Tanya. He noticed that she probably had no idea about her gift.

'Still, I can't believe I met another one with Conqueror's Haki. Am I just lucky?'

"A lightning human, huh? He sounds strong." Ace chuckled. "What if I don't want him to die?"

Tanya was thinking. In the end, her end goal was to replace Enel. The man didn't have to die.

"You want him to join your crew?" Tanya asked.

"I value strength," Ace said. "Logias are rare and have much potential."

"Fine." Tanya sighed. "As long as I become God, it's all that matters."

"Why do you want that position anyway?"

"Because I discovered that fruit first!" Tanya was agitated. "I didn't know what Devil Fruits were back then. I was looking for answers to tell me what it was when that idiot uncle of mine ate it!"

"...uncle? HAHAHAHA! This is gold!"

"So?" Tanya reached out her hand. "We have a deal?"

"I help you get rid of Enel, and you join my crew as a member for three years," Ace said. "Are you sure?"

"I am."

"Good." Ace and Tanya shook hands. "Let's go and take down a false god."

"So, why are we not going to where Enel is?" Ace asked.

"Becoming God is more than just taking a seat. It's about having the undying faith of your people," Tanya answered. "That's where the idiot failed. He may be God, but he isn't idolized."

"So, he's ruling by fear?"

"Exactly. He's a pathetic fool." Tanya scoffed. "But, I'm glad he is. His mistake will be my opportunity."

Ace and Tanya were flying towards somewhere along the outskirts of Skypiea. Tanya said they were about to meet with someone important first.

"Gan Fall! I'm here!"

Tanya called out to Gan Fall from outside his quaint and isolated home. His pet bird Pierre was roosting on top of the house and cawed to signal Ace and Tanya's arrival.

Movement was heard from inside the house. Moments later, Gan Fall stepped out.

"Tanya." Gan Fall greeted Tanya with a curt nod. "To what do I owe this visit?"

"It's time," Tanya said, which made Gan Fall's eyes widen.

"That's too soon!" Gan Fall looked disapprovingly at Tanya. "You're still young! Be patient, Tanya!"

"Shut up. I'm not doing this without thought," Tanya said. "Gan Fall, this is Ace. My soon to be Captain."

"Nice to meet you!" Ace greeted Gan Fall with a smile.

Gan Fall only seemed to notice Ace when Tanya introduced him. He looked at Ace from top to bottom before turning back to Tanya.


"He's a pirate," Tanya said. "He's here to help us get rid of Enel."

"Is he now?" Gan Fall turned to Ace. "And what do you gain from helping, young man?"

"A lot, actually," Ace said. "I get two powerful crewmates, I get a sky island as my territory, and I get a ridiculous amount of gold as an icing on top."

"I thought you said you didn't want the gold?" Tanya asked, her eyebrows twitching.

"No. I said you'll have to offer more than just gold if you want me to help you." Ace sneered. "Never said I didn't want it."

"Fine." Tanya scoffed, before turning back to Gan Fall. "There you have it. He'll help us."

"Our agreement was that peace returns to Skypiea!" Gan Fall looked mad. He took a sharply pointed lance from behind the door and held it at Ace's face. "I won't have a hand in helping a new enemy prey on my people!"

"Whoah! You don't have to point that at me!" Ace said with his hands raised despite not being threatened at all. "Me, preying on people? What gave you that idea?"

"Your slippery tongue will be your undoing, young man!" Gan Fall pointed his lance closer. "You plan to make Skypiea your territory!"

"So? I won't have a hand in how Skypiea is ruled!" Ace sighed. "In fact, it's a promise!"

"What promise?"

"You don't know much about pirates, do you?" Ace said. "Hoisting my flag means that your island will be under my protection."

Gan Fall's momentum faltered. He seemed to have retreated a little, so Ace pushed forward with his words.

"I don't care who rules Skypiea. What I want is a safe place my crew can retreat to. In return, if outside threats come knocking at your door, we'll come running."

Gan Fall lowered his weapon. Tanya just watched it all happen and smiled at seeing Ace diffuse the situation.

"Are you sure this young man can help us?" Gan Fall asked Tanya.

"I'm sure of it," Tanya said before looking at Ace. "I can feel it. You're strong! Much stronger than me!"

"Really? You can tell? HAHAHAHA!" Ace grinned wide as he scratched the back of his head. "Gee, thanks!"

"Stronger than Tanya?" Gan Fall looked as if he was in disbelief at Tanya's words. He looked closely at Ace before his eyes flashed in… familiarity.

"Young man," Gan Fall said to Ace. "Who… are you?"

"Me? I'm Gol D. Ace! The soon to be Emperor of the Seas!"

"Gol… 'D.'?" Gan Fall looked like he was seeing a ghost.

"What is it, old man?" Tanya asked after seeing Gan Fall looked stupid. She's never seen him look that way before.

"What's your relationship with the pirate named Roger?" Gan Fall asked Ace.

"Ahh, him? He's my dad."

"After all these years… I guess, everything happens for a reason," Gan Fall whispered under his breath before sighing. He gained a resolute look in his eyes before turning back to Tanya.

"Let's go."

Ace, Tanya, and Gan Fall who was riding on Pierre flew to the Hidden Cloud Village where the people of Shandia were.

Tanya said that to be a true God, one must win the hearts of the people. So, she was putting in effort to make sure that there would be none who would oppose her rule.

"So, you're planning to kill them?" Ace asked.

"What? Of course not!" Tanya answered. "The Shandians are strong warriors. Instead of having them as enemies, I want them as friends. Or at the very least, an ally."

"Ohh, that's surprising!"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you were an insane and cruel megalomaniac."

"...not always."

Gan Fall just listened and didn't say anything. The rest of their flight continued silently.

When they eventually got to the outskirts of the Hidden Cloud Village, they found themselves surrounded by warriors of the village.

"Stop right there, outsiders!"

"You're not welcome here!"

The Shandians pointed a wide variety of weapons at the unwelcome visitors. Some of them had bazookas, others had guns, and there were also those holding spears.

One of them recognized who Ace and Tanya brought.

"That's Gan Fall!"

"Someone, call Wyper!"

The Shandians had Ace, Tanya, Gan Fall and Pierre surrounded in a circle. Their formation tightened, reducing the space where Ace and the others could move as they waited for Wyper.

Ace was glad he remembered who Wyper was. He was supposedly the leader of the Shandian warriors because he was both the strongest and the descendant of their revered warrior, Kalgara.

"What a warm welcome we're having," Ace said.

"Well, this is to be expected." Gan Fall sighed.

"Just be thankful they didn't try to stab us," Tanya said, nudging Ace's side.

It didn't take long for Wyper to arrive. Hearing that Gan Fall was just outside their village must've spurred him.

"You got a lot of nerve showing up here, Gan Fall!" Wyper aimed his bazooka at the old man. "Taste my Burn Bazooka!"

Air that smelled eerily like gas blasted out of Wyper's bazooka towards Ace's group. Ace knew what was about to come, so he prepared himself.

Wyper pressed another trigger on his weapon. The gas released was lit up by blue flames. A column of blue fire was coming straight at Ace, which made him grin widely.

"Don't interfere!" Ace said to Tanya and Gan Fall who were about to make their own moves.

Ace stepped forward, intending to meet the column of blue fire head on.

"Don't!" Gan Fall reached towards Ace.

"You're crazy!" Tanya shouted.

Ace didn't mind them. He was excited. What was in front of him wasn't an attack.

It was a snack.

"Thanks for the food!"

Ace inhaled with his mouth the moment the column of blue fire was close enough to him.

Everyone watched flabbergasted at how Ace stopped the column of hot blue fire by eating it. His appetite seemed insatiable.

Eventually, Ace ate Wyper's attack. After doing so, he burped.

"That was delicious!"

It was Ace's honest words. The fire that Wyper used to attack him tasted like some kind of hot and spicy soup for him.

Ace steamed as he absorbed the blue flames. He held out his hand and made fire.

The orange color of the fire was in a deeper hue than Ace remembered. If he looked really closely, there was the slightest hint of blue as well.

"A Logia!" Wyper clicked his tongue. "Who are you?"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Gol D. Ace, the companion of these two." Ace gestured to Tanya and Gan Fall.

"Wyper, we come in peace!"

"You won't fool us, Gan Fall!" Wyper said. "We will never fall for your lies!"

"Open your eyes, Wyper! I am not your enemy!"

"But you are!" Wyper didn't let Gan Fall speak further. "For four hundred years, you people have taken what is rightfully ours!"

"A grave mistake I have committed to rectify!" Gan Fall raised his voice. "Our people have been shedding blood long enough! It is time we stand together instead!"

"Do you really think we'll forget the atrocities you Skypieans have committed to our ancestors?"

"No, I don't," Gan Fall said before bowing slightly. "But, I hope you at least give the future generations a chance to not suffer the same way both our ancestors did."

"Fat chance! Die!" Wyper raised his bazooka, aimed at Gan Fall.

"Wyper! All of you! Stop!"

An old voice from within the village shouted. The Shandian warriors turned to see their Village Chief.


"Wyper! I said, stop! Lower your weapon!"

Wyper reluctantly lowered his weapon. He glared at Gan Fall before stomping away, going back to the village.

"Chief Galwy," Gan Fall bowed his head in respect to the Shandian Village Chief.

"God Gan Fall," Galwy returned Gan Fall's gesture. "I am sorry for the harsh treatment our warriors have given you."

"Don't apologize, Chief. I completely understand why they would react that way," Gan Fall said.

Chief Galwy looked at the group in front of him. Gan Fall was the only one he recognized.

"It is late. You three must be tired," Galwy said. "Follow me, I'll take you to my tent."

"But, Chie-"

"I expect you to return to your duties, warriors."

The Shandian warriors were silenced by the finality in Chief Galwy's tone. They could only nod and return to their patrols.

"Ahh, Wyper! I'm glad you're here!" Galwy said to Wyper, who was waiting inside the Village Chief Tent.

"I knew you'd take them here." Wyper looked incredibly mad. "Should I remind you that they're our enemies? They could be plotting to take your life!"

"They're not our enemies, Wyper. Sit down." Chief Galwy motioned for everyone to sit around a lit lamp. Galwy turned to Wyper, who reluctantly sat down after Ace, Tanya, and Gan Fall. "I should be the one reminding you. Enel is our enemy."

Wyper only scoffed and said nothing in response. Chief Galwy took that as a sign that Wyper will at least tolerate their presence, even if just for a while.

"Now, I must ask." Galwy turned to Gan Fall. "Why have you come here, Gan Fall?"

Gan Fall took a few deep breaths and collected his words before speaking. Ace and Tanya didn't interrupt him, as according to their plan.

"As you have just said, Enel is our enemy. He is a bane to all Shandians and Skypieans," Gan Fall said. "To be perfectly honest, we have come here to propose an alliance. An alliance to take down Enel."