Chapter 82

The weather of Karakuri Island on this particular day was calm. There was no snow falling from the sky. In fact, the skies were clear, making it a perfect day for most of the island's residents. Despite the beauty of the winter island on this particular day, the mood was somber and muted on one of the island's beaches.

On this particular beach, the Royal Aces gathered around for the burial ceremony of their fallen crewmate, friend, and family: Enel. 

Enel's corpse was wrapped in a clean linen cloth on top of a pile of long logs to be burned. Ace decided to honor Enel's dying wish. Even if he was just a new member who was just recently recruited into their crew, Enel was still undoubtedly one of them.

Ace stepped up to the pyre where Enel was. In his left hand was Enel's Nonosama Bo that was still shaped like a trident. Ace gripped it hard, still coming to terms with the fact that a crewmate was dead because of his foolish decisions.

"I'm sorry, Enel," Ace said, whispering to the wind in hopes that his message would reach Enel wherever he was. "I promise… I won't make the same mistake again."

Ace raised his right hand and placed it on the pyre. The Royal Aces looked at their fallen crewmate one last time. Then, Ace's right hand burned brightly. The flames spread to the pyre, lighting it up into one big fire.

Ace stepped back and stood among his crew. The Royal Aces hung their heads low. They spoke not a single word. They didn't need to speak. All of them already knew what each one could possibly say. All that was left is for each of them to mourn and remember their fallen crewmate.

What rang the most inside Ace's head was the reason why Enel didn't survive despite being injected with the medicine that Vash stole from the hospital of Karakuri Island.


"What happened?" Ace asked Vash.

Ace and Vash were sitting in the Ashen Dragon's dining room. Everyone else already left after their silent dinner. Despite the unaffected quality of Soma's cooking, the dinner seems tasteless for everyone considering what just happened to them. It was the first time that someone among them had died.

Each of them already expected to face death and betrayal. They were pirates after all. But, that didn't make it any less painful for them. Unlike the average pirate crews, the Royal Aces were a small but closely knitted group. Each one of them mattered greatly.

"We were just too late," Vash said. "What I gave you wasn't a miracle medicine, Ace. Don't beat yourself up."

"Then, what was it?" Ace asked, his voice slightly raised. "I thought you said that would help him?"

"That medicine I gave you strengthens the body's immune system for a short period of time. After that, the body weakens a bit," Vash said. "It's not a medicine meant for someone as injured as Enel was. I… underestimated the damage Teach did to him."

Ace looked up at Vash. His first mate clearly looked just as frustrated as him. They were both blaming themselves for the fate Enel suffered.

"You did all you could, Vash," Ace said. "You figured out the poison, right?"

"...I did," Vash said, answering Ace with a nod. "Teach's claws were still laced with it."

Ace and Vash remembered the arm that Enel brought with him. It was Teach's severed arm.

"Can't wait to see the bastard again," Vash said. 

Ace and Vash then spent a few moments in silence. It was later broken by Ace.

"While you were treating him… what did he say?" Ace asked. "You know… to Tanya. His last words."

"...I'm sorry," Vash said. "That's what Enel wanted me to tell Tanya. That he was sorry."


The Royal Aces dispersed once the flames of the burial pyre died down. They went their separate ways on the island.

Mihar, Tanya, Eri, and Kotatsu were all together. Tanya's way of dealing with grief was rather unhealthy. She pretended that nothing happened and just went back to normal by training Eri with her Devil Fruit. Eri just went along with Tanya. Mihar and Kotatsu were there to look out for them.

Terzo, Soma, and Augur decided to hunt down any remaining marines on the island as a way to blow off steam. 

Doppol busied himself with trying to upgrade the Ashen Dragon with the blueprints that he and Mihar found.

Ace, Vash, and Hepha stayed with the burial pyre until it was nothing more than embers and ashes. Ace then gathered Enel's ashes in a small bag embroidered with golden designs.

The Royal Aces all got back together sometime around afternoon. They all look to be better, except Tanya. It was obvious to everyone that she still didn't know what to feel now that the uncle she hated was now dead.

Ace gathered everyone on the deck. Beside him was a man that none of the other Royal Aces except Soma and the Doubles had seen before.

"Everyone, this is Jesus Burgess," Ace said, introducing Burgess to the crew. "He was the one in the marine base prison."

The Royal Aces inspected Burgess. Feeling all their eyes on him made Burgess freeze.

'This is ridiculous! I was beaten by Soma… yet most of these guys feel much stronger than him! What the hell is this crew?'

Burgess did his best not to sweat under the Royal Aces' scrutinizing gaze. With his incredible instincts as a battle junkie, he instinctively felt the strength of Ace's crew. He cowered slightly, not standing as straight as he wanted to.

"Why is he here?" Terzo asked, pointing the end of his sword at Burgess.

"You see, this guy is a prince," Ace said with a smirk. "And he's kindly agreed to let us use his kingdom as our safe haven."

"I doubt that it is for free," Augur said, to which Ace nodded.

Ace spoke to Burgess earlier this morning just before Enel's burial ceremony. He was surprised to hear Burgess ask for his help.

"Of course. In return, we fight off the military units Espa Kingdom sent to conquer their kingdom," Ace said before turning to Burgess. "Uhh… what was the name of your kingdom again?"

"It's… just a small kingdom," Burgess said. "It's name is Shishano."

"Shishano Kingdom?" Hepha seemed to recognize the name. "Now I know you're full of bullshit."


Faster than Burgess could blink, he felt something hard smash his knees. The impact on his knees weren't hard enough to shatter his kneecaps, but it was enough to make it difficult for him to stand.

After Burgess fell on his ass, he felt a cold metallic object on his throat. It wasn't a sword. He looked down and saw a hammer. It was Hepha's Clear Sky.

"Our crew isn't taking too kindly to liars and traitors at the moment, Burgess," Ace said as he just watched Hepha attack and stand over Burgess. "You would do well to remember that."

"Shishano Kingdom is affiliated with the World Government," Hepha said. "You want to drag us into a war between two nations involved with the World Government?"

"N-No!" Burgess said. "That wasn't my intention!"

"Then what is?" Hepha asked, pushing Clear Sky closer to Burgess's throat.

"I… I just want to go home!" Burgess said. "I may be a shitty example of a prince, but Shishano Kingdom is still my home! I want to protect it!"

"So that's why you were on that strange ship?" Vash asked, remembering the uniquely designed ship they saw when they arrived at Karakuri Island.

"Well… yes and no. It's a long story," Burgess said.

"We have time," Ace said. "Tell us."

"I… I wanted to return home with my own personal army. I can fight, but one man can hardly be called reinforcement."

"That ship. It came from the island you told me and Ace, right?" Soma asked. "The one you offered in exchange for freeing you."

"Yes. Felip Archipelago is a land of warriors. Each one of them, even the women, are strong!"

"Hmph! They respect the strong, right?" Soma asked, remembering what Burgess told them about Felip Archipelago. "And they consider you as their leader? For someone like you to be the strongest among them, are they really as strong as you say?"

'You guys are just freaks! There's no way you're humans!' Burgess said in his mind. But, of course, he didn't dare say it out loud.

"I… I didn't exactly fight fairly," Burgess sheepishly said. "I pretended to be knocked down. Then when my opponent had his guard down, I threw sand in his eyes. It was an easy enough fight after that."

"HAHAHAHAHA! That makes sense!" Ace was amused. "What happened after that? Why were you captured?"

"The people of Felip Archipelago are strong… but they lack technology," Burgess said. "Their most powerful weapons are just sticks made from their sacred tree!"

"That… sounds primitive. They're hundreds of years behind the world's average technology level!" Mihar said, making a quick assessment of Felip Archipelago's culture based on what Burgess said.

"They're not bad people," Burgess said in defense of Felip Archipelago. "At least, they're not into stupid rituals. They just live simple lives."

"We're getting distracted," Hepha said before relaxing her pose. She holstered Clear Sky and let Burgess sit down properly. "Tell us why you were captured."

"I set out with a small sailing crew of 'maharlika'. Think of them as royal guards. I wanted to sail to Water 7 and bring back basic knowledge of naval warfare like shipbuilding as well as cannons so they can fight the Espa Kingdom with me."

"Why would they agree to that?" Mihar asked. "If they live simple lives as you said, that seems out of character for them."

"Because… Espa Kingdom was knocking on their door," Burgess said, answering Mihar's question. "The reason I left with just one ship and a small crew was because Espa Kingdom had the Felip Archipelago surrounded by its naval fleet. We left under the cover of night, hoping that we weren't seen… but we were."

"Great, we're finally gonna have a full confrontation with those guys," Doppol said, his face slightly green.

"Hey, you're getting much better now! You're not seasick at all!" Terzo patted Doppol's back with pride, which seemed to do the opposite trick. Doppol's face took on a darker shade of green. He immediately took his bucket and barfed in it.

"So, Espa Kingdom is occupying Felip Archipelago right now?" Ace asked.

"No, I don't think so," Burgess said. "Felip Archipelago is special. It's surrounded by ridiculous rock formations that make the waves around the archipelago dangerous to sail in. Only the locals know which correct wave to ride. There's only a handful of ways to enter and exit the archipelago."

"Sounds like a great place!" Ace said, not at all intimidated. "Man, I want that place to be one of our territories now!"

"Oi, Ace! Didn't you hear him? I'm not that great of a navigator!" Terzo said. "How are we gonna enter that place?"

"You remember which wave you rode on?" Ace asked Burgess.

"No, sorry," Burgess said, shaking his head. "I wasn't there for long. The ones who knew which wave to ride were the ones with me… but… they're dead."

"Well… that's a problem," Ace said before trying to think of a solution. Thankfully, one quickly came to him in the form of Doppol's suggestion.

"I-I have an i-idea, Ace," Doppol said as he gathered his bearings. He was getting better with handling his seasickness. "I'm trying to upgrade the ship, right?"

"Yeah, you told me," Ace said with a nod.

"But, I didn't tell you the upgrades I'm planning," Doppol said as his grin widened. "I'm turning our ship into a flying ship!"

"...what?" Ace asked. "Did I hear you right?"

The Royal Aces suddenly remembered the blueprints Enel made. It would have made a truly functioning flying ship, but it wasn't something they could just apply to the Ashen Dragon. They would need to make a brand new ship, which was something they wouldn't do for sentimental reasons. The Ashen Dragon was one of them too.

"Yeah! I'm turning our Ashen Dragon into a full fledged dragon!" Doppol said. "Mihar and I found blueprints. When I'm done, our ship will be raining down lasers as we fly above everything!"