Chapter 88


Soma once again returned to his home aboard the ship of the woman who was his last owner. Like a toy, he's been shared and changed hands monthly ever since he was captured by whatever organization Malty led.

Like the last twenty three times, Soma expected to be once again put in an auction. He was Malty's 'premium merchandise,' of course. Compared to the other slaves he saw, he was treated rather specially. Whatever wound or scar he received from his owner's depravity would be healed by the end of the month.

Malty demanded that whoever wins Soma would not damage his appearance in any way. Thus, Soma was well-fed for a slave. Outwardly, he looked like any other seven year old boy. But, who knows how many scars his heart carried?

Soma's dark eyes that felt barely alive yet still held a deep-seated rage towards Malty looked around at the familiar place he was kept in. In his mind, this was where it all started. This was where his world shattered, in the same room that his sister betrayed him.

Seeing he was alone, Soma once again tried to break free from the binds holding him. Chains and locks snaked around his body, as if he was a wild animal. Soma almost regretted being so hasty. His restraints were only this strong because of his long record of escape attempts.

Soma only stopped trying to escape once he heard footsteps. By the sound of it, there were three sets of footsteps. He knew who one of them was by instinct.

The door to Soma's room opened, revealing his mother Malty. Soma noticed how Malty didn't look like anything she was two years ago. The simple clothes that a town mayor's wife wore were replaced by a regal dress… as if she was royalty.

"My dear Soma," Malty said, her head shaking slightly out of disappointment. "Why do you still resist?"

Soma kept silent.

"Is it out of hatred for me?"

Soma kept silent.

"Is it out of love… for your father?"

Soma kept silent, but his glare grew stronger.

"If that's the case, how sad," Malty said, a slight grin adorning her face. "You're fighting for someone that isn't here anymore."

Soma didn't like what he heard. His breathing slowed to a stop as fear and anxiety gripped his heart, his mind registering Malty's words.

Malty snapped her fingers. One of her two big and burly lackeys handed her a brown sack. Soma wanted to tear his eyes away from the sack Malty was holding, but he couldn't.

With a slow hand, Malty took out what was in the sack for Soma to see. She did it as slowly as possible, as if she was enjoying the look on Soma's face. The moment she took it out, her smile grew at seeing Soma pale in heartbreak.

Inside the sack was the head of Soma's father, Remedy.

"Why do you look so horrified, Soma?" Malty laughed as she waved around the decapitated head of her husband. "Don't you realize this is your fault? Your father is dead because of you!"

Rage engulfed Soma's whole being. With all his strength, Soma tried to break free and hurt his mother.

"I told you, you should have listened to me!" Malty said. "Now, your father is dead! You could have just lied! Instead, you're so honest and naive! What a stupid boy you are! You're definitely my idiot husband's son!"

Malty laughed at Soma's blind rage. He fought all he could, but he just couldn't break free. So, Soma screamed out his heart.

"Now, the whole kingdom is enraged!" Malty said. "Ohh, they are screaming for justice! For their assassinated king! They see me as their champion, the one to bring the justice they want for their righteous king!"

Malty stepped closer to Soma, unafraid of even the possibility of him breaking out of the chair he was bound to. Malty placed Remedy's severed head on Soma's lap.

"But, I'm still your mother. I still love you. Come back to me, Soma. I'll be waiting."


"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! That's it! Yes! I can cum for this!"

Like the pig she was, Soma's owner for the month squealed and moaned as she penetrated him from behind with a strap-on. Her long nails dug deep and drew blood on Soma's hips and waist as she gripped harder with every thrust.

Soma hated how his body felt pleasure at the treatment he was receiving. He felt like he could throw up, but his body wouldn't listen. At the very least, Soma bit down on his tongue and lips to prevent any sound from escaping. He refused to acknowledge the kind of pleasure his owners taught him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

Soma felt a weight collapse on top of him. He was pushed down on the bed as his owner rode the waves of climax she was experiencing. Feeling his owner shake in pleasure on top of him sent Soma forcefully over the edge. 

Despite the pleasure his body felt in waves, Soma's face showed nothing but rage and hate. Soma hated how weak he was. Even now, he still can't escape because his hands were bound by metal cuffs on his back.

"That was so good. But you could have been more honest, you know? I know how good you felt," Soma's owner whispered to his ear. "It's such a shame I can only have you for a month."

Soma and his owner stayed in their position for a few minutes. After that, his owner got up and got dressed.

"Come here, boy."

Soma just obeyed. He got up and his owner had fun dressing him up as if she was playing with a doll. Since Soma's hands were bound behind his back, his owner put a cloak on him as his top.

"It's the last night of our cruise," she said. "Won't you-!"

Whatever she was about to say, it got interrupted by a loud boom. Soma lost balance, but he regained it immediately. His owner, however, couldn't and just sprawled on the floor. They felt the ship they were on rock back and forth as if it rammed on something… or something rammed the ship.

Soma immediately went to a nearby window. From there, he saw a ship. His gaze went up the ship's map and his eyes eventually landed on a black flag bearing the symbol of skull and bones. It was a pirate jolly roger.

Seeing the pirate flag would usually evoke feelings of dread in people. Soma, however, broke out into a devilish grin. He sensed it. He felt it.

A golden opportunity.

"Please!" Soma shouted, begging the pirate captain that raided the cruise ship he was on with his now dead owner. "Take me with you!"

The pirates were utterly confused at seeing Soma. It seems they weren't used to seeing a small child look at them with wonder and hope. They couldn't help but laugh.

"You're an interesting one, kid!" the pirate captain said to Soma. "I'll give you a chance."

"That's all I ask!"

"Alright, then," the pirate captain said. "Why should we help you, exactly?"

"I can help you with your raids!" Soma said fearlessly and resolutely. It was like he was telling the truth in the eyes of the pirates.

"Ohh? And how would you do that?"

"I can draw maps! I'm good at it!" Soma said.

Soma spoke the truth. During the last five years of his life as a slave, a good chunk of it was spent with the same owner. Soma remembered her because she was the closest to normal among his owners. Although she never gave him her name, she imparted to Soma her skill in cartography.

More than being a sex slave, Soma was her assistant and apprentice. Why spend millions of Berry on a single boy when she could have found anyone else for much cheaper? Soma didn't know. She was the most normal among his owners, but that didn't mean she had her own kind of strange eccentricity.

Soma shook himself from his memories and reverted his focus to his present situation.

"Can you, now?" The pirate captain seemed interested in Soma's skill. "Well, that would certainly make traveling back to the islands we know much easier… alright, kid!"

The pirate captain signaled one of his men. Much to Soma's surprise, one of the pirates shot him. The shot was aimed at the metal cuffs binding Soma's hands behind his back. He was free.

"Food and drink will be your payment! You got that, kid?"

"A-Aye, captain!"

Soma served the pirates that freed him from his last owner for a few months. Of course, Soma desired true freedom. He didn't want to keep working for the pirates forever. So, he kept his eyes and ears sharp waiting for another golden opportunity.

Soma didn't have to wait long.

During their journey, the pirates came across an interesting piece of news: a restaurant in the sea that was open for all, including pirates. They were interested, of course. The pirates, along with Soma, headed to the dream restaurant they heard of: Baratie.

Soma decided to take a chance. He was patient and obedient during his time with the pirates. He made them think that he didn't even have any desire to escape them. So, the pirates eventually let their guard down with Soma.

When they arrived at Baratie, Soma started his escape plan. Unfortunately, Baratie had no ships or boats he could use. So, Soma was forced to hide in the restaurant instead. He prayed that no one found him, but he was bound to be disappointed.

Soma was found by a blonde haired boy with curly eyebrows that looked to be a year older than him as he hid inside a cupboard.

"What the-!"

"Shh!" Soma said, making a shushing sound with a finger on his lips. "Please! I don't want to go back with them!"

Miraculously, the blond haired boy did as Soma said. The two boys just stared at each other. Soma didn't know why, but he felt as if the blond boy in front of him understood what he felt.

A few seconds later, the blond boy gave Soma a small smile.

"You with those pirates?" he asked, to which Soma nodded. "Don't worry. You can hide here. I'll come get you once they're gone."

The blond boy who found Soma closed the cupboard, and left…

A few hours later, after Soma just waited patiently in his hiding place, his cupboard was once again opened. He looked outside. The blond boy that found him was there along with a tall old man with a pegleg.

"Great, another little squirt!" the old man sighed.

Soma didn't know it then, but he found the home where he would spend the next five years of his life.

"Faster! You're gonna be serving dozens of customers! You can't just spend more than half a minute chopping onions!"

"Y-Yes, Owner!"

With nowhere to go, Soma decided to accept the offer given to him to stay and serve at Baratie. He eventually trained under the supervision of Owner Zeff with the help of Sanji.

Zeff was a difficult teacher to please. He drilled his knowledge into Soma's mind and body, forging him into a chef worthy of serving in his restaurant.

Soma felt like he wouldn't have been able to survive without the occasional help and advice from Sanji. The two of them clicked and bonded like brothers do. Their first disagreement came with how the two of them treated women differently.

"The All Blue?" Soma asked as he ate dinner with Zeff and Sanji.

"That's right!" Sanji said, his eyes gleaming in wonder. "You've never heard of it?"

"Not really. What is it?"

"It's a legendary sea!" Sanji said. "They say that fish and other ingredients from East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue can be found there. It's a cook's dream!"

"Really?" Contrary to Sanji's enthusiasm, Soma didn't seem all that hyped up. "But, doesn't it already exist?"

"Hmm?" Zeff and Sanji seemed curious about what Soma meant.

"You're looking at it the wrong way. Don't you know the seas are connected? The All Blue you're talking about isn't a legend. It's here! We're already on it! The world is the All Blue!"

"HAHAHAHAHA! That's a good point!" Zeff said, but Sanji seemed annoyed.

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!" Sanji said.

"Tch! You spent your whole life in East Blue! Don't talk to me about the wide sea!" Soma said, retorting Sanji's words.

Sanji and Soma butted heads, clearly annoyed with each other. Zeff broke up their argument, smacking both of them on the head. But, their fires were already lit.

"I'll find it someday!" Sanji said to Soma. "I'll find the All Blue in the Grand Line and show it to you! Then, you'll know how wrong you are!"

"Ha! You're a loser!" Soma said. "Go ahead and find it! Me? I'll make the All Blue! I'll make a map of the world and discover all the ingredients!"

Zeff watched the two little dreamers with a smile.