Chapter 92


"Did you win?" Terzo asked Hepha as he wrote in his journal.

"Huh? What?" Terzo's question pulled Hepha out of her memories.

"Your fight with Mihawk," Terzo said. "Did you win?"

"Ohh, that. No. Not even close. I was outmatched."

"I'm surprised you're still alive," Doppol said. "He let you go just like that?"

"Well… no," Hepha said, slightly embarrassed. "He made me stay at his castle a bit while he let me study his sword."

Ace was surprised at hearing what Hepha said about Mihawk. From what he knew, Mihawk wasn't the type to want company.

"How kind of him," Ace said.

"Well, it wasn't for free. I was there to… 'accompany' him."

Ace spat out his drink after choking on it. If he understood Hepha correctly…

"You two were CLOSE close?"

"No! Not like that!" Hepha said, clarifying what could be a big misunderstanding.

"What did Captain mean, Sensei?"

"'ll understand someday, Eri."

"Want me to tell you about it?" Tanya asked Eri with a rather disturbing grin, much to Mihar's disbelief.


The dinner of the Royal Aces came to a brief halt when their door opened. Burgess stepped inside and greeted everyone.

"Uhh… good evening!"

Soma suddenly appeared behind Burgess and kicked him on the head. Burgess fell forward face first. Soma's kick wasn't that strong since Burgess immediately got up after.

"What was that for? What'd I do wrong this time?"

"Don't keep food waiting, idiot!" Soma said, annoyed at Burgess's late arrival to dinner. "Sit down there."

Not wanting to antagonize Soma or any of the other Royal Aces, Burgess immediately sat down on the chair that Soma indicated. It was in the middle of the length of the table, placing him in the middle of all the Royal Aces.

Despite his massive size, Burgess felt small as he retreated into his chair under the seemingly scrutinizing gazes of the Royal Aces. He didn't exactly feel welcome, more like a sheep among a family of lions.

"Nice to see you, Burgess," Ace said with a small grin. "What were you doing?"

"Ahh… I was working out," Burgess said honestly. "I don't intend to just sit back and watch the upcoming battles."

'Plus, getting stronger would sure make me feel safer around you guys!'

"That's good! A man should fight his own battles, after all!" Terzo said.

"If you want to get stronger, you better not be late for meals anymore," Soma said as he gave Burgess a serving of the dinner he cooked. "Food is important!"

"Y-Yes, I understand," Burgess said. "I won't be late next time."

"Going back to what we were talking about," Ace said, steering the conversation back to their previous topic. "What were the places you thought of again?"

"I have four in mind. Two of them, I already mentioned," Hepha said. "The first is Amazon Lily in Maiden Island. Unfortunately, only women are allowed there. I'll stay there with Tanya and Eri."

"We'll have to split up?" Eri asked, not really liking the idea.

"Only temporarily, Eri," Mihar said to his pupil. "While you're there, make sure to listen to Hepha alright?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

"The other place I mentioned is Kuraigana Island," Hepha said. "That's where Mihawk lives. It's a perfect place for swordsmen to train."

"You sure we could just waltz right in there?" Terzo asked. "That's where a damn Warlord of the Sea lives, after all."

"You can. Just don't go anywhere near the castle," Hepha said to Terzo, reassuring him. "Mihawk placed an order for me, after all. When you and Ace get there, I'll give you the knife he ordered from me. Deliver it to him, and I'm sure he'll tolerate your stay on the island."

"Oh no, I won't go with Terzo there," Ace said, much to Terzo and Hepha's surprise.

"Oi, Ace! Don't leave me alone there! Aren't you worried for me?" Terzo said, begging for Ace not to leave him. Terzo only showed his cowardly side because he knew Mihawk was there.

"Oh, you'll be fine. I trust Hepha. Besides, you won't be alone there. Soma will be with you."

"Wait, what?" Soma seemed completely surprised at what Ace said. "I'm not a swordsman."

"But, I think you should be," Ace said. "Or at least have a weapon. I've seen you fight plenty of times now, Soma. And I don't like it."

"What do you mean you don't like how I fight?"

"You fight recklessly," Ace said, pointing a finger at Soma. "You refuse to use your fists or your feet. Every strike, you put your whole weight behind it."

"And what's wrong with that?" Soma asked.

"Frankly, you get way too close to your opponent," Ace said. "Think of it this way. What if, despite you using all your strength, your opponent didn't even feel you?"

"...I'd be dead instantly," Soma said. "He'd easily counter me."

"That's right. You throw your whole weight every time, so you won't be able to retreat very quickly," Ace said. "From here on out, we'll be facing people who could easily take you on as you are now. I'm not saying you should change your style. Just add something to it."

"...I'll think about it," Soma said. "Thanks, Ace."

"I believe you mentioned four places," Vash said to Hepha, steering the conversation back to their previous topic. "What are the other two?"

"One of them is near Maiden Island. Hancock made me spend a few months there," Hepha said. "Rusukaina Island is home to plenty of strong beasts. From what I can tell, only Ace and I are strong enough to survive there. It's the perfect place for Doppol and Kotatsu."

"Island of beasts, ehh?" Doppol seemed excited. "I think I'll like it there!"


"So that leaves me, Ace, Mihar, and Augur," Vash said.

"Well, the last place in my mind is more suitable for those using guns," Hepha said. "More specifically snipers. Its name is Sniper Island, after all."

"Sniper Island is real?" Ace asked, completely surprised. The only Sniper Island he knew about came from the song of a certain Sniper King.

"It is," Hepha said with a nod. "I learned how to make guns of all kinds there. The only problem is… it's in the New World."

"Well… that certainly poses quite an issue," Augur said, surprising the Royal Aces. He sounded rather sad and disappointed, after all. Their stoic sniper wasn't one to show emotions usually.

"In that case," I'll be the one to train our snipers instead," Ace said. "We'll guard the Ashen Dragon while we're at it."

"Really? You'll train us?" Vash asked Ace with a brow raised.

"Not about guns, of course," Ace said. "The best I can teach you is Observation Haki. I'll train you the same way my gramps did, HAHAHAHA!"

Vash, Mihar, and Augur immediately shivered. They knew who Ace's grandfather figure was, after all. They imagined being trained by the best of the Navy…

"But, that's all for the future," Ace said. "For now, let's upgrade our Ashen Dragon!"

The Royal Aces sailed for another week until they saw the first sign of civilization. From what they could see, it was a train station.

"Is that what I think it is?" Vash asked.

"Yup. I'm sure it is," Soma said.

"What's a train station doing at sea?" Vash asked no one in particular.

"Water Seven and the islands around it are known for being linked by train," Doppol said. "This means, we're nearing Water Seven!"

"Hey, you're doing it!" Terzo said, patting Doppol on the back. "You're not seasick anymore! HAHAHAHA!"

"Stop doing that!" Doppol shouted to Terzo, feeling a little green and squeamish.

"Terzo, sail us to that train station!" Ace said.

"Aye, Captain!"

The Ashen Dragon sailed closer towards the train station, easily dwarfing it in size. Once they were near, Ace got off and was followed by Doppol and Hepha. They went to the train station hoping to speak to the one in charge of it. 

To their surprise, they saw a little child and… a strange pet. The child and her pet were staring at their ship, looking up at it as they marveled at its beauty and size.

"What a huuuuuuge ship!" The child said before running to the little house that looked like it served as a waiting station. "Grandma! Grandma! Pirates are here!"

"What? Really?" a voice from inside the little house said. From the way the words were slurred, whoever was inside seems to be drunk in the middle of the day.

Ace was the only one who knew who these people were. He smiled to himself, recognizing such familiar characters. The three of them just stood there, waiting to see what would happen next. They were confident enough to deal with whatever situation may occur.

A few moments later, a big and rotund old lady stepped out from the house. She walked towards Ace, Doppol, and Hepha with stumbling steps. She even had a bottle of alcohol in her hand. No matter how anyone looked at it, the lady was a complete drunkard.

"Hey, you guys aren't train robbers are you?" the old lady said, smiling as she spoke. She hiccuped a little at the end of her sentence, sending the smell of alcohol to Ace, Doppol, and Hepha.

"Well, if the mood strikes us, we definitely are!"

"Ace!" Doppol and Hepha said, wanting to smack Ace on the head for saying something dumb.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" the old lady laughed at Ace's words. "Then, I guess you're not in the mood for it right now?"

"Nope!" Ace said. "I'm Ace! This is my crew."

"I'm Kokoro. This is my granddaughter Chimney."

"And this is our cat, Gonbe!" Chimney said, introducing their strange pet rabbit as a cat.

"Since you guys have a rather impressive ship, I guess you're not going to ride the Puffing Tom?"

"Puffing Tom?" Ace asked.

"The famous Sea Train of Water 7!" Kokoro said. "It's the only one in the world, you know?"

"Hmmm… maybe I'll ride it sometime," Ace said. "But, not right now."

"So, how can we help you?" Kokoro asked.

"Do you have a schedule for the train?"

"Of course! We often give copies to passengers," Kokoro said. "Is that all?"

"Do you also have a map of the islands around here? The ones connected by sea train?"

"Not really," Kokoro said. "But I guess I can draw you one."

"It doesn't have to be fancy," Ace said, remembering her horrible drawing of the map she gave-or would give-to Nami.

"I'll do just that," Kokoro said before going back inside the house to get what Ace asked for.

"I'll stretch my legs for a bit," Hepha said, going away to walk around the train station. Meanwhile, Doppol busied himself by looking at the diagram of the Puffing Tom posted on one of the notice boards.

Ace was about to sit down on one of the benches to wait for Granny Kokoro when he noticed that Chimney and Gonbe were staring at him. They were silent and unblinking, which honestly bothered Ace a bit.

"Can I help you, kid?" Ace asked.

"You're Gol D. Ace!" Chimney said, pointing at Ace. "The son of the King of the Pirates!"

"Yeah, that's me!" Ace said with a grin.

"You don't look like a demon," Chimney said with a wide smile.

"HAHAHAHA! I only look like that when I'm fighting, I guess," Ace said. "Wanna see my demon face?"

"No, that's okay," Chimney said, shaking her head. "I think your face right now… is the true one."

"...I guess it is."

At that moment, Granny Kokoro stepped out of the house. In her other hand, she carried two pieces of paper. She walked to Ace and gave him what he asked for.

"Thanks, Granny Kokoro!" Ace said.

"Anytime!" Kokoro was about to go back to drinking but then remembered something. "You guys came at a great time, y'know? Aqua Laguna came just a month ago!"

"Aqua Laguna? What's that?" Ace asked, pretending to not know.

"It's an annual storm and high tide. It usually stops all the usual activity of the islands around here for a few weeks after it comes," Kokoro explained. "Now, you guys will have nothing to worry about… except for Marines and Bounty Hunters, probably. HAHAHAHA! But I'm sure that's no problem for you."

"Let them come," Ace said with a slight sneer. "Thanks for this, Granny Kokoro! We'll be going now!"

"If you're gonna rob the train, don't do it at my station alright? I'd rather not speak to authorities! HAHAHAHA!"