The update ( 2 )

" after that there is -

- sub - legendary- these weapons are close to being a legendary weapon but , just bot there yet. These also give a powerful special effect and a weak special ability.

- legendary - most people will never see these weapons in their lifetime! You have to be of extremely powerful status like a king or an warrior known at least throughout a continent. These weapons along with powerful effects provide a special ability!

- mystical- these weapons were wielded by legends and myths ! The continent shaper ' Beng ' the king of water ' Poseidon ' and the sky demon ' Vayu ' are just some of the names. Their weapons still remained intact after their owners died and thats is how you are able to get them . These weapons provide you a ability similar to the people they belonged to, for example if you got Poseidon's trident you can control the waters ! Thought not to the degree of the original user. these weapons are almost impossible to find

- God - these weapons belong to gods themselves ! Not much is known about them. Some don't even believe they exist ! Nobody had ever seen them. The little information we have is from a profit, who asked the gods and they were generous enough to tell. These weapons provide you the power of aspects of Reality itself !

You know the scary thing ? The gods even said that there is one God weapons in the world. Whoever gets that will essentially be a god ! " the blacksmith said laughing

" how much for a rare weapon ? " the group leader asked

" they don't have a standard price ! It depends on what weapon it is ! "

" what types of weapons do you have ? "

" i have shields, armor , swords , spears , bow and arrow, maces and anything you could name really "

" how much for a longsword ? "

" about 50 silver "

After hearing that he group started discussing and after that they said

" and how much for a knife? "

" about 30 silver "

" okay a longsword and a dagger please ! "

" ok total is 80 silver pay up and take the weapons "

After doing the payment the blacksmith handed them there weapons.

The rare longsword was shiner than its common counterpart. It was thicker and sharper as well. There was also a information panel on it which read.

- special effect - increases strength by 2 points

And as for the dagger

- special effect- increases speed by 2 points

The people were satisfied on seeing the benefits. Not only were the weapons of a much better quality but the special effects also helped a lot. To them the price seemed justified.

The Sword and dagger were taken by the 2 founders respectively after that out of curiosity they asked

" how much for a super rare longsword ? "

" about 5 gold "

Upon hearing the price they almost fainted from surprise! What the hell ? You just multiplied the rare price by 10 times ?

They were also going to ask about the Epic weapon but , they immediately gave up the thought fearing that they may faint.

They had already used all up all their money on the Rare weapons.

After enquiring about that they left the smithery. They all also swore that one day everyone in their guild will have a super rare weapon !


As the new weapons were introduced the players became anxious to own weapons if a higher rarity. They were all grinding the quests to the best of their ability.

When on the forums a post appeared.

- hello ! Looking for someone to buy Coins from ! I will pay 1 dollar per silver ! Here is my player Id contact me if you are interested.

Suddenly people realized that they could just but the money off other people for real money ! And soon many such posts appeared.

- screw the top guy ! I will give 1 and half dollars per sliver coin !

- screw both of the guys at the top i will give 2 dollars per coin !!!

Soon the rich came flying out in the forms. There were countless people people wanting to but the currency!

At the end of the day the value of the coin reached 2 and half dollars !


Vars was pubching code in his computer for the next update when a notification popped up.

- the host has achieved a impossible achievement!

- you cleared a task even before it was issued ! The task in question was to reach 10,000 players

- additional rewards will be presented !

- you have gotten 60 thousand dollars ! The game will also receive a small update for free !

- standard rewards are -

- you have gotten 60 thousand dollars ! The code for the next update has been provided !

- the next mission will be given when you complete the previous two missions codes.

Upon seeing these notification he almost died of happiness! He got free rewards for something he did not do !

In total he got $ 120,000 and new code ! But with this kind of money he would be able to hire a small temporary team ! Making the updates much faster. He also wondered what the surprise update contained.


" finally i have the money ! " Gang shouted with delight !

He had gotten 5 gold coins ! He had done this by spending about $1,250 !

He did not care about this small amount as this was only a very small fraction of his pocket money as he was very rich. The hard part was to find the people to buy from ! But he had finally done it !

He excitedly went to the blacksmith.

" please give me super rare long sword ! "

" sure ! Just give the money and take it ! "

He handed over the money and he got a sword that looked too magnificent! Its blade had parts that black ! It was made from a solid and strong metal. It had an amazing defense and an even more amazing offense.

Gang was mesmerized by the swords beauty. He the. Composed himself and looked at its special effect.

- special effect - gives you plus 10% damage against non warriors and a 15% damage against warriors. Also increases str by 5 points

Wow these special effects are so strong ! He Thought.


at the sane time in the Yami village intense arguing could be heard. At least of what remained of the village

" i won't end this War ! " Cambo shouted

Ch 16 end

( everyone i have decided to reduce the word count to 1000 words per chapter! I have not done this because am losing interest in the novel.but , because my school live has become more busy. I hope you can look over it )