The fruit mage and peace agreement

The Bear started charging towards the fruit mage , Conny.

Conny used one of his body balls to attack his legs.

The ball dashed towards the Bears legs with a great speed and collided with it. This made the bear stumble. In that moment another ball hit him in the face and another one in the back. Both of the balls were extremely fast and caused much damage to the bear.

The bear coughed up some blood.

Suddenly! , Conny saw that the balls started to merge into him once again.

[ what's happening? Why is his body going back to normal ? ]

[ looks like the effects of powers if going on cool down ! ]

[ what it went on cool down so fast ? I knew it ! The fruit mage is useless ! ]

[ what do you mean ' so fast ' ? The ability was extremely powerful and i think it lasted for 5 minutes which is enough to deal with a opponent! It just took him some time to find the bear ! ]

[ and do you remember each fruit haS a different ability? What if eats a banana? A apple ? Or a orange? I an dying to know ! ]

Conny however just smiled and went into one of his pockets.

The Bear stared charging once again after he saw that those weird balls were gone.

In a short moment he took out a banana and eat it raw !

" Well I don't know what this will do but i don't have many options ! " he said to the viewers

Suddenly he felt his arms twitching and shaking violently. Then his arms started to transforM into what looked like machine guns !

Conny understood what they did so he pointed them at the bear and the guns started spinning. But instead of bullets bananas came out.

[ what the hell is this ? Bananas vs Bears ? ]

[ what will the bananas do make him hungry and distract him ? I would rather run for my life rather than try to fight him ! ]

[ brother i am on your side , but , i would also recommend you run away as fast as humanly possible if you don't want to wait for 4 hours ! ]

The viewers started trolling and telling Conny to run away as they thought he would be slaughtered by the bear. But the next moment they saw something surprising!

The bananas came out a very great speed and hit the bear everywhere on its body. It was soon covered in banana pulp.

The banana pulp got between its legs and also on the ground making him slip and fall. And temporarily paralyzing him.

Then Conny took out a pomegranate from his pocket and eat it as well.

The banana guns turned back into his arms and he felt another strange sensation in his body.

Soon he took out his sword. After that he started multiplying ! He soon formed 20 small versions of him. Each was about the size of a 5 year old and the sword also shrieked. It soon resembled a very small knife.

After that all of his clones went towards the bear and started poking and stabbing it with the small knife . The bear tried to resist but there were too many fo the clones and it was still stuck in the thick Banana pulp.

The bear started bleeding and after some time died.

[ what an amazing technique ! I never expected the pomegranate to be so powerful ! And using the banana to stick him in place was genius ! ]

[ i never once doubted you ! I always knew you would beat he beat ]

[ bro i am super fan now ! I will subscribe and watch your every stream from now on ! ]

[ bro take this ! ]

A 100 dollar donation popped up on the screen.

" Thank you so much for the donation ! And i think that will be it for todays stream ! I will experiment will all kinds of fruits in the mean time and the next time i will hunt 3 Bears alone !!! " Conny said as he ended the stream


" I am very happy we can reach this agreement so soon,i think this will benefit both of our teams ! " Dark one said

After than he handed the agreement to the Yami general and he sighed it.

There were at least 20 members from each team to act as witnesses.

" I do have to inform you about something which i think is important for you to know " the general said with a complex expression

" yea , yes please tell me if you have something on your mind. It will help both of us moving forward "

" Uhh... how do I explain this... ,so basically we have decided on expelling Cambo from our group "

" WHAT !! "

" yes , we now have no connection to him and do not support him. I told you this because at this moment while we are talking he is probably mad with rage and traveling to your village to destroy it ! I said this to not associate his attack with the breach of the agreement " He said and started walking of

" Ha ha ha ! He has been expelled from the group he created ! He had definitely gone crazy ! " Dark one said his subordinates

Then he immediately sent a message to Mengo warning him of the dangers. He had faced Cambo and he knew how strong he was first hand. He also knew that he was bot invincible and with a good strategy he could be taken down without suffering many casualties.


" your getting better at using wind cutter ! " Mengo said blocking a katana slash

" you've also gotten more skilled in using that sword ! Before you just used brute force and no strategy " Vars said

The both of then were currently dueling the Light village. After their first encounter they would often duel to hone their skills. This had also become a source of entertainment for the Light players. They would often bet on who would win with small amounts.

Suddenly Mengo got a notification and he stopped to check it as it was from dark one.

After reading it he immediately stopped the duel and said

" Get ready all of you ! The last battle is about to begin ! "

Ch 18 end