Two birds, One..

"Nnh.." Riser groaned, picking her face up from a comfortable bed.

"What.. When did I pass out?" Riser asked, running her hand down her now long hair and freezing.

"Oh right.. Woman. What kind of perverse magic.." Riser muttered, sweeping her bangs back.

Then she noticed. The very distict feeling of her skin rubbing against the bedsheets. Looking down, she understood why. She was naked. Looking down at her impressive chest, Riser felt her face heat up.

"Who undressed me!?" Riser shouted with an indignant expression.

"I did." A mature voice answered him.

Riser quickly turned her head to see the woman who beat her. Akeno Himejima was seated in a chair across the bed, reading a magazine. The only thing strange about this scene was the state of dress she was in. A tight, white shirt, short black skirt, metal gauntlets, black thigh highs and boots. Her hair was also swept behind her ear.

"I'm sure you have questions, Risette. Like.. 'How did I get here?' Or 'How long has it been since I got my boudacious ass beat?' Well, I'm here to answer those questions." Akeno told her with a condescending smile.

"Well. After your surrender, I groped you. I groped you a lot.. Given that your body is more sensitive and you were all beat up, you fainted. I have great technique after all. You're in the guest room in the Gremory estate. We brought you over while your family, the Gremory's and the Fallen talk business." Akeno informed, seeing Riser blink owlishly.

"Wait I.. -Why are they talking business? I lost. What could you Fallen possibly want? Phoenix tears?" Riser asked, shifting uncomfortably in bed.

"Well your Mom is leading the affairs. I think she was sick of your attitude, so she's extending an olive branch to me and giving you over to me. Obviously not as a piece, but like... a maid? Rias is hashing out details as we speak." Akeno answered, seeing Riser's face pale.

"Riser is no servant! Just undo this.. perverse spell and I'll pay you. Then we can part ways, never to see one another again.." Riser demanded.

"No." Akeno replied, closing the magazine.

"...No?" Riser felt her mouth dry up as she asked.

"No. What makes you think I lack money? And this isn't purely magic. It's something Azazel himself made. I'd much rather see you squirm. I'm sure Issei would love to watch too. But we're out of one on one time, Risette." Akeno stated before the door opened, Rias and Lady Phenex walking in to see Riser seated on the bed with the sheets pulled up.

"Hello, Riser. Hm.. I think I like Riserette or Risette as your female name. Thoughts for later. I've come to inform you of your punishment." Lady Phenex stepped in, talking to Riser with authority.

"P-Punishment!? What did Riser do?" Riser asked, trying to look composed.

"Failing to control your sin. Lust. Honestly, I didn't care when you got yourself a harem. I didn't even care how much time you spent having unprotected sex with all of them. It was when you lusted after another Heiress, did it become an issue. I knew for a fact that if you ever bedded Rias, you'd completely spiral out of control until you offended someone you couldn't afford to. Or, in Akeno's words.. 'You think way too much with your dick'" Lady Phenex chastised, hearing Rias snicker to herself.

"Riser.. was not that bad, surely?" Riser weakly protested, getting audible sighs from all three women in response.

"You kept sending Familiars to spy on us. You made vulgar threats to me over the years. You didn't even bother hiding the fact you only wanted me for my body.." Rias listed.

"Exactly. I find it fitting you now find yourself a woman. So, for a year, you will be serving lady Akeno in Kuoh. After that, if you wish, you can return to being a man. Don't worry, we sorted out all the details. Torture, forced intercourse and any other extremes will not be inflicted upon you. Anything I missed, Lady Akeno?" Lady Phenex smiled and asked, ignoring the despair on Riser's face.

"No, I think that settles it. Thank you for coming. I trust the meeting with Azazel went well?" Akeno asked, returning her smile.

"Oh yes.. Access to his R&D department is a very sought after thing in the Underworld." Lady Phenex replied.

"Glad to see things work out. I'll take great care of your daughter, don't worry." Akeno said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh I trust you will. Hopefully when she returns, her lust will be in check." Lady Phenex added with a shake of her head before walking back out the door.

"I'll send you your things before you leave to Japan, sweetie. Ta-ta~" Lady Phenex waved before shutting the door on her way out.

"I have been abandoned by my family..." Riser muttered.

"You.... look amazing in the Tifa cosplay! I'm so glad I pre-prepared it in advance!" Rias cheered, ignoring Riser and rubbing her face against Akeno's toned stomach.

"Of course you would.. But do you really want to do this in front of Riser?" Akeno asked, feeling Rias' eager hands slip under her skirt and firmly grasp her glutes.

"Hmm.... She's a girl right now so I don't really care too much. And isn't it kinda.. hot? I mean.. it's kind of like we're cucking her." Rias whispered erotically.

"Stop~ You'll flip my switch if you keep talking like that.." Akeno replied with a small blush.

Meanwhile, Riser watched them in frustration. A heat rising to her cheeks as her would-be Fiancé was absorbed in touching the woman who soundly beat her. It was frustrating but strangely thrilling to her.

"Ah.. wait. What about your parents? You got out of Riser's engagement but I doubt your Dad and Mom would let you be with another woman. They might even set you up with another candidate. Then we'd be back to square one." Akeno asked, gently pulling Rias' hands off her rear.

"Actually.. My Mom was against my Father bringing up more candidates. I think she might know? Either way, she wants us all to stay the night. Though she's pretty insistent on you getting the guest room you used to have when you'd stay here, instead of staying in my room.." Rias pouted.

"Probably so she doesn't hear her daughter moaning all night.." Akeno muttered in response.

"You... You two are..?" Riser spoke up, an incredulous look on her face.

"Well.. yeah? Remember my words? 'You tried to take what's mine'? That was referring to Rias. And the ORC to a lesser extent." Akeno answered, folding her arms under her chest with a grin.

"You know what'll happen if you tattle, so I won't even bother to threaten you. You should wash up and sleep for now though. Big day tomorrow!" Akeno said, watching Riser deflate.

"See you later, Risette~" Rias teased before leaving the room with Akeno.

"How much you wanna bet she's going to touch herself all night?" Akeno asked.

"Oh she's definitely going to. You're an evil genius, you know that? Seeing as how Riser treated women he was interested in, turning him into one is almost.. karmic?" Rias complimented with a mischievous smirk.

"I had a lot of time to think about what I'd do to him. I've an idea that might make us a lot of profit. I'm sure I can get Raynare and Kalawarner involved too. Some risque all-girls film seeing Fallen get with a certain haughty Devil girl? I can see the money now.." Akeno grinned devilishly as she walked with Rias down the hall.

"Ah I love the little evil schemes you come up with." Rias laughed and hugged Akeno's arm as they walked.

"When they don't directly affect you~" Akeno chuckled as they both stopped by a window overlooking the entrance outside the manor.

Rias embraced Akeno and looked down with a reminiscent smile.

"You know it was right here? When I fell for you? Remember my.. er.. tantrum when I was fourteen?" Rias asked.

"When the Riser thing was solidified? You got into a huge fight with Zeoticus." Akeno hummed.

-Four years earlier-

Rias stomped out of her Father's study, storming down the hallway of the Gremory estate with a dark expression. The maids and butlers all keeping a safe distance away from the clearly upset Heiress. Rias ground her teeth as she walked, not noticing Akeno until she felt her waist being pulled from behind.

"Ah- hey! Akeno I'm not in the mood.. I just found out I'm getting married to a.. a bastard!" Rias shouted, seeing her friend stick her finger in her ears.

"I'm right here, Rias. No need to shout. And 'bastard'? You really must be upset if you're cursing like that. Your Mom would stick soap in your mouth if she heard." Akeno chortled.

"Hmph!" Rias turned away with her arms folded.

"Is it such a big deal? What makes him so bad?" Akeno asked, nudging her arm.

"He's already lost his virginity to some girl. We're fourteen!" Rias exclaimed.

Akeno tilted her head in confusion.

"That's.. not normal? Well, okay. But if it's just that.." Rias shook her head before continuing.

"He has a stupid harem! I met him a few times. It just kept growing! He even has sex with his maids! He was leering at me the whole time. I refuse to marry a perverted bastard like that!" Rias shouted before finding Akeno's hand covering her mouth.

"Okay.. Okay, I get it. You won't. Let me think of something to help you get out of this. I'm not letting my best friend get married to a pig." Akeno stated calmly.

Rias blinked and watched her friend's calm yet confident demeanor as she quietly thought about ways to help her get out of her engagement. Her perception of her friend subtly changed. But she wouldn't quite realize what happened for a while yet.

-Present day-

"Seems simple, now that I think back.. But you took my side immediately after understanding." Rias smiled as she hugged Akeno's back.

"Of course. Your happiness matters, Rias. Now, all we have to worry about is making sure your Dad's okay with this." Akeno replied, feeling Rias rest her chin on her shoulder.

"Well... The only issue is having kids, right? What if we asked Azazel? I mean.. later down the line, of course.." Rias whispered.

"That.... might actually work. I need to ask if it's possible. And let my Mom know too. I think she knows about us, but I'd like to tell her about it anyways." Akeno responded, enjoying the closeness.

"Then it's a plan. Come on, I think dinner is soon. We can shower together." Rias whispered before nibbling on her ear, taking her hand and walking back to her room.

"As long as 'washing' doesn't interrupt our dinner.." Akeno smirked while following.

-Later that night-

Akeno had returned to her guest room for the night. Zeoticus and Venelana insisted everyone drink, to celebrate their victory in the rating game. Issei, Kiba and Gasper had a bit too much though, and started to bond with Zeoticus, much to Venelana's delight. Akeno had to carry Koneko and Rias to their rooms, since, while they weren't as drunk as Issei, Kiba, Gasper and Zeoticus, they were rather tipsy. Akeno herself felt it.

But it was strange. Instead of the light feeling of a buzz, her body felt.. hot. Almost like a fever. Comfortably uncomfortable might aptly describe it. She felt a heat in her core that made her unable to sleep. Tossing and turning in bed with audible breaths.

"...What was in that wine....?" Akeno whispered, reaching down to her thighs and feeling her womanhood.

"Mmfh... sensitive too.." Akeno muttered, body freezing as she felt someone slip into her bed.

Large breasts pressed against her back and long hair tickled her skin. Akeno closed her eyes, feeling wandering hands reach down her body. Touching her belly, then thighs, then her pussy. Her breath hitched as she felt lips press up against her neck, leading up to her jaw while skilled fingers slowly began to rub her clitoris.

"My my.. You should still be awake, right?" Akeno heard a sultry voice say before her head was turned, looking at the one touching her.

"Vene..lana..? Why..?" Akeno asked, groaning in pleasure as the mature Devil woman worked her magic.

Venelana looked down at her, licking her lips while taking in the sight of a flushed Akeno. She lowered her face down, ready to steal her lips when the door opened. A stumbling Rias walking into the room.

"Eh..? Rias? I thought you-" Venelana looked over to her daughter, who suddenly threw off all her clothes and dove into bed with them.

"Ish.. mine... Akeno'sh firsh is mine.. MoOm.." Rias glared while holding Akeno's face in her chest.

"What... is happening here..?" Akeno asked, the sudden shock clearing her head enough to ask.

"Tsk... Thiiiis is allllll a dreaaaaam... I was neveeeer heeeeere.." Venelana got up and said dramatically, waving her hands as Akeno looked at her incredulously.

"Who are you trying to foo-" Rias cut off Akeno with a loud gasp.

"OH... right... that makesh shense... Goo'nite.." Rias waved her Mother off before holding Akeno close.

As Venelana slowly closed the door, Akeno could only ask herself one thing.
