Tribulations (3)

"Lunch," Dane said as he slid into an empty seat beside Remi. He handed him a paper bag filled with subs made from a cafe in the Academy's town. "Remi." Dane tapped Remi on the shoulder when his liege showed no sign of hearing him.

Remi, who had been looking at a sample through this world's crude microscope, blinked owlishly when he felt something poking his arm. He turned to find Dane sitting beside him. "When did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago. Here," Dane plopped the bagged food down in front of Remi, mindful not to jostle whatever it was he was looking at. "You need to eat."

Remi took the sandwich out of the bag, just now realizing how hungry he was. "Thank you."

A week has passed since Remi locked himself up inside the laboratory. In that week, Ophelia returned to her classes, followed by her three puppets. The rumors about Remi were spun and took a turn for the worse.