The Festival's Hidden Event (4)


Demian could feel the wooden floor beneath him shake with the impact, a low groan involuntarily escaping from Dane's clenched lips. Not giving the fallen beta a second thought, Demian fine-tuned the water in the air into sharp, thin needles of ice and aimed them at their attacker.

Too fast for the eye to keep up with, the whip blurred in the air, shattering the ice shards. The whip flicked again and a sharp pain tore through his shoulder before he was sent flying back.

Demian crashed into a table, toppling down onto the ground. His shoulder and side ached from the impact but he quickly shoved the pain to the back of his mind.

Scrambling to his feet, he saw that Dane had already recovered and was charging forward, the dagger in his hand elongated into a thin point and bits of metal that had been pulled from the floor, chairs, and tables swirled around the tip.