The Festival's Closing (1)

Dane parted ways from Remi, not exactly wanting to leave his liege, but hoping that Demian was competent enough to to keep him safe.

The path he had chosen sloped down, heading further underground. Moisture seeped through, running down the brick walls. The bones of rats and other small animals were scattered on the floor every so often along with fallen pieces of mortar. A musty smell hung heavy in the air leaving Dane to believe that this hallway was either never used or just wasn't very well cared for.

The sloping ground finally leveled out and the dirty floor became clear of debris. A large opening appeared further down the path and a yellowish-orange glow leaked out into the dark corridor.

Dane slowed in his steps and pressed his back up close against the wall, scooting closer to the corner where the hallway and entrance merged together.

"Be careful!"

The voice spilled out, Dane could easily hear the voices inside the large room.