Heedful Intuitions (2)

Remi bent down and started scooping up the papers into a pile. Demian bent down beside him to help him.

"Oh! Tha-thank you!" The professor stuttered out gratefully when they handed the stacks to him, his eyes lingering on Remi a split second longer than necessary.

"I think this is going to be an interesting year," Remi whispered to him when they got back to their seats. "Or at least this will be an interesting class if not entertaining."

Demian hummed his agreement. The professor seemed like a total scatterbrain. Where in the world did the Headmaster find such a person? Was it because they had to find a professor on such short notice?

"He-hello everyone. My name is Dars Sel. Pl-please call me Mr. Sel." The class began after that short introduction. The professor stumbled through the lesson, and even repeated himself sometimes.