The Trial of Mattius Arien (2)

"We need to help him."

Demian agreed with Remi, but what could they do? Demian could write to his father, and Remi could write to his. It's possible that if two kings petition against the unjust removal of the current Headmaster, it might be able to at least slow down the Headmaster's dismissal. Demian didn't hold any high expectations in deluding himself that they could stop the dismissal altogether.

"What's that?" Lady Shana asked, reaching down to pick up a piece of paper that had fallen out of Laxel's pocket.

"I don't know. Never seen it before." Laxel emphasized his words with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders.

Lady Shana unfolded the piece of paper. "Prince Remi, you need to see this," she spoke in an urgent tone after she read what was written on it.

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