
Derek thought it would be good if he took her to his house first because they were close to his mansion.


"Yes, sir," the driver said, clearing his voice.


Derek saw that her body was shivering and that her body temperature was really high.


"What's wrong?" she asked softly as she approached his face. Derek ignored her stare and pulled out his phone to dial Lucy's number. Lucy was Derek's childhood friend, and she was also a doctor.


Derek became desperate; he murmured when Lucy was not picking up his calls.


"Lucy, pick up the phone."


And finally, Lucy answered his call. As she picked up his call, Derek said, "Lucy," but Elena immediately began unbuttoning his shirt.


"Hey," Derek arched his brows and said, pressing her against his chest. It was quite inconvenient. "Hey, what's the matter?" Luck asked, her voice woozy.