
As I emerged from the room, Anne had been eavesdropping outside the door. Her voice dripped with insincere praise as she addressed me.

"Elena, you did an excellent job," Anne said, her words like sweet poison. "I know how much you adore your father."

I met Anne's faux compliment with a wry grin, fully aware of her hidden motives. Her words were like honeyed traps, designed to catch those who let their guard down. Anne's smile remained plastered on her face.

I pressed on, my voice steady and determined. "I know you're thrilled, but please don't try to take my mom's belongings. You managed to take her husband once, but I'm not going to let you steal her belongings as well."

Anne's mask of composure slipped briefly, her eyes revealing a flash of anger and irritation. My pointed words had struck a nerve.