
The thought of Derek and his new bride attending the party brought a smile to my face. It was an opportunity to express my gratitude for his heroic actions and to finally offer the thanks he deserved.

As I contemplated the possibility of a reunion with Derek and his wife at the party, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected twists and turns that life had brought.

"Are you serious, Elena?" But Lucy asked suddenly, her laughter bubbling up uncontrollably.

I couldn't fathom why Lucy found my statement amusing. "What?" I inquired, utterly puzzled by her reaction.

Lucy continued to laugh heartily, her amusement apparent. "Hahaha! I can't believe what I'm hearing, Elena," she managed to say between fits of laughter.

Perplexed, I pressed for an explanation. "What happened, though? What makes you laugh?" I asked, my curiosity growing.