
Behaving in this manner is quite upsetting. How could a father do something like this? I'm in a bad mood. So I took a walk from there. Seeing her father in this state makes my heart break. I put my hand on my belly. I know that Derek is not the father of my child.

Can he love this child? I'm not sure what I'm thinking. I'm sure he'll adore this child. He also desires for me to give birth to this child. Someone unexpectedly grabbed me from behind.


"I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling well and came here," I said.

"I get it. That dude was a little strange," Derek said. I didn't say anything and simply rested my head against his chest.

Derek abruptly stated, "We will never do this with our child, okay?" I was taken aback when I heard him. Is he able to read my thoughts? I nodded yes right away.

"Let's go. Mr. Kai must be waiting for us,'' he said. When we entered, we noticed that everyone was wearing a mask.