
The car enveloped us, muffling the outside world as I eavesdropped on their conversation. Paulina's voice echoed in my ears, reminiscent of Paul's incessant chatter from our shared past. In those bygone days, we engaged in endless conversations, navigating the contours of life when Paul was just a kid.

Now, as I navigate life without him, the realization of time's fleeting nature hits me with a profound force.

I find myself lost in hypothetical.

 What if he could overcome his struggles, the grip of his paranoid disorder loosening its hold? Would he still be a vibrant presence, sharing smiles with Paulina in Derek's place?

As the car hums along the road, my mind races through scenarios that exist only in the realm of what-ifs.

What if Paul could reclaim his normalcy? Would he stand beside me now, sharing the same space as Derek?

The rhythmic motion of the car becomes a metronome, measuring the passage of time and stirring introspection.