His Feelings

Tony's POV :

8 hours earlier

" Anthony, wake up " Mum knocked on my door

" I'm awake " I mumbled as I changed position

" Okay, breakfast is in thirty minutes " She answered before going away

I stood up and went to the bathroom, I had a quick wash and threw some clothes on. I checked the calendar for today's date and my eyes widened when I saw the date.

I totally forgot about the visit to the hospital.

I rushed down the stairs, gave my Mum a kiss on her forehead, took two slices of toast bread and my bike key, I hurried outside. I entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor.

The elevator doors opened revealing a garage occupied with cars, I trailed down an area where my bike was parked. I inserted the key and drove out of the garage.

We lived in a rural area, an area where there are few houses and where nobody knows who we are. Our house is the biggest there.

I got to the hospital, checked in with the usual nurse and I stopped at where my legs took me to. I opened the door and took a deep breath before entering.

" Good morning, Mr Cassidy " the nurse treating my brothers greeted

" Hi " I walked over to where my twin brothers laid

Nathan and Ethan who are five years older than me.

" Hi, Nathan. How are you today " I walked to his bedside, Nathan had a little scar on his face, his brown hair was neatly combed to the side.

" Have they been cleaned today " I asked the nurse

" Yes, sir "

" Give us some privacy " I gazed at her

" Okay, sir " She left immediately

I stood in between their beds, staring at them, Ethan also has a similar scar like that of Nathan but was located on his forehead.

I usually discuss with them everything going at home or in the school, even though I get no response from them, I am always looking forward to seeing them.

After spending an hour more with them, I left for home. When I got home, Mum has already left for her work place but Dad was back.

I hate to be around him

As I entered the house, I quickly dashed for my room not sparing him a glance, but I couldn't enter because of his voice

" Anthony, Where do you think you are going to " He spoke authoritatively

" I'm going to my room " I said with venom laced clearly in my voice

" Come here! " He barked

I stomped my feet before going to meet him

" Where are you coming from? " He asked

" I went to visit them "

" Who? " He stood up in anger

" Nathan and ..... " I wasn't done talking, when a resounding slap rang on my cheeks

" I told you not to go there anymore, do you want our secret to be out! " he yelled angrily

" It is your secret not mine " I shouted back at him and walked away. I quickly got inside my room, locked the door and rushed to the bed.

I ignored the loud screams, banging and shouting that was made by my father as I cried profusely.

" Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you Anthony, Happy birthday to you " Nathan and Ethan sang with joy and happiness as they knocked at my door

I opened the door and let them in, they had a vanilla cake, which had five lit candles on it, on their hands as they entered with Mum coming behind them. Dad was never around

" Make a wish and blow out your candles " Ethan said with glee present in his voice

I made a wish and quickly blew out the candles. They clapped and smiled at me. I was fifteen years today.

" Where is Dad " I asked

" Um.. He will soon be here " Nathan quickly added, scratching the back of his head

" Don't let your father bother you, I have prepared a special dish for you, so have your bath and come down, and guess what " Mum smiled

" What? " I asked surprised

" We are going to the beach! " They shouted at the same time

" Yes!! " I squeaked

" We will be expecting you downstairs"

" Sure "

After wining and dining, we left for the beach. We got to the beach in few minutes. Nathan and I raced to the beach after changing, while Mum and Ethan trailed behind us.

We had a lot of fun by swimming and doing some games. As we were packing to go home, Ethan received a call from Dad, to report to the office immediately.

" Mum, take care of Anthony, Our attention is needed at the company " Ethan said to Mum

" Why do you need to go? " I whined

" Dad needs us there, don't worry okay" Nathan replied

" Dad is working and he couldn't be here for me " I almost yelled

" Don't think like that Anthony, your Dad loves you " Mum assured

" I don't care what he thinks about me, I am going with you " I informed them

" Okay if you say so, just promise to be a good boy " Ethan replied

" Yeah "

Nathan drove us to the company, we got there and alighted.

I was awed as I saw the huge building, which has Cassidy's Enterprises printed in bold letters on the forefront and glass doors.

We entered the company, and headed straight to the elevator. Nathan pressed the 25th floor, making the elevator doors close. The doors of the elevator opened and we went out.

" Stay here " Ethan directed me to a seat, as they entered the office that had CEO ascribed to its door. I shrugged and settled down on the seat.

Soon after, there were shouts of argument coming from the office, I could hear Dad's voice and Ethan's voice. I moved closer to the door and laid my right ear on it, making me hear what they are arguing about.

" How did the money got stolen from you, I thought you were competent " Dad's voice rang out

" It was not stolen Dad, I told you that it was donated to a charity foundation" Ethan yelled

" That's a lie, the management team never mentioned anything about that "

" I'm sorry, I forgot to tell them. Ethan reported to me " Nathan answered

" That's a lie, the both of you are liars!!" Dad shouted in anger

I was really angry, how could he call my brothers liars.

I pushed open the door, and entered

" I trust my brothers, they wouldn't lie to you "

" What are you doing here? " He spat angrily

" Anthony, why are you here, were you eavesdropping on us " Nathan glared at me

" No, I was hungry " I lied

" Let's go home, then. Dad we would settle this later " Ethan spoke, feeling heartbroken

I hate it when my brothers are like this

We drove back home in Dad's car. Dad was driving, Ethan pulled shotgun and Nathan and I sat at the back.

" Dad do you know what day it is " I asked

" Yes, today is a Saturday " he responded briskly

" Oh! You hurt me Dad, have you forgotten today is my Birthday " I said bitterly

" Oh! I'm sorry boy, work has been hectic "

" You hate him, that is why, you never forget about our birthdays but you always forget his own " Ethan argued

" I didn't remember and I don't hate him " Dad shrugged

" It's a lie, stop lying. You are also a liar " Nathan argued back

" How dare you say that to me! I'm your Father and I demand some respect " Dad yelled

" We are not liars also, why can't you believe what we say " Ethan accused him

" We are talking about a huge sum of money, I invested in a business and I must make profit " Dad retorted

" I hate you! " Nathan shouted

" How dare you! " Dad glared, looking at us, distracting him from seeing a van coming towards us

" Dad!! " I shouted, before the van collided with our car

I woke up from the deep slumber I was in, beads of sweat tripped down my forehead as I panted, I never wanted to remember this memory.

This memory always leaves me in a bad mood.

I stood up from the bed and dragged myself into my closet. Searching for what to wear to Myla's party, finally, I took out a jazz trouser, black shirt and a pair of black sneakers.

I dressed up and waltzed to the garage. I rode crazily to Myla's house and stopped few metres away from her house. I watched as familiar faces from school entered the opened door leading to the interior part of her house.

Minutes after, I saw James and Peter coming out of Peters' car. I got down from my bike and rushed to their side.

"What's up man, you look stressed out" Peter glanced at me

" Had a bad day "

" Do you wanna share " James spoke out

" Never mind " I faltered slightly

We dashed inside the house, took a seat at a large table and entertained ourselves with alcohol and smoking.

After an hour, someone settled beside James, I looked up to see Richard Dalton. That boy always give me bad vibes. He seemed suspicious.

I lit another cigarette and drove it into my mouth, I inhaled, feeling relieved of all the bad memories I wanted to keep away as I exhaled the smoke through my nose and mouth.

Richard eyes stayed glued at me for some time before he stood up, walking away from where we were seated. I stood up and went to the hallway on the first floor to take a leak.

As I was about to open the door of the first room in the hallway, someone came out of the room, making me bump into the person. I took my gaze up to see Richard standing there.

He tried to move away but I held him back by pulling his hand.

" What do you want from me? " He asked with a frown evident on his face

" Why are you avoiding me " I wanted to know the reason

" I'm not. I just don't want to talk to you " he retorted

" Are you okay? " I asked, feeling concerned

" I'm okay! Nothing is wrong with me" he said, panicking

" Cool down. I was just wondering because you left the locker room before I came out and I haven't seen you after that day "

" I'm fine, thanks " he said, relaxing slightly

" That's better " I chuckled

" Can I ask you a question? "

" Yeah, go on "

" What happened to your brothers " he whispered quietly, but I heard him

" Nothing! " I shouted at him, remembering the memory I so desperately tried to forget

" Ouch! That hurts " I heard him cry out, jolting me out of my memory

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you " I panicked, as I scanned his face with my fingers, brushing his hair away in the process

" I'm okay " he blushed

was he embarrassed by my outburst, I thought

" I don't like talking about my brothers " I said sadly

" I'm sorry, I won't talk about them again " he patted my back

" it's fine "

" Can we go back now? " He asked

" No " I smirked, testing his patience

" Why will you say that, Ava might be searching for me and I know how she does when she is drunk or afraid. I also think It is almost 11pm, Mum would start calling me to get back home and I hate it how she wants me to protect Ava..... "

" Can't you keep quiet and stop rambling " I cursed out loudly, thinking he would stop but he ignored me and continued

" Take care of Ava, Watch out for Ava... "

I tuned him out as I stared at his lips moving ever so briskly, he continued talking as he used his tongue to wet his lips. I wanted to know what he would taste like if I kissed him.

Fuck! I'm I drunk

I finally satisfied the urge in me by kissing him. I wrapped my hand around his waist and pulled him closer. He tasted like grape and mint. I kissed him roughly, pressing his back against the door.

What I'm I doing. This is not right!

I shouted inwardly, as I regained consciousness, I am kissing a boy! Boy!

I quickly pulled away from him, distancing myself away from him.

" What the hell was that! " I yelled

" You started it! " he spat

" You could have pushed me away! " I scoffed, disgusted

" I tried to but you held me tight " he retorted

" Forget about everything that happens. No one must know about this " I barked

" I don't want anyone to know also "

" Good " I replied before walking away from him

What came over me, why did I kissed him?