Chapter- two

“What the hell?” I whispered to myself, “What the hell? What the hell?” With each passing second, my tone increased. I was just shocked that I would receive such a thing out of nowhere.

Was it what I thought it was? Was it? I wanted to cry and at the same time laugh at the message he wrote underneath the picture. ‘Babe, you can grab all you want.’ The text that followed read.

My immediate reaction was to gap at the picture, and then I was laughing at the choice of his words. I was laughing like I just figured out the formula to laugh. Even a few snorts left my mouth. I was rolling against my bed as I continued to laugh. I didn’t know why but I found the text given by the stranger very hilarious. Grab all you want. There was something so amusing to me about the sentence.

I wanted to be very clear; the guy wasn’t naked but I could tell that he was, definitely, trying to be. I could see the trail of hair that creeped out of his trousers and I could see the hip bones. My eyes took in his stomach. And I had only one way to describe it; attractive to the eyes. His stomach was toned and I could guess he was someone who worked out, but also that working out was not his whole life and personality.

Then my gaze lingered down and I noticed the outline of his bulge.

He looked big. Immediately as soon as I thought that, I slapped my cheek. “No, I am not thinking about the size of a stranger's dick.”

After I checked out his whole body, I just realized that I had gotten a text from a dude. It implied that he meant it to someone, and since I found the text, I can safely assume the dude got the wrong number.

I knew that I didn’t need to reply, and I could have just ignored him but I didn’t want to do that. I mean, his message did make me laugh, after all. I can, at least, tell him that he had got the wrong number. I was definitely not the one he meant to send this.

I typed back quickly and hit the send button. What I wrote was: Hey, I think you’ve got the wrong number.

I sent the text expecting no replies and that was the reason why I kept my phone on the table. I was planning on sleeping. I had been texting with Ashley for the past few hours and that was hurting my eyes. It was time to rest my eyes. When I closed my eyes, all that was flashing in front of my eyes was the damn text.

I couldn’t help but snigger slightly. For me, that text was really embarrassing. I didn’t know if that line worked out for the people that he sexted with, but I was not at all impressed with that line. What was he thinking? Sending texts like that. I lightly shook my head.

I tried to sleep by making use of the different techniques that I knew. And, I was more than glad when I fell asleep.


I woke up with a jolt. I didn’t realise when exactly I fell asleep. I yawned loudly and tried to stop my eyes from closing off again. I was in the time where I grabbed my phone when I realized that it was on the table. I unlocked it as I wanted to see the time. When I turned on the phone, the bright light from the phone nearly blinded me, and I let out a sleepy groan.

But when I checked my notifications, I was more than surprised to see three new messages; two were from Ashley and one message was from the stranger I texted yesterday. I instantly sat up, all my sleepiness was instantly gone. Geez, some random strangers need to send me messages every morning. It was almost hilarious how my drowsy state evaporated in an instant.

I opened the two messages of Ashley first.

This is the dude I went on a date with btw: It was the first message she sent along with an attached picture.

I chuckled when I saw the picture. Not because the guy looked funny or anything, but because he looked nothing like the guys Ashley liked.

He was muscular, and his hair was trimmed, with a tattoo of something on his neck. The man had a soft smile on his face and his face didn’t match his body at all. His face had soft features; round eyes, a soft smile, and full cheeks. The man looked adorable, and Ashley never went for adorable guys. The guys Ashley liked always had a face that made them look somewhat unapproachable.

cute, nice choice. I texted back.

Then I opened the other message: Are you not Sarah?

No, dude. Sarah probably gave you the wrong number. I texted back.

My phone vibrated: i got the wrong number it seems

Yes, you did. I’m sorry I’m not the one that you wanted it to send xD

doesn't matter. what would you rate my picture out of 10

“Wow,” I snorted at his text. He didn’t just ask me to rate his picture.

10 out of 10 dude: I replied back.

phew, i thought i was losing my hotness

Then another text: sorry for disturbing, see ya cutie

See ya, my ass. I was not going to ever text this person ever again. Or so I thought. I wished I knew what I was getting into.