Chapter 10

Miss Sh"en our president is still in the meeting"

Shen Chuchu bit her lips, feeling lost, she can't wait any longer, she has to see him!

So without his consent, she came into his office

But when she came, this is what Han Min's assistant told her

"Special assistant Chen, I came here to surprise big brother Min! when he will be available?"

Special assistant Chen shook inwardly at the name 'big brother Min' but he use all his might to suppress the sickening feeling

"Miss Shen president Han doesn't have time today"

Shen Chuchu pout and say in a low voice

"Can I just wait inside his office?"

Special assistant Chen's eyes narrow but still answer calmly

"Miss Shen I am sorry, but without the president's approval no one can enter his office"

Shen Chuchu look down hiding her expression but still ask in her a little at lost voice

"But I just want to surprise him!"

"Sorry miss Shen but even the president's family, without his approval no one can enter his office, please excuse me"

Shen Chuchu looks at the departing back of special assistant Shen and the hatred in her eyes is now obvious

'This damn assistant! wait until I marry your president I'll clean you up first!'

Shen Chuchu calm herself down and left with her head down,

The people who look at her felt pity for her because she is exuding a pitiful aura.

In the office

"President, miss Shen left"

Han Min didn't say anything, just nod and signal the special assistant to go,

Han Min massage his eyebrows, he knows that there is something wrong with him!

But he cannot take any drastic move, he is afraid of scaring the snake so he has to move more subtle,

He cannot afford to risk he has a lot of people to protect.

Han Yun's eyes were set aflame when she saw an unsightly person in her brother's company

"Little Yun"

Shen Chuchu called sweetly but Han Yun just snort and ignore her

"I hate going to a place where that b**** and my scum brother showed up but I don't have a choice!"

She said angrily to the receptionist exactly special assistant came so Han Yun turned to him

"Because why can't I have a brother who is not a scum and a cheater?! I badly miss my Xiaoxiao!"

Assistant Chen take a step back while calming Han Yun

"Young miss please calm down! I am sure that miss Qi Xiao badly misses you more"

Han Yun stares at special assistant Chen for 10 seconds and says

"Now I know why you become a special assistant! you are great at fawning!"

"Thank you, young miss"

The special assistant said while maintaining his straight face, Han Yun become more annoyed

"I am not praising you"

Special assistant Chen shake his head while looking at the back of Han Yun while murmuring to himself

"It is really hard to earn money you know?"

Han Min heard a knock and called out

"Come in"

Han Yun enter and go tell him straight what she wanted

"I wanna finish my studies in country M"

Han Min looks at his only sister and answers directly


Han Yun's face flushed because of anger and said

"I am not asking your opinion! I am just informing you!"

Han Min crosses his hand on his chest and cooly reclines while asking

"The parents told you to ask for my permission, am I right?"

Han Min pause and continue

"And if not for me, there will be no allowance and whatnot for you right?"

Han Yun's eyes redden and her voice becomes shaky

"Qi Xiao grew up more pamper than me! she gets whatever she wants even without asking about it! but now nobody knows where she is! her parents cannot send her money and all! but she still insists on staying out there because she'd rather give you peace of mind! and that is what I want too! I don't need your money! every time I look at you I remember my best friend's tears"