Chapter 105

While running she called Han Min,she was thankful that her call was directly answer

"B-brother Min!h-help!"

Han Min's heart stop beating when he heard the panic in her voice but he tried calming her down

"Okay baby where are you?i am almost at your place"

Qi Xiao sniff and slowly explain,

"I was about to run down stair but i saw two suspicious persons using the stairs so i change my mind and instead going up!i am almost at the roof top!"

Han Min keep on calming her down

"I am almost there!baby,hide okay?"

Qi Xiao said yes then hurriedly cut off the call,then she received a message from him

'Send me the location where you will hide'

Qi Xiao didnt answer yet because she heard some noises coming towards her.

She is really scared!she remember how was the feeling of dying!it was painful and scary!and she dont want to feel that again!.

She cant go up at the rooftop,she is sure there is enemies in there.