Chapter 8

As Adrienne entered the hospital, a chorus of sounds filled the air. Suddenly, the vibrant energy of the facility became unmistakable. The constant buzz of voices, intermingled with the sporadic ringing of phones, orchestrated a symphony of activity. The sterile scent of disinfectant floated about, lending an aura of cleanliness and organization to the environment.

Nurses swiftly passed by, their soft-soled shoes creating a faint echo as they scuttled from room to room, tending to the needs of the patients. The steady beeping and whirring of medical equipment in the background added a sense of urgency to the atmosphere, serving as a reminder of the constant monitoring and care being provided.

Intermittently, conversations between doctors and their patients could be heard. Filled with empathy and reassurance, these exchanges brought moments of respite within the cacophony. Laughter and chatter between visitors also provided a small escape from the seriousness that hung in the air.

The walls, adorned with vibrant artwork and inspiring quotes, served as a constant reminder of hope and healing.

"Healing is not a linear path; it involves both highs and lows. Trust the journey and have faith in your own strength to overcome," she read aloud one of the quotes.

"Tch!" She smirked in response.

"That's the lamest quote I've seen in a long time," she frowned as she continued on, searching for the Emergency Room.

A subtle sense of anticipation wafted through the atmosphere as families and friends stood by the doors of various rooms, awaiting updates or news about their loved ones.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, a hint of quiet determination and resilience pervaded the hospital. The atmosphere, though tense, radiated a sense of togetherness and a common dedication to healing and care.

"Hello. I'm looking for a patient named Daniel. I believe he was brought to the emergency room this morning," Adrienne said to a nurse she had stopped.

"Please go to the reception desk and provide them with his full name. They will direct you to his room," the nurse told Adrienne before excusing herself.

"She could have just directed me there herself," Adrienne smirked, observing the nurse as she walked away.

"Adrienne!" someone called out. Adrienne turned towards the direction of the voice and saw Sarah, her makeup artist.

"Did you just call me Adrienne?" Adrienne gave Sarah a stern look as she approached her.

"No, I didn't. I called you Miss Adrienne," Sarah lied.

"I distinctly heard Adrienne," Adrienne challenged her.

"I believe you misheard me," Sarah defended her lie.

"What are you doing here? Are you visiting Daniel?" Adrienne asked Sarah.

"Yes, I was just about to grab something, but let me direct you to his room first," Sarah responded, leading Adrienne towards Daniel's room.

Adrienne followed closely behind Sarah. "I'm pretty sure I only heard Adrienne," Adrienne said with a frown.

Sarah, who was walking ahead, rolled her eyes in annoyance, knowing that Adrienne couldn't see her reaction. "Classic Adrienne!" Sarah mused to herself.

They arrived at the door of a room, and Sarah gestured for Adrienne to enter.

As Adrienne entered the hospital room, she spotted Daniel lying comfortably on the bed. Despite the recent motorbike accident, he appeared to be at ease and relaxed. There were no signs of distress or panic evident on his face, and his breathing seemed to be steady and calm. Daniel's body was propped up slightly with a pillow supporting his back, allowing him to rest in a semi-upright position. Though he had visible scrapes and bruises on his arms and legs, they appeared to be superficial, indicating that he hadn't sustained any severe injuries. Daniel's eyes were open, reflecting alertness and consciousness. Overall, while he bore the marks of the accident, Daniel's appearance suggested that he was in stable condition and making a good recovery.

"My Babyyy!" she exclaimed, rushing over to hug Daniel.

" back," Daniel cried out in pain, causing Adrienne to quickly release her grip.

"You hugged me too tightly. My back still hurts from the accident," Daniel complained.

"I'm sorry. I was just so surprised. You really scared me, Dan. Why would you ride your bike at such a high speed? What would I have done if I had lost you in the accident?" Adrienne shouted at Daniel, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you crying? Why are you crying when I'm the one who's hurt?" Daniel teased Adrienne.

"Don't you see that you're hurting me? Can't you see how scared I was?" Adrienne sobbed uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey, hey, I just needed something to clear my head today...and the accident wasn't my fault. It was caused by another rider on the road. And it wasn't that serious. I'll be discharged today," Daniel tried to calm her down, but she continued to cry.

He leaned in and drew her closer, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting hug. Gently patting her back, he tried to soothe her nerves.

"I apologize for frightening you," he murmured as his hand continued to pat her back.

"You're such a jerk. A weirdo!" Adrienne playfully teased, embracing him tightly.

"You know that I love you, don't you?" Daniel whispered softly into her ear.

"Mmm hmm, and I love you too," Adrienne replied, a smile finally gracing her face. Her tears had ceased.

Daniel slowly disengaged from their embrace.

"Why did you need to clear your head today?" Adrienne inquired, curious about his sudden need for space.

"I'm not entirely sure. I suppose it was just an excuse to go for a bike ride," Daniel admitted, earning a playful knock on the head from Adrienne.

Just then, Daniel's phone began to ring. Since he couldn't reach it, Adrienne extended her hand, retrieving the phone for him.

"Oh..." Daniel sighed as he glimpsed the caller ID.

"Who is JD?" Adrienne questioned, her brow furrowing with curiosity.

"Just someone unimportant," Daniel replied, dismissing the call and stowing his phone away.

"Ah, your mysterious girlfriend, I presume? Are you keeping her a secret from me?" Adrienne teased, playfully stroking her chin.

"I wish I had a girlfriend. Then I could abandon you and run away with her," Daniel retorted, joining in their laughter.


Juliette entered Ryan's office to find him sulking in his chair, clearly preoccupied.

Concerned, she addressed him directly, "You just transferred a hundred thousand dollars to Anabelle? Was that a mistake? Should I contact the bank?"

Ryan let out a heavy sigh and frowned, "Why didn't you inform me that my visitor was Anabelle?"

Caught off guard, Juliette quickly apologized, "Oh... I am so sorry for that, sir."

Unsatisfied with her response, Ryan pressed further, "An apology isn't what I'm asking for. I want to know why you didn't inform me about Anabelle. There must be a reason. I don't want to see her again and I thought you, of all people, would understand that," He stared piercingly into Juliette's eyes, as if searching for an answer.

Juliette had her reasons for not revealing the visitor, but she had no intention of explaining herself. She knew she didn't owe an explanation.

"I genuinely apologize for my oversight," she expressed sincerely.

Realizing that he couldn't fire her over this, Juliette thought to herself, "I know the worst he can do is yell at me and treat me coldly for the remainder of the day."

Once again, Juliette apologized, this time with a trembling voice as she locked eyes with Ryan, "I am so sorry."

Ryan reassured her, "Hey, I'm not angry. I just wanted an explanation."

Rising from his seat, Ryan continued, "The transfer wasn't a mistake. I'm going to my dad's house, so don't worry about coming over to take care of Brian. He'll be staying with my mom for a month and attending his play school from there." He grabbed his phone from the table and left the office, hands in his pockets.

Juliette let out a disappointed sigh as he walked away. Things hadn't gone as planned, and she couldn't help but feel that Ryan was pulling away from her. "It seems like he's distancing himself," Juliette whispered.


Ryan sat in awe, waiting for his dad in the magnificent study. The rich mahogany paneling adorned the walls, proudly displaying a vast collection of intricate artwork. Soft, golden light bathed the room, emanating from sparkling chandeliers above. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, filled with elegant leather-bound volumes, formed a library worthy of a true connoisseur. A lavish carpet covered the marble floors, leading to the oversized mahogany desk, which proudly showcased his father's achievements. This opulent sanctuary embodied his father's timeless elegance and success.

"Benji," his dad called out.

"It's Ryan now," Ryan corrected him.

"To me, you'll always be Benji," his dad replied.

"Dad, what's going on between you and Anabelle?" Ryan got straight to the point.

"You two have been together for too long to let it end just like that. In simpler terms, you're getting married. I'm working on fixing this engagement," his dad warned.

"You don't have the right to do that. I can't spend the rest of my life with that woman," Ryan shouted.

"Who said anything about spending your whole life with her?" his dad retorted.

"That's exactly what you are implying," Ryan reminded him.

"No, you're mistaken. I dislike her as much as you do, and I want her out of your life and Brian's life as soon as possible," his dad explained.

"If that's the case, why do you want me to marry her?" Ryan questioned.

His dad paused for seconds and sighed.

"She has something on me," he whispered.

"Blackmail?" Ryan inquired.

"It's not important. I can handle it on my own. Go abroad and marry her. Stay there for six months and then file for a divorce. Make sure you get custody of Brian. I can arrange things so that she won't gain an upper hand in court. If you happen to get her pregnant again, it would ruin our plan. You know that, right?" his dad explained.

"You're avoiding my question! What did you do, dad? What is she blackmailing you with?" Ryan fired at his dad.

"That's none of your concern," his dad replied.

"It is my concern if you're using me to hide your mistakes," Ryan said firmly.

"Just do as I said. It would be wise to get married next month so that we can proceed with the divorce quickly," his dad stated, rising from his seat to leave.

"Dad! I deserve to know what you're hiding," Ryan confronted his dad, but his dad simply walked away, ignoring him.
