Chapter 71

She arrived at his house after what felt like an eternity. As she stepped through the doorway, her gaze roamed the rooms, desperately searching for him.

At last, she discovered him in his chaotic room, gripping his phone tightly while engrossed in conversation. Ryan appeared disheveled, sporting a haphazard combination of casual shorts and a crumpled tank top. His hair resembled a wild bird's nest, looking untouched by a comb for weeks.

Adrienne's eyes widened in surprise as she caught sight of Ryan, interrupting his phone call. Putting the person on the other line on hold, he hastily muttered,

"I'll call you back later," before diverting his attention to Adrienne.

Confusion etched across his face, he queried, "What brings you here?"

Adrienne scoffed, taken aback by his question.

"What brings me here?" she retorted, her voice dripping with disbelief.

"I wasn't expect—"