Chapter 75

Everyone turned their heads towards the entrance, anticipation hanging in the air. The footsteps grew louder, echoing through the grand hallway of the mansion. As the figure came into view, Ryan's heart skipped a beat as he immediately recognized Linc. This was Ryan's first time seeing Linc, but the moment he walked in, Ryan knew that he had finally found the 'half brother' he had been searching for.

"And you are?" Renee asked Linc nonchalantly, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.

Linc paused for a moment, a flicker of amusement crossing his face.

"I present to you... Lincoln Williams," Michael announced, his voice filled with a mix of pride and anticipation.

Linc stepped forward, his piercing blue eyes scanning the room with a confident gaze. He seemed taller than anyone else in the space, radiating an air of authority. His eyes found Anabelle, and with a playful wink, he tried to engage her. But Anabelle, sensing the tension in the room, quickly averted her gaze.