Chapter 89

Steve knocked on Martin's door, his knuckles rapping against the wood with a sense of urgency.

"Come in."

"Boss, the team and I were thinking about going out tonight. It's the last Friday of the month, and we thought it'd be fun to hit the clubs, have a few drinks, and enjoy ourselves," Steve said.

"Sure, go ahead," he responded, his tone lacking any enthusiasm.

Steve's smile faltered for a second.

"Will you join us?" he asked, genuine curiosity tingeing his voice.

Martin shook his head, his gaze turning distant.

"I have other plans," he replied vaguely.

"Oh, really? Where are you off to?" he asked, attempting to mask his curiosity.

Without skipping a beat, Martin dismissed the question with deliberate nonchalance.

"You guys have fun. You can leave now," he stated, effectively shutting down any further inquiry. Steve nodded, absorbing the subtle message, and bowed before retreating from Martin's study.