Chapter 92

"What was that?" Adrienne asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"Hold on, I'll go check," Martin assured her, his own anxiety palpable. He quickly slipped on his thong and glanced back at Adrienne.

Grabbing her hand, Martin guided her into a stall.

"Stay here, no matter what happens. Don't make a sound. I promise, I'll come back for you and get you out safely," he whispered urgently before closing the stall door.

As Martin secured his scarf-like mask around his face, his heart raced with anticipation. He slowly opened the restroom door, only to be met by a masked man holding a gun.

"What are you doing in the female's restroom?" the man asked.

Martin's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the familiar voice masked by the intruder's disguise.

"Steve?" Martin called out, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Boss?" the masked man responded. Their eyes locked, and they both removed their disguises, revealing their identities.