[Tania POV]

IT WAS raining. A heavy veil covered every reach of the sky and land, and the bench Tania and Adda where sat in was barely any less soaked despite being under the trees. For them, It didn't make any difference. All they could feel was wet and angst.

Tania's eyes were fixated in Adda's reddish ones, tapping with her fingers impatiently, feeling the urge to leave at any moment.

Yet, It had been two minutes of pure silence between the two and no matter how many times Tania told herself It was time to get up and go home, she felt incapable of It. Looking at Adda, she could not do but feel sympathy for her. She wanted to hug her, she wanted to make her promise she wasn't going to run away again, she wanted to tell her…But It was Adda who opened the talk.

"Tania, I-"

Her voice cracked in a thin whisper. Anxiety started to merge in Tania's body as the answer delayed.


Prompted Tania, unable to bear the tension.

"I-, er… You… I"