ANNOUNCEMENT! This is similar to a “second part” as it begins soon after summer (in the story’s timeline). Hope this clarifies it!

A GROUP of young adults ran through the fairly filled running track. Leading the race was a thin and tall man, closely followed by the rest of the party. A pale young girl with tied ginger hair quickened the pace, knowing the finish line was close. After three months in her new studies, Adda had already begun to notice some improvement in her resilience and the painful foot plant ache had stopped coming back after harsh days of training like that one. As she grew aware of it, she found the practices even more motivating than at the end of her highschool year, when her girlfriend Tania had reminded her about the inscriptions. With a good start of the semester, Adda felt a bright wave washing over her anxiety, she could almost forget the every horrible experience before vacations, almost.