Chapter 09 - PCIs And PCCs

No plan survives contact with the enemy - General Carl von Clausewitz

Operation Menu: Phase Lunch D-3hours

"Why couldn't we do this, what did you call them," Heather asked as she fussed with the zipper to her overalls. "At our new tower?"

"PCC's and PCI checks," T.C. said as fixed the zipper which was stuck on a bit of the material caught in the teeth.

"Because I haven't finished securing the location," said Whisper who was leaning against the door.

In the brightly lit armory, an impressive array of weaponry and protective gear was meticulously piled. Swords of various designs and sizes stood proudly in their racks, each bearing the marks of past battles and skirmishes. Their polished blades glimmered, reflecting the fluorescent light that buzzed like electronic insects.

Guns, of varying caliber, were neatly arranged on olive green metal shelves. Muskets, rifles, and pistols, each with its unique craftsmanship, laid silent but still emanated the aura of their historical significance.

Heather kicked over a shield that was stacked against the table in the center of the room. It crashed to the floor loudly and added another scratch on its surfaces bore to the score of others left behind from past battles.

The air carried the faint scent of aged leather and metal, mingled with a hint of gunpowder, causing T.C. to sneeze and scratch his nose several times as Heather took her leather backpack off her shoulder.

After meticulously arranging her gear on the table, Heather lifted a cylindrical object and examined its label, murmuring, "Indium Phosphorus... You do know this stuff got banned about twenty years ago, right?"

"Take it easy with the Demon Spice," T.C. cautioned, carefully plucking the cylinder from her hand, and gently placing it back on the table. "It's spicy enough to dissolve stone, iron, and any metal rated level 3 and below. But no worries; it's legal here in Battle City."

Reading from a sheet, T.C. called out the names of the equipment as Heather swiftly stowed them back into her backpack and various pockets in her attire. After each item, he marked it off on a checklist. Outside the armory, Whisper, Tauru, Indigo, and Triumph patiently waited for their preparations to conclude.

"Okay, your gear looks good," T.C. said opening a wooden box labeled EXPLOSIVE. "Here, take two more cans of Demon Spice and a radio."

"Uhhh, Spoiler alert 768G encryption can be broken by any level two detection mage, those radios are useless," Whisper said from around the corner.

"That's what I'm counting on," T.C. said with a toothy grin.

"Just my luck," complained Whisper as she turned to Tauru. "He's starting to sound like Boss Kitty."

"Before I forget," T.C. said as he went into a closet and pulled out a hanger bag and handed it over to Whisper.

She unzipped the bag and pulled out the contents. Whisper pulled out a dress with billowing sleeves that gathered at the wrists. Delicate embroidery adorned the hemlines, and tucked neatly in the bag was a wide-brimmed hat with a black feather plume.

"It's been fitted just for you Whisper. We each got a unform to wear. What'cha think?" T.C. said snickering.

Whisper's face soured as the others began to laugh.

"You dun' havin' a giggle or should I charge ya' a shillin' for peepin' at me like a bloody nickelodeon, mate?" Whisper said in a heavy accent.

Heather, T.C., Tauru, Indigo and even the dog stared back in disbelief.

"What?" Whisper said as she put the clothes back in the bag. "I once played Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady in college."
