Chapter 13 - The Happy Rabbit

Metal rabbits are both physically and mentally strong. Traditionally are also less willing to compromise – Madam Tobin's Guide to the Chinese Zodiac

Operation Menu: Phase Lunch D-23hours

T.C.'s jaw dropped as he peered through the binoculars, his eyes widening. In the distance, a peculiar machine, complete with long floppy antennas, leaped out from the mine compound, an explosion of dust accompanying its jump. Before he could fully comprehend the scene, a heart-stopping crash echoed as the machine collided with Tauru, who had been perched at the crater's rim.

The impact was so sudden that Tauru's figure was swallowed by the wreckage, leaving Indigo to voice the collective astonishment. Blinking rapidly, Indigo's gaze struggled to make sense of the chaos that had just unfolded.

A sliver of insight crossed Whisper's expression as she narrowed her eyes, her focus trained on the scene.

"Looks like some sort of land mine," she said as she wiggled her finger in her ear.

Amid the grim aftermath, T.C. spoke, his voice edged on with a growing unease.

"Heather and Tauru hit a landmine, but...but…ah…"

A crescendo of barks from Triumph pierced the air, the dog's instinctual alarm punctuating T.C.'s words.

His hand shot out, an accusatory finger pointing at the pit, and his voice rose urgently, "Incoming!"

Responding to T.C.'s urgency, Indigo and Whisper turned their attention to the crater, hands shielding their eyes from the glaring sun. Through squinted eyes, they sought to comprehend the unexpected, only to be confronted with a robotic war machine that vaguely resembled a rabbit.

"Is that... a rabbit?" T.C.'s incredulous voice filled the air.

The mechanized behemoth sprang forth from the crater with a bound, hurtling toward them before making a resounding impact as it crashed onto the ground where T.C. and Whisper had stood moments ago. Towering at an imposing 10 feet, the mechanical rabbit boasted an unusual combination of items – a basket dangled from one of its metallic limbs, while a long-barreled rifle was firmly gripped in the other.

Perched atop this peculiar creation was a teenage boy, sporting a white rabbit mask that obscured his features. He was clad in blue jean overalls, and a wrench tucked in his belt.

"Wait, you mean it's just these three clowns and a mutt?" he exclaimed with a touch of disbelief, his voice ringing out in a high-pitched squeaky voice. "Show 'em, Bun-Bun!"

In response to his command, the rabbit's ears twitched, and the long-barreled rifle discharged a volley of shots aimed at Whisper. Reacting swiftly, she leaped backwards, her lithe form springing into action. With her spear held deftly, she deflected the incoming projectiles, turning the .30mm rounds away.

Seizing the opportunity, Indigo and Triumph swiftly moved in a synchronized dance of tactics. Darting to the right, they flanked the boy and his mechanical companion, positioning themselves for a pincer attack.

"Nice attempt," the teen taunted, his confidence evident in his tone. "Bunny hop – now!"

The mechanical rabbit responded with a synthesized voice, each word bearing a metallic quality, "Bunny hop."

And with that command, the rabbit's mechanical limbs engaged, propelling it forward in a bound that defied its appearance.

With a burst of energy, the rabbit catapulted itself into the sky, defying gravity's hold.

"Ranged attacks, now!" Indigo's urgent cry pierced the chaos.

"Use the demon spice when he lands!" T.C. yelled back.

Mid-flight, the rabbit's nimble limbs worked in concert, reaching into its basket to extract a handful of eggs. Like spring rain, the eggs cascaded downward, gravity guiding their trajectory.

"Take cover!" Indigo's warning shot out as he scrambled for available cover before he could ready a grenade.

Amidst the tumult, the eggs detonated while still airborne, triggering an explosion that rippled through the sky. The concussive wave sent shockwaves resonating, causing Whisper and T.C. to be violently thrown from their footing. An eruption of debris sent a shower of jagged fragments in every direction by the eggs' detonation.

Bun-Bun careened towards the hillside, its impact threatening to crush Whisper under its feet. With a last-ditch instinct, she managed to roll away just in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding the impact.

The rifle's sights locked onto Indigo, and the mechanism's cold precision unleashed a volley of shots. Indigo dashed for cover behind a boulder, and the gunfire ripped away chunks of boulder.

The boy seated atop the mechanical rabbit extended a brief tap against the rabbit's side, a simple command to set its next action into motion.

Responding to his touch, the rabbit's electronic voice emitted a directive that held a robotic edge, "Bunny hop."

With a powerful leap, the rabbit soared into the air, its mechanical limbs propelling it upwards. From this elevated vantage point, it unleashed a barrage of rifle fire, the shots rained down. The scattered rocks, intended as cover, proved inadequate against the rounds.

Swiftly, Whisper scrambled up the hillside, seeking higher ground to gain an advantage against Bun-Bun and boy.

As the mechanized rabbit descended back towards the ground, guided by gravity's pull, Whisper seized her chance. With a single motion, she hurled a demon spice grenade in its direction.

Yet, the boy laughed. The metallic limbs of the mechanized rabbit swung into action, kicking the grenade towards Indigo and Triumph. The resultant explosion erupted in a brilliant display of chaos, the blast rippling outward in a sphere of destruction.

The shockwave propelled the debris toward Indigo, who swiftly brought his staff into action. He managed to redirect most of the fly rock. However, the residual force of the shockwave ultimately sent him hurtling backward until he collided with the hillside.

Emerging from the abrupt impact, Indigo gathered himself as he brushed away the iron dust. Triumph emitted a radiant glow, a luminous aura that suffused the surroundings. Indigo's injuries faded into nothingness, and Triumph barked a few times.

Cursing under her breath, Whisper leapt into the air, spear poised high. The rabbit responded with a burst of punches that tore through the air. The onslaught forced Whisper into a defensive dance, her spear serving as a bulwark against the rabbit punches. Despite her efforts, the sheer force of the rabbit's assault ultimately sent her stumbling backward, the iron hill serving as her unceremonious landing point.

"Bunny hop," intoned the mechanized rabbit, its synthetic voice resonating as it soared once more through the skies.

"Happy Easter!" The boy's exclamation rang out, carrying an almost eerie cheerfulness as the rabbit continued to unleash its volley of grenades.

The brightly colored gifts whistled as they fell through the sky.

In the aftermath of the detonation, a shockwave rippled through the surroundings, its impact striking T.C. from behind. Lifted off his feet, he was sent hurtling into the air. As he tumbled down, and he found himself plunging through the side of the hill, his fingers desperately clawing at a metallic surface for purchase.

Amid the disorienting descent, fragmented thoughts swirled in T.C.'s mind.

"I... didn't think we were near the exhaust vents," he mused, his cognition blurred by the rush of events.

Amid the plunge, darkness crept at the edges of his vision. Somewhere above, he discerned a voice, his name carried on the wind, accompanied by the distinctive barks from Triumph. His descent met a sudden stop as he collided against something unyielding, a collision that was accompanied by a brilliant burst of light.

"I'm... so useless," T.C.'s whispered admission hung in the air just before he succumbed to unconsciousness, the world fading to black around him.
