Gigi didnt have friends at school because of her body size and her average looks yet Morgan everyone tried to befriend him but he was always coldhearted.One day, a girl went to Gigi.
Kelly....Can we be friends?
Gigi....Huh? Why?
Kelly....Because me and you are alike.I can tell that your an introvert, so am i.
Kelly....Am Kelly by the way.
Kelly....I heard that you have a hot brother.
Kelly....His really famous for that.
Gigi....I know.
Kelly actually didnt befriend Gigi because she wanted to be her friend but because she wanted to get close to Morgan and make her his.Gigi had a crush on a hot guy who was a basketball player, Louis.He was handsome though Morgan was way better than him.Kelly asked Gigi to study at her home only to see Morgan which she agreed to because she didnt even know her intentions.They went there and Jesca was watching t.v.
Gigi....Hy mum, this is my friend Kelly.
Jesca....I dont care.
Maid....Oh sweetie, your back.
Gigi....Hy nanny, this is Kelly my friend.
Maid....Am glad that you have a friend.Your most welcome dear, feel at home.
Maid....Am going to cook for you something delicious.
Gigi....Your the best nanny, love you.
They went to Gigi's room.
Kelly....Wow! I didnt know that you guys are rich.Your house is so damn nice and so is your room.
Gigi....Well....your welcome.
Kelly.....So, where is your brother?
Gigi....I think he went to see dad at his company.Why?
Kelly....Nothing, i just wanted to know.
Gigi....Lets study now.
They started studying and the maid brought for them food.Later, Morgan opened Gigi's room and went in.
Gigi....How many times do i have to tell you not to enter without knocking?! Get out!
Morgan....I dont have time for drama, dad is back and he called for you so go to him now.
Gigi....You really like to piss me off, dont you??
Morgan....I've passed the news to you so my job here is finished.
Kelly....Hy Morgan.
He didnt answer and left.
Gigi....That bastard!
Kelly....So you guys are not on good terms??
Gigi....Its not that, he just hates me.
Kelly....Why is that?
Gigi....You wont get it, i should go to dad.Be right back.
Gigi went to see her, she ran and hugged her since she loved him so much and so did he.
Joseph....How is my sweetheart baby today?
Gigi....Am fine dad but stop calling me a baby.
Joseph....Its because to me, you will always be my baby.
Jesca....Aheemm...lets eat already.
Joseph....Whats the rush? I have a present for my princess, nanny, go in the car and get it.
Gigi....Really dad??? Your the best, i love you.
Joseph....I love you too dear.
He had bought for her latest makeup, bags, shoes and clothes.Gig was happy and the maid took them to her room, Gigi went with her.
Joseph....Now Morgan is jelous.Dont be dear because i got you something too.
He gave him a box and he opened it.
Morgan....OMG! Dad, you got me the latest watch i wanted?! Your the best, am so happy.
Joseph....Am glad dear.
Jesca....Is that all?? Why didnt you get him as many as you got for your princess.
Joseph....Its because Gigi is a girl and his a boy.I just give him money and he buys what he wants but for Gigi, I have to buy for her everything.
Morgan....No worries dad because you even gave me a credit card so am grateful.
Kelly helped Gigi unpack the things her dad bought her.
Kelly....Wow! These are the latest brands.They are very expensive to afford.Your dad must really love you.
Gigi....He does and i love him too.
Kelly....Your lucky to be born in a wealth family with a hot brother.
Gigi....Dont talk about him now, it pisses me off so lets not spoil the mood.
Though Morgan treated her and all people badly, he wasnt bad but his mum influenced him.He acted cold towards Gigi but he had real love feelings for her.Kelly later left, and Gigi went to sleep.At midnight, Morgan went to her room sneakingly and sat on her bed.He kissed her on the lips and softly ran his fingers through her hair.After, he left and went back to his room.
Morgan....What am i doing?? Whats wrong with me?? What am doing is so wrong because she is my sister and am the person she hates the most because i treat her badly.What am i going to do with these feelings?? I really cant stop my heart from beating for her yet she is my sister.
Morgan didnt know that Gigi was not his sister at all yet he loved her for real.He always went to her room at night and kissed her everyday though Gigi didnt know since sha was always deep asleep.She went to school the next day and saw Louis whom she had a crush on. you like him?
Gigi....Gosh! You scared the hell out of me Kelly.
Kelly....Sorry, but i was concerned sisnce you were staring.So you like him?
Gigi....Kind of, but he can never love someone as chubby and ugly as me.
Kelly....Come on, dont be negative.Your pretty to me so love me instead.
After lessons, they went back to Gigi's house to study as usual.
Kelly....Can i walk around the house?
Gigi....I will tour you around.
Kelly....No need, where is your brothers room?
Gigi....Its next to mine, why?
Kelly....I was just curious.
Kelly brought tiny cameras and she went to Morgan's room and inserted them there when no one was watching.But she didnt know that Gigi was clever and she could easily read a persons mind.Kelly after toured the house but Gigi knew her intentions.
Gigi....So you've finally put those cameras in Morgan's room? What a silly obsession?!
Gigi saw the cameras at school when Kelly went to the washroom, she checked her bag since she was already suspicious of her.Kelly after left happily because she successfully put the cameras in Morgan's room without knowing that Gigi knew about them and her obsession towards Morgan.When she left, Gigi ran to Morgan's room to look for the cameras before Morgan comes back.She searched but failed to find where Kelly had put them.When she finally saw them, Morgan came and she was scared.
Morgan....Care to explain what your doing in my room?
Morgan....Speak up now!
Gigi....I saw a cockroach entering your
He went close to her and looked her staright in the eyes.
Morgan....We dont have cockraches here.(I wish you knew what it means to me being this close to you, i really love you so much Gigi).
His mind couldnt stop having wild thoughts since he loved Gigi alot.
Gigi....See....there is a real cockroach.
Morgan turned to see and Gigi pulled out the cameras and ran to her room.
Morgan....She tricked me?? She shouldve stayed longer because i feel good whenever she is near me.I cant believe it that am love with my sister?! Who even falls in love with their sister?? Am really crazy.