Gigi completed her studies and she graduated as a professional surgeon together with Chayoung.Hyun went to congratulate them and also nanny brought Giyoung with her.
Gigi....Come here my angel.
Giyoung....Mum, you promised me that once you graduate, you will take me to see dad.
Chayoung....Mmm...come here to aunt Chacha sweetie, lets go get you some icecream.
Giyoung....Really? Your the best aunt Chacha.
Maid....I should go with them too.
They went and left them to talk.
Hyun....Hy, you really look prettier in that gown, i cant take my eyes off you.
Hyun....So now your going back home?
Gigi....Yap! I miss home too and i want to see dad so bad.
Hyun....I understand, but why didnt he come bevause its your graduation day.
Gigi....Ever since he left three years back, something seemed off with him and i cant stop worrying.Maybe something bad happened at home though he promised to tell me once i get there.Giyoung also has to know her mum's family and home.
Hyun....I see, am really going to miss you Gigi and Giyoung.
Gigi....Come on!
Hyun....Let me say what i feel because you know that i still love you and i always will.
Gigi....I know but...
Hyun....But your still in love with Giyoung's dad, not so?
Gigi....Its not about him.
Hyun....Okay, i will also join the millitary soon so please wish me well.And once i come back, you must let Giyoung stay with me for a while.
Gigi....I promise because your his uncle and she loves you very much.
Hyun....All the best Gigi.
Gigi....You too Hyun, it was a pleasure to meet you and to know you.I will never forget about you, all the best in millitary.
They hugged and later, she went back home with her daughter and Chayoung.
Maid....Welcome my dears, you dad sent you presents.
Gigi....Oh, he never forgets about me.
Maid....These are yours, these are for aunt Chacha and these are for his pretty little grandchild.
Gigi....OMG, his calling.Gather around so that we all talk to him.
He video called her.
Gigi....Hy dad.
Joseph....Wow! You guys look so stunning in thise gowns, am so proud of you.
Chayoung....Thanks for the presents.
Joseph....Dont mention it, you know that you became part of my family and i consider you as my daughter.
Gigi....Dad, please dont cry.
Joseph....Am just happy how time passed so fast yet Morgan is....
He started crying hard because he was hurt that his son spent three years in a comma yet his daughter gave birth and also graduated.
Gigi....Dad, what do you mean? Did somethin bad happen to Morgan?
Joseph....Nothing, how is my little grandchild?
Chayoung....She is still checking out the presents you got her.
Secretary....Sir, he woke up.
His secretary went to him and told him that Morgan was awake.
Joseph....I should get going dear.
Gigi....Dad, please tell me whats going on there.
Joseph....Once you come back, i will tell you everything dear.I love your pretty face by the way, thanks Chayoung for that hard work.
Chayoung.....My pleasure.
He ended the call.
Gigi....I've never seen my dad cry before, i really need to go back home because my heart is also restless.
Chayoung....Do you think that something bad happened to Morgan?
Gigi....I really dont know, come to think of it, he never called me ever since the day he left and yet he loved me and he also loved his daughter too.
Chayoung....Your right because i dont think he easily gave up on you yet he wanted you have his baby.
Gigi....Should i try to call him?
Chayoung....You shouldve done that along time ago.
Gigi....I know but i waited for him to call me but he never did and i was hurt because he was one who wronged me.
Chayoung....Yes but you also fell for him, you guys already made a sin so nothing will change, you just had to keep on loving eachother because still you will be unforgiven.
Gigi....I really miss him everyday, let me call him.
Gigi called him but all his numbers were not reachable.
Gigi....I think its too late now.
Chayoung....Oh please dont cry.
Gigi....I really wanna know what his upto and i want to see him so bad.
Chayoung....You will see him soon.
Gigi....I wanna go soon because even dad doesnt want to talk about him, i feel like his in danger.
She cried and Chayoung comforted her.Joseph rushed to hospital to see his son who has been in comma for three months since he attempted to committ suicide.Britney and Diana were also there since he was hospitalised.Britney loved him for real and she was always at the hospital waiting for him to wake up.Jospeh reached and went inside the room.
Jospeh....Jesca, why are you crying?
Joseph....Son, its me your dad.
Morgan....Huh? My dad??
Jesca....Joseph...our son, forgot about us all.
Doctor....Its because his head was badly damaged and he has spent three years in comma.
Britney....No way!
Doctor....You should give time to recover and gain his memories back slowly, please dont force him to remember, let him do it on his own thats when he will heal fast.
Joseph....Why is this happening to my son? Am glad that atleast his back to us.
Jesca....Its fine dear, mum and dad are here so everythin will be fine.
Jesca hugged him.
Jesca....Am so happy that your awake dear.
Morgan....So you parents? Who is she?
Joseph....Yes dear, we are your parents.This is Britney, she is your friend and she has been here since your were hospitalised.
Morgan....Which year is this? How long have i been here? How old am i?
Jesca....You've spent three years here and you were hospitalised when you were 18 years, so now you are 21 years.
Morgan....What?? No way! What happened to me? I need to know.
Joseph....Calm down son, you had an accident, thats all.
Britney....But we are happy that you are now back to life.
Morgan....My head hurts....please stop talking.Take me home, i dont like it here.
Jesca....Yes we taking you home but you have to first walk with the help of the doctors since your borns were sleeping for long.
Joseph....Its fine, we can hire a doctor to work on him from home.
Joseph called his bodyguards and they carried Morgan to the wheel chair and went home.His mum cooked for him his favorite food and Britney went back home happily.