Morgan went with Giyoung to his bed room.
Giyoung....Uncle, i think i like you alot though we just met.No wonder why mum always talks about you.
Morgan....She does?
Giyoung.....Ofcourse, i think she likes you.
Morgan....It cant be! We are siblings.But how taught you to talk that much words?
Giyoung....Its my aunt Chacha.Do you also like her?
Morgan....Ouch! My head hurts! Please stop talking.
Morgan felt his heart beating when Giyoung talked about Gigi.His head also started acching since also the doctor told them not to remind them, but Giyoung was young and she didnt know anything.Later, Jesca called Giyoung and took her away.
Morgan....What was that about? Why did my heart race when she talked about her mum? Do i...?? No way! It cant be, stop it Morgan, your still recovering.
His love for Gigi was still in his heart but forgotten.He didnt mind.Gigi decided to call Chayoung abd she told her about everything.
Chayoung.....OMG! What now? Do you think he will fall for you again? Do you want him to love you again?
Gigi....I dont know.I want him to love me like he used to.I didnt know that he loved me that much to even want to take his life!
Chayoung....It wouldve been better if you settled everything with him at first, maybe it shouldnt have gone this far.
Gigi....Am really to blame for everything.
Chayoung....Now what are you planning to do?
Gigi....Am the reason why his in this state, i dont want to hurt him anymore.
Chayoung....So your going to give up on him after he showed you what he can do without your love?
Gigi....Its for the better.
Chayoung....Oh please! Get in line girl! Its your turn now to return his love.Your nolonger his sister, but your now the mother of his child.
Gigi.....No...i give up Chacha, i should stay away from his life for good.
Chayoung.....Thats easy to say but what about your heart? It will always beat for him.
Gigi....End of discussion, i've made up my mind.
Chayoung....Then feel free to call when you want him back because trust me, you will.
She ended the call.Morgan and Joseph dressed up to go to work and Gigi with her daughter went to eat breakfast with them.
Gigi....(He is now slimmer, his abs are no more but his pretty hot face doesnt change.) Goodmorning guys.
Joseph....Goodmorning dear.Giyoung, come here my little angel.
Giyoung....Mum, i want to go with uncle Morgan because his fun to play with.
Morgan....Hahaha....your so cute! We will play when i come back after work.
Giyoung....Fine! But promise to buy for me chocolates.
Morgan....Arent they bad for your teeth?
Giyoung....But aunt Chacha and uncle Hyun always buy them for me.
Gigi....Giyoung honey, let your uncle go to work.
Morgan....I will bring you chocolates.
Giyoung....Your the best!
They went to the office and Joseph started teaching Morgan once again about the company.Gigi also started working as a surgeon at a hospital.Later, Morgan went back home at the same time Gigi also arrived.
Morgan went to his room and showered.He opened his closet to get a shirt since he was still in a towel.He sat on his bed drying his hair with a drier and suddenly Gigi came in running and didnt look at where she was running to.She bumped into Morgan and she fell on top of him finding her hands on his chest and looking into eachothers eyes.
Gigi....(No....this cant happen again!)
She pulled herself away from and she jumped back to him with their lips meeting eachother, they kissed.Both their hearts raced non stop, they stopped both feeling shy.
Jesca....OMG! Whats going on here?
Gigi....(Luckily she didnt find us kissing, huuu!) Nothing, just take away that thing.
Morgan....So you were running from a dog?
Jesca....Oh! I thought that maybe something happened between you two.
Morgan....Stop it mum! Gigi, are you scared of dogs?
Gigi....Iam because i got bitten by one when i went to my friend Chacha's house, thats why.
Jesca....Or, were you just finding excuses to come here?
Gigi....Stop it please!
Jesca....Come here little doggie.I brought this dog for my sweet little grandchild.
Gigi...What? Arent you spoiling her?
Jesca....She is my grandchild so please excuse me.
Jesca carried the little dig and left with it.Gigi and Morgan were feeling shy for the kiss and avoided eye contact.
Morgan....Mmmmm.....I should...
Gigi....Am...sorry, it wasnt intentional.
Morgan....No worries, we are siblings after all.
Gigi....Yeah, your right.I should go now.
Gigi went to her room and she sat down on the floor putting her hand on her chest.
Gigi....Why did this suddenly happen? Its like old times.I really....missed his sweet lips.No, i have to control myself when am around him.This stupid wont stop beating, silly me.
Morgan was also in thoughts.
Morgan....How did this happen? Why did it happen?
My heart cant stop racing either.Do i seriously love my sister? Its wrong, i must keep my distance from her.Let me call Giyoung and we play so that i forget about what happened.
He called Giyoung and they played.He went back to work as usual so did Gigi and it was already a week.He quickly learnt everything and he was given his own office.His dad decided to get for her an assistant.
Joseph....Son, this is Hannah.She going to be your assistant from now on.
Morgan....Oh, hy Hannah, nice to meet you.
Hannah....The pleasure is mine Sir.
Joseph....I can see that you will work well together.I should get goung now.
He left.Hannah was young and very pretty and she liked Morgan that very moment.
Hannah.....(Am gonna make you mine Mr.hottie.)