Morgan....My head hurts.

Doctor....Dont worry, you will be fine with these pain killers.

Morgan....Thanks doctor.

The doctor left.

Morgan....What? Giyoung is my daughter and she is now three years? Does Gigi know that i even attempted suicide twice? This is so embarassing.Will she forgive me yet i was flirting with my assistant infront of her.Should i tell them that i remember? No, i cant.Gigi will still resent me becase she never forgave me and i dont want her to hate me.

Gigi went inside his room.

Gigi....How are you feeling Morgan?

Morgan....(She is now glowing than never before, she is really an angel.) Am good now.

Gigi....Am glad, have some food.

Morgan....Thanks, how is Giyoung?

Gigi....She is fine now.

Morgan....Why did you name her Giyoung?

Gigi....You remember now?

Morgan....Remember waht?

Gigi....Sorry, i thought that you got your memory back.

Morgan....So why?

Gigi....Its just a combination of my name and her aunt Chacha's name.

Morgan....Then who is her dad?

Gigi....Its a long story so lets not talk about it.


Morgan's love for Gigi had awaken and it was now limitless since he missed her alot.He held her hand.

Gigi....What....are you doing?

Morgan....I just felt the need to hold your hand.

Gigi....Okay.(His love for me never dies, am glad.)

Later, they went back home with Giyoung.Morgan sat on his bed thinking hard.

Morgan....Am glad that you let me be with my daughter, she is really cute and she is my precious gift.I want to be next to you so bad, i wish i can.

Gigi called Chayoung and told her about Tom and Kelly.

Chayoung....I told you, now you can see for yourself.

Gigi....You were right Chacha, my heart still beats for Morgan and i want to be close to him so bad.

Chayoung....Then go to his room and spend time there.

Gigi....Are you crazy? His even in love with his assistant.


Gigi....Ofcourse, they almost hooked up infront of me.

Chayoung....What? Now you be a step ahead of that assistant and make the man yours.

Gigi....But how am i supposed to do that?

Chayoung....Because his love is still inside his heart so you need to awaken it by any means.


Chayoung....Cut the crap and go for the guy already.His a hot handsome guy and every girls dream, so if you dont make a move now, then confident girls like his assistant will take him.

Gigi....Got it aunt Chacha.

Chayoung....Hahahahaaa....thats the spirit girl, go for it!

At night, she wore a hot night gown and went infront of Morgan's room.

Gigi....What am i doing? Should i go back? But i also want him so bad, i cant go back now, am in.

Morgan was bathing and Gigi knocked on his door but he didnt hear it since he was in the shower.She decided to enter and the door wasnt locked.


Morgan finished to bathe and he came out from the bathroom in a towel.


Gigi....(OMG! when did he get his abs back? So he has been hitting the gym? Luckily, that Hannah girl didnt get to tour it.)

Morgan....What are you thinking about?

Gigi....Nothing! I just wanted...if your sleeping.


Morgan walked and went close to her.

Gigi....(Lord! He looks hotter when his hair is wet and his body.What do i do now?)

She kissed him and after ran to the door.

Gigi....Sorry, i should....go now...

Morgan went fast and locked the door.

Morgan.....What now? You want to run away after kissing me and seducing me in that night dress?

Gigi....Am....its just that....i want to....

Morgan....Do you love me?

Gigi....I dont!

Morgan....But your eyes are saying the opposite.

Gigi....Open the door, i should leave now.

Morgan....You brought yourself in the lion's den and you thought it wont eat you?


He carried her and he laid her on his bed.

Gigi....What are you doing?

Morgan....Why? This is what you came for, not so?


Morgan....Say no more.

He kissed her and she slowly wrapped her hands on his neck and they kissed sweetly.Morgan undressed Gigi and took off his towel, he kissed her body all over and they hooked up.Morgan fell asleep and Gigi stood up to run away, he pulled her closer to him.

Morgan....Are you running? Where do you think your going?

Gigi....So you...werent asleep?

Morgan....I wasnt.Just please stay longer.


Morgan....Dont worry, Giyoung wont wake up now.

Gigi...I know..but we are siblings, arent we?

Morgan....I also know that but we are in love, arent we? Dont you love me?

Gigi....I do love you.

Morgan....Then lets love eachother.


After two hours, Gigi went back to her room happily.

Gigi....I really missed his kisses, his touch, his body and everything he has.Its a night to remember.

Morgan was also happy.

Morgan....Her body gets softer by the years, i want to touch it everyday.I wonder if she will still love me if i tell her that i remember everything? I dont care, i just want to love her and for her to love me back.This is a night to remember for sure.

In the morning, they were both happy and couldnt stop looking at eachother all the time.Jesca noticed it.

Jesca....Gigi, lets talk now.

Gigi....What is it?

Jesca....Did you hook up with son?

Gigi....Why do you care?

Jesca....I can tell because of the way your looking at eachother with those suspicious smiles.

Gigi....Whats your point?

Jesca....I told you to stay away from my son.

Gigi....Dont give me that shit! Unfortunately, he cant stay away from me and i find myself lost in his hotness, i cant help it.


Gigi....Excuse me, my daughter has to go to school.

She left her and went to Giyoung.

Morgan....Have a good day guys.

Giyoung....Your so happy today uncle, why?

Morgan....Because someone gave me something yesterday.

Gigi....What? Lets go to school honey.

As she was preparing Giyoung's bag, Britney came in.

Britney....Good morning guys.

Gigi...Who are you?

Jesca....She is Britney, Morgan's girlfriend.

Gigi....Britney? (So she is the one who called me.)

Morgan....Stop it mum, i dont even love her.

Britney.....Its because you forgot.From now on, we will be working together because Mr.Joseph hired me at his company.


Gigi....What? (This slut now wants to take my man? She is so brazen and shameful!) Lets go Giyoung.

She took her daughter to school and video called Chayoung, she told her about last night and Britney.

Chayoung....Wow! One can easily tell that you had blast because your smiling and your glowing.

Gigi....You better stop teasing me about that.

Chayoung....Someone is shy...hahahahaa...

Gigi....Come on Chacha.

Chayoung....Now what are we going to do about that slut because she will spend long hours with your hottie.

Gigi....Am really stressed about it and i dont know what to do.

Chayoung....Here is what your going to do, tell your dad that you want to work his company too, he cant say no to you.

Gigi...Anhaaa! Your a genius Chacha.Am going to tell him because all girls are aiming at Morgan now.

Chayoung.....Because his hotness cant be avoided.