Gigi....Dad, why dont you try and call him.


He also called him.

Joseph....His phone is not reacheable.Where could he be at this hour?

Gigi....Am so worried dad, what if something bad happens to him? What will i tell his daughter?

Joseph....Calm down dear, lets look for him tomorrow if he doesnt come back today or show up for work.

Gigi....Okay dad but am really scared.

Joseph....His fine so dont worry.

Gigi went to her room.

Gigi....Dad knew this whole time?? Its so embarassing! But why did he forgive us so easily? He didnt tell me to stop loving him or to stay away from eachother, something fishy is going on.But where the heck are you Morgan? I miss you already yet you left work early without even telling me a word.You better come back with a good reason or else i wont spare you!

Morgan waited for Hannah to come out from the forest but she refused.As he was still standing, a bunch of mysterious men approached him with guns and knives.

Man....Hy handsome!

Morgan....Hey, careful with those guys.

Man....His really pretty and he has a nice ride.

Morgan....What do you want from me?

Man....We want you and your ride.

Morgan....What?? No, please dont hurt me.

Man....Get him!


Two men went to him and hit him on the head with a dry wood, he fainted and his head started bleeding.They took his car and took him too.Hannah later came out from the forest.

Hannah....He cant even play with me if its just one minute! His so boring.Wait...he left?? He left me here alone?? Why the heck did i make him wait for long? Now he has left me here! Fuck you Morgan!

She walked and stood where the car was, she stepped in Morgan's blood and she noticed that she stepped on something, she moved aside and saw blood.

Hannah.....Aaaahhhh!!!! Its...real blood! Morgan...is in danger??? Shit...shit...shit...what have i done?? His dad is going to kill me for sure, am so fuckin done!

She decided to run backwards to go back home.She was scared because she knew that bad guys took Morgan and they might come back for her.She was almost ran over by a car and it stopped.A man came out of it.

Man....Are you okay? Why are you running?

Hannah....Please...help me!

Man....Whats wrong? Is someone chasing you?

Hannah....Just please take me home.

Man....Okay, where is it?

Hannah....Its new york.

Man....What?? We are going to reach there in the morning.

Hannah....Just please take me!

Man....Okay, but how did you end up here when your home is in the city?

Hannah....Just please....i will tell you everything.

The man took her in his car and he took her to the city.She went staright to her house.

Hannah....I cant tell anyone that i was with Morgan, his dad will surely kill me.Sammie please keep your mouth shut for me.

She only told Sammie about her plan to lie to Morgan inorder to spend time with him.Gigi went to work with her dad and they went straight to his office but he wasnt there.

Gigi....Dad, am sure something bad happened to him.Am so worried, what if he is in danger? What will i do? I cant lose him.His fine dad, right?

Joseph....Hope so dear, where can he be?

Gigi....Atleast he wouldve answered his phone.

Joseph....By the way, where is his assistant? She must know where he is because she makes schedules for him.

Gigi....Your right dad.

They called Hannah but she had switched off her phone.

Gigi....Let me go and ask my assistant because she is her friend.

Joseph....Lets do that.

They went to Sammie.

Sammie....Good morning Sir, Ma'am.

Gigi....Where is your friend?

Sammie....(So they havent come back yet?) I dont know.

Joseph....You better tell us because you look suspicious.

Gigi....Then take us to her home because Morgan is missing and she was the last person seen with him.

Sammie....Well, actually...

Joseph....Do you know where they went?

Gigi....Did she tell you where they went?

Sammie....Am...so...sorry Sir and ma'am.

Joseph....If you know tell us before i lose it!

Sammie....Hannah tricked him just because she wanted to spend time with him.


Joseph....Then tell us where they went.

Sammie....They went out of the city and she was planning to take him to the forest near the country side.

Gigi....Where excatly?

Sammie.....Thats the only thing she told me.

Gigi.....That slut!

Joseph....Then you try and call her because maybe she is avoiding us on purpose and put on loud speaker if she answers.

Sammie called Hannah and she answered her call.

Sammie....Where are you Hannah?

Hannah....Why do you sound scared?

Sammie....Its because Mr.Joseph and Mrs.Gigi are looking for Mr.Morgan.


Sammie....What happened? Where the heck is he?

Hannah....We went to the forest and he refused to even touch me.I stayed in the forest hoping that he will come looking for me but he stayed and waited for me at his car.When i came out from the forest, he wasnt there nor his car but i saw blood on the road where he was so i knew that maybe bad guys took him.I ran away because i was scared and luckily, i bumped into a car and a man gave me a ride back home.

Sammie....So you dont know where Morgan is??

Hannah....I dont.

Joseph pulled Sammie's phone and threw it away in anger, it broke.He called the police and they went to Hannah's house but Gigi couldnt stop crying because she was worried about Morgan.