Hannah sat down and she always looked at Morgan to see if he was staring at her but he was focused on his computer.

Hannah....(What am i going to do now if my man now cant look at me at all? Did he find someone else? Why does he have to be so hot and attractive? Girls are going to take him away for sure.I must find a solution to make him mine forever.) Morgan, lets go on a date tonight at your favorite restaurant.

Morgan....I have plans for the night.

Hannah....With who??

Morgan....With a pretty woman.

Hannah....Are you serious?? Why do you have to treat me like this? You weren't like this before, why have you changed now?

Morgan....Oh please! I fell in love with someone else, thats why.

Hannah....What about me? Your telling me that you fell in love with someone in just one week? But we've been in a relationship, haven't we?

Morgan....I just hope that you find a nice guy who will love you because your a pretty girl.

Hannah....Dont tell me that shit! I want you, only you and no one else.

Morgan....Sorry but i didnt want to keep lying to you.

Hannah....I dont care! Cant you love us both atleast?

Morgan....Are you serious?? I just have one heart for crying out loud!

Hannah....Then let me be your girlfriend even if you dont love me anymore, i will settle for that atleast.

Morgan....Lets wrap this up, i need to go back home soon.

Hannah....I wont give up on you yet, just you wait as i make you mine again.

Morgan....Cant you stop talking and keep it to yourself? Lets just be professional.

After work, he drove his car and he went to Giyoung's school to pick her up.Giyoung was with her teacher and saw him.

Giyoung....Uncle Morgan.

Teacher....Is he your uncle?

Giyoung....Yes, he is.

Teacher....(OMG! His so handsome.His so my type, so hot indeed.He even has a fancy car and i can even see his abs through his classic shirt.)Let me take you to him.

The teacher also liked Morgan instantly, she took Giyoung to him.Giyoung hugged him.

Giyoung....Am so happy that you are the one who picked me up today.

Morgan....I also brought Rambo but you dont have to tell your mum about this.

Giyoung....Is he in the car?

Morgan....Ofcourse, go and see him.

Rambo was the name of the young dog Jesca bought Giyoung and she was the one who named it since it was hers.But Gigi never liked it since she was afraid of it.

Morgan....Hy Mrs.

Teacher....Hy Sir.

Morgan....Thanks for teaching and taking care of Giyoung.

Teacher....Your welcome, am also glad to get to teach a girl like her.

Morgan....Hope she doesnt give you trouble.

Teacher....Not at all.She is just so talkative but she is a nice girl.

Morgan....Hahaha....she is always talkative so please dont mind her.

Teacher....I didnt know that she had a hot uncle.

Morgan....Huh?? I think we should leave for now.

Teacher....Why dont you leave me with your number?

Morgan....Actually my wife gets jelous quickly and she always checks my phone so, i dont think its a good idea.

Teacher....But still...

Morgan....Good day.

He went inside and drove back home.He showered and after played with Giyoung and Rambo.Later, Gigi came back with Joseph.They ate dinner and headed to bed.Gigi took her daughter to bed and after to her room.Morgan was there sitting on her bed.

Gigi....Gosh! You scared me.

Morgan....We have some unfinished business, not so?

Gigi....First give me a massage because my shoulders hurt.I haven't even showered yet.

Morgan....Okay, come here and i give you a massage.

She went and sat down and he started massaging her.

Morgan....Feeling better now?

Gigi....It feels good, i've never been massaged before.

Morgan....Then you have me now, i can do anything for you as long as its what you want.

Gigi....Thanks, i should go and shower now.

Morgan carried her to his body wrapping her legs and hands around him.

Gigi....What are you trying to do?

Morgan....What we both want.

Gigi...Gosh! Your mind is so active when it comes to this.

Morgan....I also have never bathed with someone.

Gigi....What are you trying to get at?

Morgan....Your going to findout soon.

He carried her and took her to the bathroom, he put on the shower and water started flowing on them.

Gigi....But...we are in clothes.

Morgan....Whats the rush? Its fun this way.

They both got wet.Morgan started unbottoning Gigi's shirt while kissing her lips and her neck.Gigi also did the same and they hooked up in the bathroom.After, they showered and Morgan carried Gigi back to her bed.They both lied down and Gigi leaned on Morgan's chest and he also held her tight.

Gigi....I want to be like this forever.

Morgan....Me too.I love you dear sister.

Gigi....Hahaha...i love you too dear brother.

Morgan....Thats more like it.

Gigi....Do you think that God will forgive us for this?

Morgan....Am sure He will.

Gigi....But its a sin.

Morgan....Who cares? Its a sin but we both like it, dont you?

Gigi....Your right! Its like a sweet forbidden fruit in eden.

Morgan....Lets love eachother forever because it feels so right.