Chayoung boardered a flight first thing in the morning and went to pick up Giyoung.She went to the hospital first to see Gigi and her family.Gigi and went to her, they hugged.
Chayoung....Oh! Look at you my angel! Everything is gonna be okay so please dont worry and stop crying.
Gigi....Thanks Chacha.
Chayoung....Hy Sir, hy ma'am.
Joseph....Oh my dear! How have you been?
Chayoung....Am good, thanks.
Joseph....I see, thanks for coming by.
Chayoung....Your welcome, hope Morgan gets through this and everything goes back to normal.
Gigi....Actually dad, Chacha is here to take Giyoung.
Jesca.....What?? Why??
Gigi....It will be good if she goes away as things are still not good here.
Joseph....Your right dear, but please first bring her here so that we say goodbye.
Jesca....No way! My grandchild is going no where!
Gigi....Well thats upto me, am her mum and i make the call.Chacha, go and bring her here first.
Chayoung....On it, be right back!
She went and the nanny packed Giyoung's stuff she will use and Chayoung took her to the hospital.They arrived there and she saw her mum, she ran and hugged her.
Gigi....My sweet little angel!
Giyoung....I missed you mum.Why didnt you come last night?
Gigi....Its a long story dear.
Giyoung....Grandma, grandpa!
She went and hugged them too.
Giyoung.....But where is uncle Morgan?
Joseph....Well he....went out to work.
Giyoung....But why are you all here?
Chayoung....OMG! Giyoung sweetie, do you know that we forgot Rambo?
Giyoung....Huh?? Your right aunt Chacha.Mum, why do i have to go with aunt Chacha?
Chayoung.....Aaaww! That hurt.Dont you want to spend time with your aunt Chacha anymore?
Giyoung....Its not that, its just so sudden.
Gigi....Why dont you go back home and pick up Rambo then go?? Dont worry dear, you will come back home soon.
Giyoung....I dont mind but i will miss you all and mostly uncle Morgan.His is my best playmate, send my regards to him and tell him to call me.
Joseph....Okay dear, we will.
Jesca....Am going to miss you my little princess.Come and hug grandma one more time.
Giyoung....Am going to miss you too.
She hugged her and they left.Morgan's operation was also finished and the doctors came out.
Doctor....Good news! He made it like last time.
Gigi....Thank you lord.
Jesca....Thats better.
Joseph....So how is he?
Doctor....Actually we dont know when he is going to wake up, lets pray that he doesnt take long like last time.
Gigi....So their is a possibility that he might take long?
Doctor....Am afraid so.
Jesca....Not again! Please lord, save my son and bring him back to me.
Joseph....Are their any consequences when he wakes up?
Doctor....Yes, their will be consequences.
Jesca....Like what doc?
Doctor....Complete memory loss for good, anger issues, running mad, mood swings, forgetting who he is, or becoming mute.
Gigi....Enough! It will not happen.Say no more.
They waited for Morgan to wake up day and night but he never opened his eyes.It became three months but he was still in comma.It was already five months and he finally opened his eyes.
Gigi....Morgan??? Jesca, his awake.Let me call dad.
Jesca....He is??? Son??
Gigi....You remember me??
Morgan....I do.
Jesca....What about me? Its me your mum.
Morgan....My mum??
Morgan....Is she my mum Gigi??
Gigi....Ofcourse, she is your mum.
Jesca....You dont remember me?
Morgan....I dont know you.
Joseph arrived and Jesca started crying feeling bad because his son remembered Gigi but not her.
Gigi....Thats your dad.
Morgan....My dad? I dont know him too.
The doctor came and they told him everything.
Doctor....At this rate, he is going to remember the people he thought about before he got hit on the head.The rest are blur to his mind.
Jesca....So your saying that before getting hit on the head, he was thinking about Gigi and not me??
Doctor....Its what pschology teaches, your also witnessing it.If he can recognise someone now, that means he thought about them before the incident and they appeared in his dreams during the time he was in comma.
Joseph....Thats understandable.Thanks doctor for the great work, atleast his back to us.
Doctor....And he is going to listen to only those he remembers, dont ever and ever force him to remember anything unless you want him to run mad. is this happening to my son? If only he didnt fall for you, he would now be fine.
Joseph....Stop it Jesca!
Gigi....How is that my fault?? You should treat me nicely because now he only listens to me, not you!
Gigi called Chayoung and told her about everything.
Chayoung....Should i bring Giyoung back now?? She really misses you guys, mostly you and her dad.
Gigi....My poor baby! Not now, i will come for her when its almost her forth birthday.
Chayoung....Okay dear, am now relieved to hear about Morgan's recovery and am glad that he remembers you this time round.
Gigi....Am really lucky, God answered my prayers.This time, i dont have to feel bad that he forgot about me.
Chayoung....Okay dear, all the best.
Gigi....Thanks alot dear.
She went back to Morgan with food.
Gigi....Its time to eat.
Morgan held her hand.
Morgan....I missed you alot dear.I wanted to see you, to feel your touch so bad but i was so helpless.
Gigi....Its okay dear because i've always been here hoping that you will feel my touch and presence.
Morgan....I did feel you touching my hands everyday and kissing my forehead but i was helpless to touch you back.
Gigi....Atleast now its real.
Morgan....Am really useless, i was here for months doing nothing but you never left my side, am really not a good boyfriend.
Gigi....Dont say that please! It was not your choice, you didnt wish for anything like this to happen to you.I really missed you too.
Morgan....Please Gigi, never leave my side.
Morgan....Where is Giyoung?
Gigi....Giyoung?? You...remember her?
Morgan....I do, i missed her too.I wanted to stand up from this boring place and go home to play with her.
Gigi started crying.
Morgan....Whats wrong? Did i say something wrong?
Gigi....You just made me happy that me and your daughter are the only people you remember.It shows that you were thinking about us that day before the incident.
Morgan....Please dont cry, you and my daughter are very precious to me and i dont want live in this world without your presence.
Gigi....Your also precious to us.Giyoung is with her aunt Chacha in Korea but i will bring her back once she is four years because by that time you will have recovered too.