Her driver came back and took her home.She went to school the next day and she was popular because of the fight at the party and her looks.Students were all screaming her name, she didnt mind and went to her seat.
Lily....How did my sweet pretty hot fighter sleep?
Gia....Oh please! Well i had a good night, thanks.
Lily....Your so popular and am proud to be your friend.
Gia....Gosh! I need to use the washroom now.
Lily....Why? You just came.
Gia....I took tea and didnt use the washroom at home.
She stood up to go to the washroom and bumoed into Brian since she was in a hurry.She fell down and stood up feeling embarassed.
Gia....Am really sorry, sorry.
She lifted her head to look at whom she had bumped into, she was suprised for what her eyes saw.She ran away since wanted to use the washroom so bad.She finished and went to wash her hands.
Gia....Omg! Who is that guy?? His so damn hot! I've never seen a handsome guy like him before?!
Lily always told her about Brian but she had never seen him.Brian was very hot and handsome and popular at school, though he was usually quiet.Gia crushed on him that very moment she saw him.
Gia....I think....i like him.But who is he? I should go and ask Lily because she knows everyone here.
She went back to class.
Lily....Girl! You must have talked to the Jinn from the magic lamp of Aladdin.
Gia....What do you mean?
Lily....Your body just touched the mighty Brian, the hottest of all, the popular among us, the quiet but cool guy.
Gia....Wait....so that is the Brian you always talked about?
Lily....You didnt know him?
Gia....How was i supposed to know him when you never showed him to me.
Lily....Your right! Do you also see that his so handsome?
Gia....Does he have a girlfriend?
Lily....No, his single because his been waiting for you.
Gia....Your so talkative than i used to be.
Lily....Now whats your plan to sieze him?
Gia....Let me think first.
Lily....But wait! His been single since he came to this school, girls tried to seduce him but they all failed.
Gia....Whats your point?
Lily....He must be gay!
Lily.....Dont take it seriously, its just a guess.
Lily....Are you going for him?
Gia....Ofcourse, why not?
Lily....Good luck because all the popular pretty girls tried to have him but failed.
Gia....Thats their problem but i dont fail once i set my mind on something.
She went back home thinking about him.
Gia....I cant take his handsome face off my mind, what am i going to do?? I dont care because one thing is for sure, his got to be mine sooner or later.
She went to school the next day looking for him and she was told where he was, she went to him since he was alone.
Gia....No need to be rude.
Brian....Whatever it is, am busy so go away.
Gia....Well, i know your secret.
Brian....Really?? What secret?
Gia....Come on! Dont play dumb with me cause i saw you.
Brian....What do you mean?
Gia....Why are you looking so serious? Am just joking.
Brian....Just go already!
Gia....You dont want to know why i came to you?
Brian....I dont even care.
Gia decided to leave him alone.
Gia....His really tough like what Lily said.But am so persistant and he will be head-over-heels for me before he even knows it.
She went to Lily.
Gia....Hy girl! Does Brian have any relatives or friends here?
Lily....He just has his sister Zoe.
Gia....Zoe? So she is also a student here?
Lily....Yeah, but she is also a freak like her brother.
Gia....Got it!
She found out about Zoe and went to her class.
Gia....Hy Zoe.
Gia....(She gives off the same vibe as her brother's.) Am Giyoung by the way.
Zoe....No one asked.
Gia....I see.Can we be friends?
Zoe....If its because you want to win my brother, then dont bother.
Gia....How did you know?
Zoe....Girls always come to me for that.
Gia....But am different.
Zoe....I dont give a shit! Just get lost.
Gia....Fine! (This annoying brat!)
She left and went back to class.She found flowers on her desk with a paper.
Gia...."Thank you Giyoung for last night, your my hero" So its from the guy i saved? Am glad that his fine now.
She stayed at school until it was dark for preps since she spent the day chasing Brian and Zoe.Her driver picked her up later and drove the car.
Gia....Wait! Isnt that Zoe? Stop the car, i need to go and save her.
She saw Zoe Brian's sister on the street sorrounded by a group of nine drunkards.The driver stopped the car and she ran to them.
Gia....Hey! Over here!
Gia....Actually its now Gia.
Zoe....Whatever! Why are you here?
Gia....Am here to save you.
Zoe....Hahahaaa...just because you beat up some assholes at the party makes you think your strong? I will save my ass so move it!
Gia....Fine! I will stay here and watch.
Zoe....Whatever! Okay you fuckin butt heads, bring it on!
Guy....Thought you will never ask.
Guy....Why did you have to chit-chat first? Lets do it and you pretty face, better run because after her, your next for night some fun.
They attacked her all at once and she knew how to fight but the men were strong and they started beating her back.
Zoe....What are you lookin at? Come and save me bitch!
Gia....Well, i told you my name first.
Zoe....Fine! Gia come and save me.
Gia....Driver, hold for me my precious jacket because i need to do some business here.
Driver....Okay ma'am.