Brian and Gia met after lessons.

Brian....Lets go in my car, i want to take you somewhere.

Gia....Sure, i cant say no to your cute eyes.

Marlyn....Can you please give me a ride.

Marlyn went to them because she didnt want them to be together.

Brian.....No, we are going somewhere now.

Marlyn....Just drop at the bus stop, please.

Brian.....Are you fine with it babe?

Gia.....No problem.

They entered Brian's car and Gia sat in the front with him and Marlyn in the back.

Gia....Let me feed you this.

Brian....Wait, isnt that my favorite snack?

Gia....Exactly, mum bought it for you and told me to give it to you.

Brian....She really knows how to take care of his son-in-law.

Gia.....Its like as if your his child and not me.

Brian....Hahaha...someone is jelous.

Gia....Ofcourse, am jelous.Open your mouth but eyes on the road.

Brian....Okay, i do what you say.

Marlyn.....(She is now showin off? Wait and see how i get in your man's bed today, sadly you wont know and wont be there to witness me taking over.)

Brian....Helooo....we are at the bus station.

Marlyn....Oh, i was absent minded.See you guys.

Marlyn left and sent Brian a text, he checked his phone and read it.

Marlyn....."I will come to you room tonight so be ready to have some fun".

Brian....."Dont bother, it was a mistake, so lets forget about it and move on."

He texted her back.

Gia.....Babe, whom are you texting?

Brian....No one.

Gia....Okay but eyes on the road.

Brian....Sorry, let me focus.

He took her to a festival.

Gia....Wow! I didnt know that you will bring me here.

Brian....Are you happy?

Gia....Very happy.My boyfriend is not only handsome but also caring.

Brian....Its because i love you and i can do anything to make you happy and mine forever.

Gia....We are indeed soulmates, i love you too babe.

Brian....What should we do first?

Gia....Lets first buy some steak and icecream, am craving for that.

Brian....Then lets go, hold my hand.

They held hands and bought eats that they wanted to eat and had fun.They took alot of pictures too and later Brian drove Gia back home.

Brian....I wish time can stop and we be like this forever.

Gia....Me too.

Brian....I dont know what i will do if you leave me.

Gia....Where is that coming from? Aint no way am going to leave you.

Brian....Hope so, its my only wish because am so crazy in love with you.

Gia....Me too, am so madly in love with you.Lets just love eachother forever, please.

Brian....Ofcourse, i will kill whoever comes between our love.

They kissed and Brian left, Gigi saw them through the window and she was happy.Brian went home too.

Kelly....Welcome home dear.

Brian....Hy mum, hy dad.

Tom....Your so happy and your even late.

Brian....Well, i had a date with my girlfriend.

Zoe.....Hahah....what a mess!

Kelly.....Well, Marlyn is in your room and she has been waitin for almost two hours.


He hurriedly went to his room and Marlyn was there dressed in a lingerie sleeping in his bed.

Brian....Hey, wake up.

Marlyn....You finally came back?

Brian....I told you not to come, why are you here?

Marlyn....Because i want you, you know that already.

Brian....Just put on your clothes and leave this instant.

Marlyn....Why? Doesnt my body attract you anymore?

Brian....Just leave.

Marlyn....I've even bought this today but you dont want to even look at me?

Brian.....I didnt ask you to buy it.

Marlyn....It doesnt matter, dont i look sexy?

Brian....Well i dont care, only Gia's body attracts me and its the sexiest to me.

Marlyn.....What?? Thats so rude of you to say!

She stood up and kissed him and he kissed her back.Marlyn started pulling off his shirt and he held her hand.


Brian....Stop, am not doing this again.

Marlyn....I know that you want it so dont pretend like you dont.

Brian....I now only want to do this with my girlfriend so, dress up and leave.


Brian.....I cant do this anymore when she trusts me this much, i want to become a better person because of her.

Marlyn....Fuck you! Lets see how long that sweet relationship your trying to ptotect will last.

Marlyn dressed up and left angrily.

Brian....Gia my pretty angel, i miss you already.I will seriously lose my mind if you ever leave me.I never fell for someone this hard, but its really a good feeling to love you.

He spent the night happy.

Gigi....I saw you yesterday at night when your boyfriend brought you back.

Gia....Really? Thats so embarrasing.

Gigi.....Dont worry, am your mum so there is noting to embarrased about.

Gia.....Thanks for being a good mother to me.

Gigi.....You know that i will do anything for you my precious one.

Gia.....So, how are you and mr.Nick?

Gigi....You know, not bad not good.

Gia....I understand, just give it time and you willbe completely over dad.

Gigi....Do you really want me to forget about him?

Gia....Not in a bad way, i just want to see you happy than being alone thinking and waiting for his return.

Gigi....Enough, eat and go to school.

Gia....Okay mum, Brian will come today to see you and Rambo.

Gigi....Okay, on Sunday, we are going to visit your grandma Jesca in prison.

Gia.....Really mum?

Gigi....I know that you miss her and now our family is incomplete.

Gia....Your the best mum, i love you.

She went to school.

Anold....Hy Gia,can i talk to you?

Gia....What is it stranger?

Lily....I should give you some space.

Anold....Dont treat me like we are strangers.

Gia....Well, you told me that you dont want to be my friend so here we are.

Anold....Its because i dont like that guy for you.

Gia....Are you my mum? My man is my choice so stop being meddlesome.

Anold....Okay, i wont talk about him to you anymore.I didnt know that you will love him this much.

Gia....Just let me be, you really made me angry for what you said that day.

Anold....I know, thats why am here to apologise so please forgive me.

Gia....Thats how did to me last time.You upset me and later you apologise, it has now become a habit.

Anold....I wont cross the line anymore.

Gia....Just give me time to think it through.

Anold.....Okay, but please.

Gia....Why do you act rude to me when you know that you will come and seek for my forgiveness.

Anold....I dont know what gets in my head to act in that way, but it wont happen again, i promise.

Gia.....Fine, we are good but not today.

Anold....Your the best Gia.