Gia spent time with Brian and Gigi spent time with Morgan.Gigi broke up with Nick and later moved in with Morgan.Zoe and Hulio became a real, Nick decided to date Britney but his son Ray never stopped loving Gia.It was already two years and Gia was eightee.

She told her mum about joining the millitary which agreed on.

Gigi....Everything is set.

Morgan....We are going to miss honey.

Gia....Am going to miss you the most guys, i love you.

Jesca....Am going to cry, dont go.

Joseph....Just please take care of yourself and dont forget to communicate with us.

Gia....I will grandpa.

Brian drove her to the millitary base since they were still in a relationship.

Brian....I dont want you to go.

Gia....Me neither but thats life.I will come back for you so please dont be sad.

Brian....I wont because i will sob instead.Am really going to miss you sweetheart.

Gia....I know,am going to miss you too babe.

They hugged and Gia left crying, Brian cried too but their was nothing to do about it.Brian went and studied medical studies and became a doctor.After three years, Gia came back.Morgan, Gigi and her grandparents waited for her and made for her a welcomung party.She was now a woman though she was still young.

Gia....It feels good to be back home.

Gigi....Well, we have some news for you honey.

Gia....What news?

Morgan....Your mum is pregnant.

Gia....What?? Are you serious? This is big news, am so happy to finally have a sibling.

Gigi....Thanks honey.

She hugged her parents, Gigi was one month pregnant with Morgan's child.

Gia....(I wish i can see Brian again.Maybe he moved on since its been three years since i left.I dont blame him because its not like we were married, so he had no right to wait for me.)

Brian....Sorry, am late guys.


As she was still thinking about him and asking herself many questions, Brian showed up at her party.She ran and hugged him and started crying.

Gia....I...thought that...

Brian....That what? That i moved on? In your dreams, you belong to me and aint no way i can move on from you.

Gia....Am really happy, this is the best day of my life.

Brian....Well then lets make it spicer.

Gia....What do you mean by that?

Brian knelt down and pulled out a ring from his pocket.

Gia....Will you marry me Gia?

Gia was suprised. serious?

Brian....Very serious, i wanted to do it as soon you came back because i cant wait to be with you.

Gia....Yes...yes...yes...i will marry you.

Brian....Easy, breathe slowly.

He put the rin on her finger and everyone clapped for them happily, they kissed, it was a happy moment for everyone.Gia moved in with Brian because she was now his fiance.She was given a job as a policewoman.

Gia....Lets go catch this The Lady, i was given her location and she planning to steal from the Central Bank.

Erica....Yes, lets catch her this time.Am glad that am on your team.

Gia....Stop it Erica, lets get ready for some action.

Erica....Dont forget to wear a bullet proof because you got shot last time.

Gia....Okay, i wont forget it this time.

Erica was her friend since they worked together.The Lady was the name of the thief, they arrived at the Central bank but The Lady went there first and she inside.

Gia....Am going inside.

Erica....No Gia, lets wait for her, she will get out soon.

Gia....But we know that she doesnt rob without killing people.Those people inside are in danger, i wont allow her to kill anyone this time yet am no duty.

Erica....I understand but she is dangerous, lets wait.

Gia refused and went inside the bank, as soon as she went inside, The Lady pointed a gun at her.

The Lady....The nerve of you entering when am still busy is really foolish.What if i shoot you pretty officer?

Gia....I wont mind if you shoot me but let these people go, just dont hurt them.

The Lady....So now your telling me how i should do my work? Should i tell you how to do your work too?

Gia....Hey, dont move!

The Lady turned to look at the person Gia was telling not to move and Gia shot her hand, she fell down and rushed to her, she took her gun away.

The Lady....You moron, how dare you fool me?

Gia....Thats why its better to have a sidekick, they would've saved your ass but unfortunately, your alone.

She cuffed her.

Gia....Am glad to finally arrest you myself.

The Lady....Do you really think that theft will end now?

Gia....It wont, but atleast one thief is caught.

People clapped for her and started singing her name while recording everything.She went outside with The Lady cuffed and the rest of the team ran to get her.