Brian after left for work, Gia rushed to check the camera.It showed Brian leaving the house wearing the jacket with a hood he wore when he went to her at the bridge.It again showed him taking out the bag under the bed.Gia's eyes widen and she covered her mouth in shock.
Gia....Where did...i inhaler?
She walked to go and get her inhaler but her whole body was shaking and she couldnt stop crying, she got her inhaler.Blood started flowing from her nose.
Gia....Shit, what....AAAAHHH....
She screamed feeling angry about everything, she laid down on the bed with tears coming from her eyes and blood flowing from her nose.She reached her phone and called her dad.
Morgan....Are you fine honey? Am coming right now.
Morgan drove his car to Brian's house and entered inside looking for his daughtet.
He went to their bedroom and found her there fainted already, he called the ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital, while she was being taken, she woke up and pulled her dad close to her.
Gia....Go and p.c....and under the, but dont do.....
She fainted again.
Morgan....Her p.c and under the bed? I understand it babe, am not it, just please hold on there.
Morgan rushed back to the house and found Gia's p.c on the table since she left using it.He went to their bedroom and checked under their bed.
Morgan....Whats in this bag?
He pulled it out and opened it but it was empty.
Morgan....Why did she mention it? Am sure there was something under this bed.I should leave before Brian comes back to suspect anything.
He left and went back to the hospital after keeping the p.c somewhere and after watching the video.
Morgan....That fuckin murderer is really goung to rot behind bars, not even Gia can save him.
Gia woke up in the evening.
Morgan....Whats wrong with her doctor?
Doctor....It all happened becsuse she is under alot of stress, she needs to take care of herself.
Morgan....Thanks doctor, can i go in and see her?
Doctor....Sure but i meant that she has to take care of her health.
Morgan....Okay, understood.
He went inside.
Morgan....Its okay honey, am here.
Gia....Did you arrest him yet?
Morgan....Not yet.
Gia....Thats better, did you get all the evidence?
Morgan....I saw the video on your p.c but its not enough evidence.
Gia....Did you check under the bed?
Norgan....I did dear, but i only found there an empty bag, nothing else.What did you see there?
Gia....So he threw them away?
Morgan....What do you mean dear?
Gia....That bag was filled with hand swords filled with blood.May be he threw them away.
Morgan....What? That wouldve been enough proof, that fuckin murderer.
Gia....Dont worry, i hid one in the house where he cant find it.I will bring it you.
Morgan....Thats good, but, will you be fine if we arrest him?
Gia....Does it matter? He will keep killing many innocent people if he is not put behind bars.Right now i cant even feel my heart beating, am mad at myself for loving a murderer and not even realising it.
Morgan....Then lets do this dear, lets put him behind bars for everyone's peace and security.
Gia....Yes dad, lets serve our country and its people and lets do it on his wedding day.I cant believe it that i was almost going to become a murderers wife.
She went back and gave the knife to her dad, he took the evidence to his superior and they summoned Gia.
Agent....So your husband has been the cause of misery to our country?
Gia....Am sorry ma'am, its my fault for not finding it out soon to prevent him from killing other innocent people.
Agent....It mustve been a real tough decision to give him in, but still, your also a suspect.
Gia....I know.
Agent....You will also be investigated.But thanks for this, you and your dad are a great team and i want you to become a real agent of FBI after all this.
Gia....Thanks but after all this, am going to resign.
Agent....What?? Why?
Gia....I cant do this anymore, excuse me ma'am.
She stood up and left.A warrant for Brian's arrest was released and Gia led them to the wedding venue.Brian was there waiting for his bride on the aisle.People were there waiting for her to come.They arrived with her dad and FBI agents.
Brian....Babe, whats going on? Why are not in your wedding gown.
Gia....Shadow murderer? SHADOW MURDERER! Your under arrest for the murder of people, am taking you to the station with me you fuckin murderer.What? You thought i was going to tie the knot and spend my precious life with you, well, i cant risk it.
Brian....What are you talking about babe, i dont get it.
Gia....Well ofcourse you do, dont FUCKIN play dumb with me, here is the warrant for your arrest.
Morgan....Dont bother wasting our time.
Brian....Is that why you've been acting weird these days? You've investing me this whole godamm time?
Gia....And luckily, i found you guilty.Now try to deny it.
Brian....HAHAHAHA....Okay, you got me.But dont forget that i also killed for your sake.Are you suprised? Am the one who killed your friend in highschool, Anold, he was getting in my way so i finished him off.
Brian....Their is more, i killed Marlyn too only for you, because she tried to kill you too, and i made their deaths look like suicides.I did it all for you.
Gia....Did i ask you to do it? You monster! You deserve to rot in jail.Anold was innocent and so was Marlyn...but why...why are you like this?
Morgan....Gia, we have to arrest him now.
Brian tried to run but Gia shot him on the arm and he fell on the ground.People on the wedding were all shock and scared, Gia failed to breathe properly and fainted.