Gia....Tell us where we can find Sollister Montenegro.

Pablo....I dont know where he is.

Gia....Then who gives you those drugs?

Pablo....I get them from his men, but i dont know where he is.Do you think its easy to meet him? Dream on.

Gia....Then your going to help us get his men whom you get goods from.

Pablo....Your putting my job at risk here.

Gia....If you coporate, your sentence will be reduced, but if you dont, then we have no choice either.

Pablo....Fine...but am not the one to take you there.

Gia....Okay, as long as we get them.

He helped them but the men never showed up, they waited for a full week but they never came.

Gia....You lied to us, why didnt any of them show up?

Pablo....Am so dead, he found out.

Gia....Your right, maybe they found out that we are on them.That only means that we have a rat here.

Pablo....Whatever woman, thanks for putting in trouble with Solli.

Gia....I will get you sooner or later, wait for me.

She spent days trying to trace but she failed to locate him.

Gia....Why would such a hot guy become a drug lord at that young age? Am also 26 but....why is the world upside down? So hopeless!

As she was still looking at Sollister's picrures, she recieved an unknown call, she answered.

Gia....Police Officer Giyoung speaking, how may i help you?

Solli....Hahahaha....what a sweet lovely voice you have, it has healed all my wounds instantly.

Gia....Who is this?

Solli....Its a shame that you dont know my voice yet you are looking for me in every corner of the country, how will you find me if you dont know my voice?

Gia....Sollister Montenegro?

Solli....You got it right babe.

Gia....Am coming for you, you can hide but you wont escape me.

Solli....I love the spirit,me and you are really the same.How about we meet tomorrow, just me and you.

Gia....Okay, i will gladly come.

Solli....Let me send you the address, make sure to come alone because i dont think you will want to risk your workmates lives.

Gia....I will be alone, be ready.

Solli....Hahaha...i cant wait to see that pretty face.

She recieved the address and tried to trace the number to know where he is but it all didnt work.

Gia....Why does he want to meet me? I dont care because even if am alone, i will die trying but i must arrest him myself.

She told the chief.

Chief....Its a trap, let someone else go.

Gia....Why? He called me himself so why would you send there someone else?

Chief....We want to make the first move so listen to me.

Gia....No, you insisted that i should lead this mission, now you want to take control of what i've worked hard for?

Chief....You should take a break.

Gia....What? A break? Why are you suddenly telling me that?

Chief....Because your out of control now.

Gia....What have i done thats out of control?

Chief....You are no longer in charge of this case, you know that we cant trust you easily because...

Gia....Finish it, because of what? My ex fiance right? Where is this coming from? Were you using me this whole time to get Sollister? You want to take all the credit? I just wanted to arrest him, okay! Just know that am still on this mission on my own, your no longer my superior, am on my own as a citizen.

Chief....Come back here.

She went outside feeling angry.

Gia....I cant believe it that i was being used just because someone doesnt want to work their asses off but like to take the credit, that stupid wacky quack!

She recieved an unknown call again.


Solli....So you've been chased from the mission of getting me, no worries.

Gia....How...did you know?

Solli....I have eyes and ears in every police station so i get the news fast.Lets meet at a different place.

Gia....Why do you want to meet me of all people here?

Solli....Because i like you.


Solli....Just come.

He ended the call and sent her a new address.

Gia....He likes me? What a douche bag! Am going alone, i wont tell anyone after seeing how you've treated me you shithead!

She was feeling angry and told her dad and Erica only about it.She went to meet him and the rest went to the location Gia gave them to get Sollister yet he changed it and told it to Gia only.

Policeman....Negative, his not here.

Chief....Gia lied to us, that girl is crazy.Let me call her.

Gia rejected his call and arrived at the warehouse where Sollister asked to meet her.

Solli....Welcome Gia, as pretty as ever.

She turned and it was him with his bodyguards.

Gia....At last we meet.Mr.Sollister Montenegro, the powerful drug lord of all.

Solli....Thanks for addressing me like that, but you can call me Solli.

Gia....Whatever it is, i dont care.You wanted me to come alone, but why are you here with many men? Are you scared that i might defeat you?

Solli....Hahaha...thats funny, they are here to make sure that i take you home safely.

Gia....Home? What do you mean?

Solli....You will find out soon.